, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : neoliberalism, the military supremacy of NATO and the Western lifestyle,



neoliberalism, the military supremacy of NATO and the Western lifestyle,

In the early 90s, the end of theCold War seemed to light a built on three complementary New World Order legs. First, the growing hegemony of neoliberalism as an economic model . Second, the military supremacy of NATO as asubstitute for inefficient United Nations System. Third (though the order of the factors does not alter the product), the Western lifestyle, as a proposal to better organize any society regardless of their level of development and its historical and cultural references.

Globalization was responsible for spreading the supposed advantages of the three backbones of the social, political and economic relations, both inside and outside the traditional (known as countries, nations or states) national spaces .
The end of the Cold War came out winning the IMF and military arms industry. Both reinforcing a model of economic growth based on the primacy of the interests of the financial sector and the need to feed armed conflicts in different parts of the world. And they came also gaining the necessary sectors to promote a style of sustained economic growth in consumerism and energy waste.
But we lose almost all, by the deterioration of social and working conditions, the dismantling of much of public policy in developed countries, and increasing poverty in large areas of the world, although other areas could look improvements notable in their levels (apparent) per capita income.
In recent years, the leadership of the military and arms industry, supported by NATO and the right of interference established in the territories of the former Yugoslavia, has opened up new war fronts in Asia and Africa, and has led to the Europe 's borders. Conflicts, rather than closed, remain open and even flare up , as in Iraq and in Palestine. As a volunteer errors, often these conflicts involve the dismantling of the former states (such as Libya and Syria), which adds fuel to thefire of global instability and increasing migration of thousands of people risk their lives to try to reach supposed havens that globalization presents as more attractive.
Under such conditions, the United Nations lack the capacity for action: its objectives of promoting world development have been buried by the stark reality that the NWO prefer many small and even almost nonexistent countries, rather than great powers or nations they can propose alternative models of international coexistence.
Hand new geo-strategic, financial and cultural order, the world seems to depend increasingly on the desire of the great powers (including China) to secure its energy and raw material supplies. A new era of colonialism travels the world, to continue perpetuating the consumerist developmentalism and predator of natural resources, especially non-renewable.
And that developmentalism, and well understood consequences, seems increasingly reinforced by the spread of neo-liberalism as a philosophy of life and as reigning economic model. No matter if the model is exhausted and carries an increasing disparities. No matter because, in the meantime, the minority that governs our destinies continually enriched with nothing prevents it. Neither international organizations neither states nor of course their fiscal policies, which have unfortunately succumbed to the aperturista facet of globalization.
With the end of the Cold War, the new military order and the spread of Western lifestyle based on the waste found its most loyal ally in financial globalization. The financial sector has been placed at the top of the interests of other activities, controlling the evolution of production, trade, technological development and lifestyle of people. The finances under the protective mantle of interest it seems better than anyone defend the IMF, the roost by blurring the borders and dismantle the powers of the old national states. Thus, the concept of democracy is identified with the only thought, as if democracy could only be exercised as some claim.

However, fortunately or unfortunately, none of the three legs of the intended NWO has shown consistent enough (so far). The test are crises that occur with increasing virulence for three decades. The best proof is the Great Recession plaguing us since 2007.

Maybe in September, as is usual at the end of summer again emerge a renewed crisis in the same episode does not abandon us. A new episode of trading character, originated perhaps in China, a new war episode, emerged perhaps other NATO intervention from Turkey, or cruel humanitarian episode, caused by the growing number of people trying to avoid the hunger and misery fleeing the places that the West continues to ravage the pretext of putting outfires that rekindle increasingly harder.
Or, who knows, perhaps the indignation gap again between European citizens patients opens, fed up as we are finding that the European Union has joined blindly to play the New World Order, but it has done wrong letters. it has done so , by active and passive, it seems to reinforce the legitimacy of alternative forms of social organization ( although neither like nor are we able to give us a more dignified way of life).
Latin America, laboratory of neoliberalism years ago, has also shown that it can live apart from policies advocated by the IMF. The radical Islamism, in its way (uncivilized), is gaining popularity in a world that only seems able to offer globalization as a showcase for the growing inequalities. Europe, meanwhile, remains mired in ostrich policy and actively cooperate in the repression of citizens movements that aspire to offer alternatives to our present way of life.
What will bring next September? Usually a particularly scoundrel month and sometimes rude. Almost always he brings under his arm a nasty surprise in the form of crisis that expose some of the more visible cracks disarray in many places in the world and the current system of international economic relations.
The countless virgins scattered throughout the Iberian territory, on August 15, should warn sleepy instead of keeping the faithful: the summer is ending; the fall of neoliberalism can be close; if we survive the harsh winter, who knows what it will be spring. Just in case, take warm clothing 's grab in one hand and a flashlight in the other, because you have to look fornew routes. Because it is clear that the three legs of the intended NWO are not able to sustain indefinitely the world is upon us.
Article published on 18 August 2015 in the journal  Pú :

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