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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta political. Mostrar todas las entradas

8 de marzo de 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of March 8 2018

Compiled 12:01 am EDT 8 March 2018 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," www.22faces.com

A. March 7 2018 7:10 pm EST Intel Alert:Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for March 7, 2018 

1. The Alliance were negotiating unification of Korea in an effort to eliminate remaining Cabal influence in the peninsula.

2. The stock market was on the verge of collapsing which would pave the way for a "gold-standard monetary system" to be introduced a.k.a. the new financial system.

3. According to sources, the UST was ready to introduce the gold-standard in the U.S.

4. Once the U.S. switched to the gold-standard after the stock market collapse, the IMF would enforce the "gold-standard monetary system" as a global solution.

5. Every single country would be switched to a gold/asset-standard which would reset all currencies to their true values.

6. The collapse was expected to begin by mid-March and last for an unknown amount of days.

7. The reset would mostly benefit countries suffering from poverty as their purchasing power would increase dramatically.

8. The 1st and main goal of the transition was to eliminate poverty completely.

9. The reset of all currencies was just the beginning.

10. Once all currencies were reset, the RV would release along with the 800#'s, to receive your appointment to exchange/redeem your fiat currencies and historic bonds.

11. The purpose of the RV was to conjure an army of humanitarians to aid in the elimination of poverty.

12. It was also a gift given onto us by the benevolent forces of this planet to make up for all of the suffering and pain we had to endure under the oppression of the malevolent Cabal.

B. March 7 2018 TNT Call RayRen98,…

1. Today March 7 more reports came in that Iraq was getting the lower denominations of the Dinar out to the people. (The Dinar lower denominations would not be in play unless their Dinar had revaluated).

2. The $1 billion lifetime cap on exchanges and $100T limit on your first Zim exchange has not been written in stone. Things are changed moment by moment.

3. Storeowners in Baghdad Iraq have advertised that the new Dinar rates would go into effect on Wed. March 7 at sundown.

4. There has been an intel blackout that ends this week.

5. The seven Top Table committees that worked out details of the Global Currency Reset have finished their assignments and were disbanding this week.

6. There possibly may be an exchange rule for the Contract Rates of 80% for humanitarian, 20% for yourself.

7. The new Dinar rate was not published in the Gazette today because of lingering problems with the Kurds.

8. They want people in the banks within two hours of the 800#s release.

9. Have receipts and/or gift letters for your currency, and make sure you take them with you to your exchange to prove it is your currency and not someone else's.

10. If you have over 10 million in currency (or Zim) you cannot exchange at the bank with a Teller, Private Banker or Wealth Manager. You have to call the 800# and make an appointment with a Wealth Manager at an Exchange or Redemption Center.

11, The IMF assigned the 800#s to the US Treasury, which then assigned them to the banks. The banks set up the Call Centers and the Redemption/Exchange Centers.

C. March 6 2018 10:13 pm EST: (Video) My Fellow Americans, We Interrupt this Program

1. On order of President Trump the first wave of Deep State arrests will begin nextSunday March 11.

2. Many were expected to be found guilty of Treason, punishable by death.

3. Military Generals Tillerson, Mattis, Rogers and Flyn were in charge.

4. John Podesta will be the first arrest.

5. Primary targets for arrests of the Deep State were in Washington D.C.

6. Public riots were planned by the Cabal, assisted by the Main Stream Media.

7. President Trump will be protected abroad on Air Force One.

8. The Emergency Broadcast System would be activated.

D. March 6 2018 10:05 pm EST: (Video) William Mount -- New Executive Order Allows Mass Arrests of Deep State

1. A new Executive Order allows mass arrests of the Deep State (found in section 12).

2. All able bodied men and women in the National Guard are members of the US Militia.

3. The Department of Justice, Homeland Security and US Militia may legally make arrests of those named in sealed indictments.

4. Over 10,000 sealed indictments have been issued.

5. The arrested will be tried under Martial Law.

6. For decades trillions in Drug trade has funded the Democratic Party: 800 Billion of Opium a year from Afghanistan, 20 Billion in Narcotics a year from North Korea, 200 Billion a year in Cocaine from Columbia. The White Hats have destroyed the fields.

7. Parts of the Internet may go down as the arrests take place.

8. They have legalized the sale of baby body parts from abortion clinics, which is supposed to be a felony.

E. March 7 2018 9:34 pm EST Zap Report: ZAP's Mid-Week Report - The Office of POOFness - 3.7.18

1. We are starting to see the beginning of releases. President Trump has authorized a 4.5 Trillion $ payment to Leo Wanta.

2. The RV is another form of release that too is being processed.

3. We are guaranteed that other major releases of the big Trust Accounts and others will provide the funds for the Global projects. 

4. A Congress in Beijing has resulted in other decisions that will be implemented shortly and I understand that they too have a bearing on the RV release.

F. March 7 2018 9:00 am EST: Trump Authorizes $4.5 Trillion Payment to Leo Wanta

The story of Leo Wanta, President Reagan and events leading to tearing down the Berlin Wall can be found in this trailer for a soon to be released book and film, "Eagle One to Wanta":

G. March 6 2018 TNT SusanaC Forex Pinging is going on:​artpair=US%2520Dollar_Iraqi%2520Dinar&ctype=l&movAvg1=&movAvg2=&tz=CST​&per=5m&sub=Save

H. March 6 2018: RATE OF IQD TODAY: $1 USD = $11.74 IQD, 6 MARCH

6 de febrero de 2018


This email must be e - mailing until the next election to run and not stop circulating, everyone wins. 

 Curious, but he had not fallen on it! The world is full of geniuses. 

What if in the elections for the government to open the polls appeared empty envelopes all the votes for the Senate?  

The logical interpretation is that the Spaniards' we do not want senators !!! and therefore would disappear and we would save unnecessary Senate.  

Would you join the idea? 

'Well , spreading it to enjoy !!! 

Senate we send the ballot blank. And so it may remove SENATE, because if does not leave any name chosen, may not be appointed a senator. Keep that in mind. 




 Does the average citizen ..... WHAT THESE MEN ARE ENGAGED? 

THUS * we will save 3,500 MILLION EUROS EACH YEAR *.

 * OTHER OBJECTIVES *: ELIMINATE ALL pension of deputies, senators. AND OTHERS "founding fathers". 

With that, and cut 30% of heading 4, 6 and 7 of the State Budget 
(transfers to unions, political parties, blackout and various foundations) 
over 45,000 million euros would be saved and would not need to touch pensions nor the salaries of officials, nor would it cut 6,000 million Euros in public investment. 

* With half the money the state would save these measures *, the crisis would end in SPAIN. 

IF YOU AGREE * Spread it *

29 de enero de 2018

Affected by the theft of children calling for the opening of archives

Monday, January 29, 2018

People affected by the theft of babies are manifested in Madrid to request the Government to open public records, and the Church, and the perpetrators of these crimes to justice.

"If you steal a child, and no one can live , " he said at theend of the manifestation of victims of stolen babies, on Saturday in Madrid. The march under the motto for our right to know and obtain justice was convened just after half past eleven, outside the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice and brought together more than 500 people, most victims of child stealing. Mothers, fathers, sisters and hemanos not decay in the search. They toured several streets of downtown Madrid shouting "Justice now", "The stolen children are not dead", "Church opens files" or "Where are our children."
The march was organized by the associations Sos Babies Stolen Madrid, Forward All babies stolen and stolen children are my children and was backed by all Spanish state organizations stolen children, almost thirty. There are thousands of cases of stolen babies that have come to light since 2009, especially children who were kidnapped in the 80s in clinics throughout Spain and therefore have formed associations in most provinces.
In Saturday's protest they were affected and affected the theft of babies who had traveled from Valladolid, Leon, Bilbao, Guipuzkoa, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Valencia, Malaga, Sevilla ... For Soledad Luque, a spokesman for all children stolen They are my children, looking for his twin brother born January 25, 1965, in the former Provincial Maternity O'Donnell, it is important to go outside. "When you put the first joint complaint of theft of babies, January 27, 2011, we were talking about hundreds of cases. Seven years later, today January 27, 2018 we're talking about thousands of girls and stolen children," she insists Luque.
At the rally autonomic deputies as Carla Antonelli of the PSOE, Elena Sevillano, deputy can and Llum Quiñonero, deputy can in the Valencià Country and representatives of the Congress of Deputies, as José David Carracedo, we can, and Carlota Merchán were also, PSOE, next to europarlamentario Podemos, Miguel Urbán. 
The march came to a halt in the Church of the Incarnation, where associations called for "the archives of the Church are open to victims of stolen babies". The demonstration was running down the street after Bailen and ended at the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Madrid, near the Almudena Cathedral.Over the demonstrators, a group of French tourists asked in amazement what had happened those years in Spain. 
Complaints are closed
Victims do not give up the fight despite the permanent record of complaints. The figures are jealously guarded by the Ministry of Justice. But, at the request of the associations, the Ministry took a report last year in which it was said that of the more than two thousand complaints filed by stealing newborns until mid-2017, 1,552 had been filed.
Currently, only five complaints throughout the state are being investigated effectively, the rest are unemployed or about to be closed. One of the complaints that have much hope is to Inés Madrigal girl born on June 6, 1969 and stolen by Dr. Eduardo Vela. Victims expect to pay the few months this doctor involved allegedly in more cases for forgery and child abduction. 
The Ministry of Justice does not serve the victims.2015 was the last meeting with representative organizations for stealing babies and since then has not been summoned them even though every day come new chaos of stolen media in children. 
Mothers continue
In Saturday's protest, they were many of the mothers who have come out in the media relatatando again and again as they stole their children. Directly accuse doctors who are still alive and involved in several robberies of babies as victims have recounted in court.
One of those doctors, is the gynecologist Ignacio Villa Elizaga declared in 2014 as a defendant in court 46 of Madrid in one of the first cases came to light, for their alleged involvement in the theft of a girl born on 18 January 1964 and disappeared in the maternity of O'Donnell. In those early days of January, the doctor certified a large number of deaths of babies, now it believed they could be stolen. Those affected have data indicating that January and December were busy months 'demand' for babies and newborns became a gift. 
Do not investigate
But the government and the State Attorney General declared last May a delegation of europarlamenarios who traveled to Spain to meet these crimes, that "cases of stolen babies are isolated incidents." Neither wanted to see progress on this issue which was Attorney General of the State, Consuelo Madrigal, who in September 2016 gave orders to provincial courts for judges not to take statements, in the case of the accused in the lawsuit Argentina by State crimes. Among those accused is Abelardo García Balaguer, gaditano gynecologist who claims Judge Maria Servini for stealing a child in La Línea de la Concepción, in 1967
During the march again they repassed some affected if so, how the events occurred. In almost all intervened a nun linked to the order of the Sisters of Charity, many doctors' names are repeated, hospitals are repeated, and ways of acting: he slept mothers and when they awoke the baby was not or had led to the incubator and then disappeared.
Carmen Diaz was also at the rally on Saturday. She ripped her arm son, born on July 24, 1979, in the hospital Francisco Franco, then, today Gregorio Maranon in Madrid O'Donnell street. Claims that all mothers closed their cases: "They tell us we have no proof, but the courts do not investigate, nor the state and we have no money to hire private detectives know that our children are alive." Says this mother, and he insists: "to me they took me to my son because I was poor." 
policy implications
"What else has to come to light ..." says another mother."Clearer than what happened to Clara Alfonsa ..." The case of a mother that allegedly would be involved Margarita Robles, deputy of the PSOE, as denounced bythe mother who participated in the delivery of the baby to other parents who were not biological . 
Maria Cruz Rodrigo, president of Sos Stolen Babies and mother of a child stolen August 18, 1980 at the Hospital 12 de Octubre, he said during the protest: "We want to find our children, because they are ours, we parimos".
For Angel Casero, spokesman stolen Forward looking for his brother born in the former Mother House in 1967 babies, believes it is important to "continue to mobilize and go raising consciousness to support the victims."Why every first Sunday of the month these associations held concentrations in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, following the example of the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina.
Saturday's march ended at the headquarters of the Archbishopric of Madrid, in Bailen, 8, right next to the Cathedral of the Almudena. The convening organizations made a call for Ascension Lopez, who was stolen when he was a baby in 1963, and now faces a sentence that will take her to prison, to count as a nun sold. All children stolen associations have called for clemency to this victim but the justice minister has denied. 
In the Archbishopric of Madrid is the file containing hundreds of documents that mothers and adoptees need to meet. There are the baptismal O'Donnell Maternity and Santa Cristina where hundreds of children were stolen between 60 and 80 and even 90. The Church refuses to open the files so that victims can meet their families, while some mothers have already died.
During the demonstration, a mother who does not want to identify themselves and looking for his son stolen in 1981, he asked: "What can be more severe in the rule of law being robbed a child?" She, like all mothers and relatives are investigating. "We have become research without being, what we had to do the state because full democracy, as in my case, all this was done knowingly institutions and even complicity, so the documents were falsified our children , "she says tearfully. 
Text and photos by María José Poves Esteso, author of the book  stolen from the business Francoist repression Children.

Gonzalez and Aznar paid to countries in Africa and Latin America in exchange for control of ETA deported


The expulsions began to occur in 1984 following an agreement reached between the governments of Spain and France. Today, twenty people are in a "legal limbo", say from the Social Forum. Last weekend the situation was assessed at a meeting in Irun.
There are things that are arranged with money. For example, the fate of dozens of Basque citizens accused terrorist back in the eighties, a time when the GAL did justice into their own hands and killed the suspects. In exchange for generous "development aid", several African and Latin American countries became the target of ETA members who were deported by the agreement reached by the governments of Felipe González and François Mitterrand in 1984. Today, 44 years later, twenty of them are looking for legal ways to return to Euskadi.
Their stories were very present on Friday and Saturday in the border town of Irun, where the  Social Forum Permanente , an organization dedicated to the search for agreement on the new scenario open peace in the Basque Country, analyzed possible solutions for those still up the group of deportees.Throughout the two days, criminal lawyers, international experts and even former deportees participated in various roundtables.
"We are talking about people who have suspended their civil and political rights , " he told  Public journalist and spokesman for the Social Forum, Teresa Toda, who considered that the situation of all "has been quite invisible until now." However, things are changing in Euskadi:  more than six years ago that left ETA violence last April handed over the weapons and everything indicates that in the coming months will produce its final closure.  In this context, Toda argues that before a "totally different" situation must be sought "creative solutions" for these cases.In other words, it suggests that the Spanish government should disable "policy exception" applied against members of ETA,
To understand this matter must go back to July 1983. It was then that the GAL, in its founding charter, placed in their sights "French interests in Europe" by the refusal of his government to extradite suspects of belonging to ETA who were in their territory. "The deportations of members of ETA began in 1984, when France agreed to collaborate for the first time in the fight against terrorism in Spain. As they were not sure of recent Spanish democracy was offered the deal to the Spanish government to deport the Basques instead of extraditing, to which Spain was delighted , "says historian  Susana Panisello Sabate in a report published in the journal Current History Association in 2014.
La investigadora destaca que esa medida "fue usada de forma reiterada entre 1984 y 1990", periodo en el que fueron deportadas "unas setenta personas a diez países diferentes". Los destinos se repartieron entre América Latina (Panamá, Ecuador, República Dominicana, Cuba y Venezuela) y África (Cabo Verde, Gabón, Argelia, Sao Tomé y Togo). "El envío más numeroso se produjo como consecuencia del final de las conversaciones de paz entre ETA y el gobierno español que tuvieron lugar en 1989 en Argel", indica. A raíz del fracaso de aquel proceso de diálogo, España logró que Argelia enviara a un buen número de miembros de la organización armada –"la mayoría expulsados de Francia en 1987", recuerda Panisello- a República Dominicana y Cabo Verde.
A cambio de recibir a los deportados, los gobiernos de turno en los países de acogida recibieron varios millones en concepto de créditos del Fondo de Ayuda al Desarrollo (FAD). "Desde 1977, año en que se crearon los FAD, hasta 1985, año en que se creó la Secretaría de Estado de cooperación Internacional que regulaba las concesiones de dichos créditos, España no tuvo que dar ninguna explicación" sobre qué países recibían esas ayudas, apunta la investigadora en su informe.
His study contains another telling statistic: between 1977 and 2002, eight of the ten countries hosting deportees were part of the list of recipients of these loans. The author cites a paper by Mariano González and José María larru for the Complutense Institute of International Studies, in which the credits received by countries like Algeria (376.706 million euros), Ecuador (296,260 million) or Venezuela is encrypted (200,103,000 ) over that period.  While Spain inject that money, governments who received it were responsible for maintaining controlled ETA members who were in their respective territories.
"Legal Limbo"
However, the money has not been enough to solve the situation of a number of deportees. "Over the years they deportations enquistaron and from the various Spanish governments did not know how tosolve them . So much so that today,  there are still Basques who were expelled to third countries in the eighties remaining in their places of deportation waiting for a collective resolution that Spain has ever faced , "wrote Panisello.
While the details of the act hurries to begin Friday in Irun, All Teresa reinforces this thesis. "The deportees were in those countries in a legal limbo because they were political and administrative agreements between governments, but without a legal basis," he recalled. Today, says spokeswoman Social Forum, "there are still a dozen people who, because they had no legal status, neither has managed roles in those countries."
The return of escapees
Also in Irun meeting it was also discussed the so-called "runaway" of ETA and its possible return to Euskadi. "Some have gone back in recent years because they no longer had cases in the High Court, but there is still a group of people that continues in that situation, and must be assessed as facing this issue," Every said.
On 2 October, the Permanent Social Forum held a "preparatory meeting" with the so - called  Collective of Political Huidos Vascos (EIPK, for its acronym in Basque), whose spokesman, Jon Irazola, willparticipate in the conference this Friday and Saturday. At the previous meeting, the EIPK made a "ray of the situation": " This is a group made up ofbetween 85 and 100 people , of which 20 are in situations deportation Most have more than 60 years and enough.. they are suffering from more or less serious diseases , "he recalled from the Forum in the notice sent to the act of Irun.
They also reported that the fugitives and deportees "are in a situation of insecurity, since their lawyers can not access their legal dossiers on the Audiencia Nacional". Speaking to  Public , All forward what are some of these obstacles. "There are cases that would already be prescribed and the persons concerned could return, but the Audiencia decrees judice to hinder the work of his lawyers , " he said. The solution will not be easy.

37 years of a decision that culminated in a coup

President Adolfo Suarez resigns

In 1981 Spain was a very difficult time. In transition, on January 29, television and radio broadcasts were interrupted by the message of President Adolfo Suarez.He resigned after five years in office as Prime Minister and his party. " I do not want the democratic system of coexistence is, again, a parenthesis in the history of Spain." Suarez was brought down; It was a resignation under political, media and military pressure. He saw itcoming and the decision opened an unprecedented crisis in Spain, culminating in the coup of February 23. 
Suarez  was not clearly explain the political reasons for his resignationa number of conditions were met and analyzing almost everything could be understood. The Union of Democratic Center was in the process of internal decay, poor election results before a booming PSOE contributed to wear president. Felipe González exerted a tough opposition, had even submitted a censure motion last year. González Fraga and acted as clip erode Suárez UCD and its president. The Socialists played his cards during the Transition: had a radical and republican discourse in opposition, because they intimidate anyone and top leaders did not remember the Civil War, as if it happened with the PCE.
After the death of Franco and the cessation of Arias Navarro, the king appoints President Adolfo Suarez, who initiates a dialogue with the various political forces. In August 1976 passed the Amnesty Law and the Law for Political Reform, which posed a smooth transition traumatic break with the previous regime, and legalized political parties and unions. Legalization of PCE was one of the toughest tests that underwent Suarez, pressured by the powers and some circles of the Army. He founded the Democratic Center Union, which brought together various Christian Democratic forces and social democrats, who won the 1977 elections.
The story has been commissioned to reclaim the role of Adolfo Suarez in Transition, during the five years he was head of government. For Iñaki Gabilondo, then Director of Information Services of Spanish Television, Suarez resignation announcement " was the result of internal decay process that was living UCD ." Fernando Onega, Head of Press at La Moncloa, "Suarez lived a moment of strong pressure from the CEOE and suffered a harsh opposition by the PSOE" who and his next victory at the polls divined.
Adolfo Suarez had been receiving enormous pressures inside and outside his party. "Half of the deputies of UCD are excited when they hear this rostrum to Mr. Fraga. The other half does when the speaker is Felipe González 'Alfonso Guerra said. However, Suarez in his resignation statement said: "I'm not going by fatigue".The dome of the army will never forgave the legalization of the PCE. Suarez admitted afterwards: "if I had the slightest information about an attempted coup, nor had resigned or had occurred the coup." 
Suarez asked King to revoke his resignation after the 23F and the answer was: " Either you go or I go you".The president was clear that the soul of the coup was the king and that was forged in La Zarzuela, she says Pilar Urbano in his book  The Great desmemoriaIn recent times, he received unconditional support from the Head of State, but quite the opposite. The king was persuaded by General Alfonso Armada, who assured him that the country was an untenable situation that required a "military coup d'helm , " and that was the belief of much of the opposition. During the first days of January 1981, King Suarez tried to convince of the need for changes that were directed from military authorities and passing through he left the presidency.The king refused to dissolve the Parliament and call new elections, which proposed Suarez, be no real support or part of its party. 
In resignation speech, Suarez did not mention the king, the president had lost confidence of the monarch, Who proposed the nomination immediately Vice President for Economic Affairs, Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo as Prime Minister, in which investiture debate would take place the coup d'etat by Lieutenant Colonel Tejero. After leaving the Government, Adolfo Suarez created the Social Democratic Center party, along with other leaders of UCD. It was presented to the 1982 elections garnering more than six hundred thousand votes and only two deputies: Suarez himself by Madrid and Rodriguez Sahagún by Avila. The CDS aimed to capture the majority vote of the UCD, but was far outweighed by the PSOE and Popular Alliance. 
I do not want the democratic system of coexistence is, again, a parenthesis in the history of Spain". Political observers felt that the words were revealing of the pressures exerted by certain sectors of power. "There are times in the life of every man who assumes a special sense of responsibility." He had become convinced that under the circumstances his departure is more beneficial to Spain that their stay in the Presidency. "
With that "I'm no one has asked me," he denied any speculation about a hypothetical indication of the king.Within the framework of the Constitution, the Head of State can not dismiss or promote the resignation of Prime Minister. Adolfo Suarez gave a key to his resignation two arguments: I did not want to drag the monarchy for their loss of political capital nor the Spanish people would pay the political price for their stay. It should be borne in mind that the rise of Adolfo Suarez was due to the will of Juan Carlos, who exalted the Prime Minister in a trance Spain to democracy.
Newspaper editorial the day after the resignation were illustrative. ABC reacts with nothing neutral headline: "For the good of Spain". And Diario16 desdramatizan and resignation. The Alcázar published an article by its director, whose title illustrated the intention: "UCD seeks a general"; but not a general who apuntalase democracy, but to do something else. The publisher of El País termed the resignation as the most serious fact since the death of Franco and warned: "It is not a government crisis, but a permanent escalation of the reactionary forces of this country."
Pilar Urbano mentioned in the book tells how the king was relieved when on 27 January. Suarez warns you that throws in the towel and leaves. Monarch, far from dedicating some gesture of closeness, says his secretary: "Sabino, it goes." Or a hug or a kind gesture, as if he were released. It was the first resignation of a president in democracy and end point. The next day, Suarez takes the letter of resignation to the Zarzuela Palace. "My personal wear has allowed articulating a system of liberties, a new model of social coexistence and a new model of state. I think it was worth it. "Thank you very much to everyone and everything ended.
Remember that Adolfo Suarez was responsible for a referendum on the monarchy was not convened. Now we know the deception. In 1995, he confessed that included the word king and monarchy in the Political Reform Act of 1977,  to avoid a referendum on the monarchy, because the polls told him he would lose .Franco had left all "bound and tied" in the figure of Juan Carlos, who was not loyal to Suarez and democracy. 
@ caval100
Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...