, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Bankrupt companies? Everything is a lie



Bankrupt companies? Everything is a lie

A multinational company wants to settle in a country, receives labor concessions, fiscal and economic facilities for the recruitment and more privileges that may not have small and medium-sized enterprises, much less autonomous.

Other advantages that multinationals is the fear advantages in opting for public contracts for local councils, regional governments, states etc.
With a crisis that we are suffering, these companies argue that they have no benefits forcing the state labor reform that benefits them with lowered payroll workers, price increases and collective redundancies .
The best comes now, the emp resa has no actual losses . An example will serve as shown:
Suppose you are an entrepreneur and you've invested an os 100,000 € to start.
Of these 100,000 € 40,000 the you become actions, and put them on sale for a price of 3 € each share and sell all, your equity rises to 120,000 € (remember that still hold 60,000 € since the didst) have won 20,000 € officialdeclared, however, the market asks you to change an expansion plan (benefits) you commit yourself to have these 120,000 € of benefits, shares rise to 5 €, you win € 80,000 more, and have recovered the capital invested in the company, you opt for a public procurement competition with consignes traps (you spent € 2,500 to do) call this corruption.
There are still more benefits € 197,500 the first 60,000, the contract will report a profit of € 2,000,000.
Hire a company to do the work for you by 500,000 €
Your asset is € 1,697,000 (of € 60,000 nobody remembers and renamed black money)
Halfway through the work of the money you got engaged it was far below and say that it has raised costs. The state pays the difference without flinching. Win € 2,000,000 but allege other losses (500,000 €) so dismiss staff in despidos.Tus spending € 20,000 net benefits are in total so far; 3,177,500 €

The stock market to achieve the goal your actions up to 8 € gain 3 € per share ie 120,000 € do an extension of divide capital every action of four being the value 2 € each if you manage to sell all back to win other 120,000 € and the market offer a benefit of 200,000 € that does not manage to meet during the period remaining at 1 € to achieve, ie win 199,999 € and punished with a reduction of laa share price (eg 6 €) that it means that you have lost 20,000 € remaining profits with 3,597,834 €, then make another retrenchment with a cost of 10,000 € claiming losses and threatened closure by continuing losses if a grant is not received by public bodies . in order not to close the plant and lay off 500 workers in the company, you receive an investment of € 50,000. for a while this money turn away even invest in other products, while the stock market will reward this "teacher" played with a upload your actions 9 € each winning € 4 per share, ie, the original value win 360,000 €, but this profit is 120,000 €. by spending a year ever do the same play and this time It does not serve for more money, so you close the production plant spending € 50,000 compensation, going to another country doing the same trick. iN SUMMARY: 100,000 € investment you get a total of 3,947,834 €. Still alleged losses. Companies bankrupt?everything is false to enrich themselves at public expense.

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