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Luciferian TRADITION OF FREEMASONRY The origins of Freemasonry.

"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." (Simeon Haddaesen, fol. 56 d)
"The Messiah will not come as long as a Jew who must endure being dominated by a non-Jew." (Shanhedrín 98 a)
"In times of the Messiah, the Jews extirpated all peoples of the world." (Bar Nachmani, "Bammidhar baba", fol. 172, c.4 and 173 c.1)
If analizásemos the Talmud and the Zohar ball, we would realize the deception and manipulation that have suffered almost all of what we now call Jews, these false interpretations of theological writings mixed with pagan idiosyncrasies of civilizations and Egípcia Babylonian and seasoned with all kinds of spiritualists, "magical" and esoteric rituals banned throughout the monotheistic cult is the "spiritual" embryo is born Masonry, Masonry not only but also a new world order whose tentacles extend to kidnap even the individual will.

 The Kabbalah is the origin of Freemasonry is not only a logical conclusion from a correct analysis of the same, but is supported by all the highest grades and teachers of Freemasonry beginning Albert Pike, if Kabbalah or Talmud are expressions of corruption and manipulation of the scriptures and a declaration of war against Christianity, Freemasonry is the weapon that is used mainly in the western world to go steadily undermining the values ​​and structures of our civilization, destruction national sovereignty, religions and family, the three pillars on which the Illuminati order swore act are attacked without mercy today for this satanic cult, creating internationalists and globalizing as the UN institutions, the IMF, or World Bank are the seeds of a future world government and the tomb of the homelands in the traditional sense, the marginalized radical secularism and expelled from public life to religion and relegates this to an increasingly minority and marginal place in society, with special reference to the Catholic Church and Christian values, birth and family are attacked by abortion (Masonic law par excellence) promoting "other families" and a culture of promiscuity and individualism.
Freemasonry is therefore the weapon that group of distorted Jews has been used over the centuries to undermine the foundations of our civilization, we must point out that Freemasonry is primarily relativistic, because as anti-religion that is, to deny any absolute truth impose its outright deception to the world, are children of lying therefore as it is profoundly anti-Christian for his esoteric parent Jewish if Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life" Masonry says, "there are many paths, there is no truth, and the life is relative, "if Jesus said" He who does not sow me scatters "Freemasonry" scatters "the fruit of his lie throughout the land.

 When leaders of Freemasonry Freemasonry talk about a visible and an invisible, they refer precisely to the fact that Freemasonry deals with the "secret" that only the elect can know, and other masonry is more concerned with tasks like material consolidation policies and structures that should illuminate the New World Order, there is a freemasonry pursues spiritual, and another which pursues political purposes, one that decides the way forward and the other travels the road without knowing the destination, it is while the new world order, ultimate goal of the Masonic machinations have twofold, one is politics, equal dictatorial world system and pseudosocialist where there is no distinction between men, therefore only be a single language, a single start religion, one world government, and therefore a single world leader, the spiritual side will fulfill the prophecies of the invisible Freemasonry, those mystery secrets locked in the mysterious pyramids and inherited by a wide group of Jews during their captivity, that prophecies that have struggled to meet for the last 2000 years and herald the coming of a messianic leader of Hebrew race that will rule over all nations of the earth and give material supremacy over all peoples to their chosen race, a leader who will reign over this world ( "My kingdom is not of this world" John 18: 33-37) and announced that his power comes from God.


The origins of Freemasonry.

We have seen in previous chapters that Freemasonry is an initiatory pyramid scheme character and strongly rooted to the initiation idiosyncrasy of the ancient pagan civilizations, especially the Egyptian and Babylonian.
It is therefore that we should ask ourselves why channels Freemasonry has inherited the initiatory knowledge and these "secrets" that only they claim to know.
We have also seen that Masonry has a strong "Jewish" component, may not respectful religious Jew with religious tradition, but otherwise little or nothing to do with the religious conception of the term, so we can see over the last three centuries that the vast majority of high levels or leaders of Freemasonry are Jewish or Hebrew origin, and that the vast majority of low degrees of Masonry are "gentiles" that is not Jewish.

 Adam Weishaupt the same founder of the Illuminati order was a practitioner of Kabbalah Bavarian Jew, like Karl Marx whose family was one of the most renowned in this field, the Rockefeller or Rothschild families prominent American Jewish bankers who control companies para-Masonic Club Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission also have this origin, the list is very long and would be in all historical events "revolutionaries" of the last three centuries, French Revolution, Russian Revolution and spread of communism, World War I, World War II etc etc.
Entoces might wonder what is Kabbalah? Kabbalah literally means tradition, is a "magical" art Jewish mystics inherited from the Egyptians and Babylonians during the captivity of the people on both empires, consists of obtaining hidden knowledge through numerology and spiritualism, is an art thus pagan prohibited by monotheism and has nothing to do with the primal concept of Judaism, concept throughout history the same people have been corrupted.
Kabbalah therefore is the channel through which the initiatory knowledge and the "magic" idiosyncrasy of ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations were infiltrated in the new monotheistic religion, we can therefore say that Freemasonry is the visible expression of the hidden knowledge, since their high degrees at a time are masters Kabbalists, while an instrument of domination channeled to impose a world order with specific characteristics, hence they prevail in such a clear way the Egyptian characters in Masonic buildings.
Other books in which he draws the "Occult Masonry" is the Zohar and Talmud, book of a character clearly "Luciferian" where the category of Gods rises to those who follow his teachings, a manifesto of hate and reconcor Christianity and Western civilization, and supremacist statement.
The Talmud is nothing more than an esoteric interpretation and "magic" of biblical scriptures and a gross manipulation that presents the people of Israel as a material heir of the earth, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a real and true work without doubt this will to power of occult Freemasonry especially the terrestrial globe, one Freemasonry that its pyramidal character deceives, deceives and manipulates people who willingly expressed truly believe that fighting for something noble and just when they are only the portico Luciferian a dark power that ultimately aims to impose a global dictatorship, as a world leader at last after all is the ultimate goal of all this society.

The symbols of Freemasonry.

 Perhaps one of the symbols more importantly clarify the real power of Freemasonry in world politics is the shield of the UN itself, the League of Nations which was created by Freemasons for the sole purpose of constituting the embryo of a future government world where national sovereignty is replaced by a world dictatorship is the best example of how deeply rooted Freemasonry in power.
At first glance there is nothing to do denote this a Masonic symbol, however there are three elements that give him away.
The first element is that the globe is divided into 33 small cells, 33 grades are most widespread Masonic rite, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
The second element is the two leaves of acacia around the globe, the acacia has a crucial symbolic importance in Freemasonry, a symbolism that will explain in future articles on this subject.
The last element is the representation of the globe, symbol of universalism and globalization that seeks to Freemasonry.
The UN is nothing more than an instrument of power to serve the New World Order, a new order that seeks to tear down the pillars that has settled mankind throughout history, the pillars of national sovereignty, religious pillars, ethical moral etc.

The Statue of Liberty is perhaps one of the most visited Luciferians and Masonic symbols in the world, this symbol originally from France out of the French Masonic Revolution is a clear example of what constitutes Freemasonry.
We have to emphasize something very important for all lodges emanated from the eastern symbolism, especially Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy has a very important place in his ritualistic, Freemasonry considers the source of all knowledge Egyptian initiation, and is therefore very many who collect symbolism as representing gods, obelisks, pyramids etc.
The Statue of Liberty is an example of this, represents the Goddess Isis, a crowned with a huge lamp shining progress and human freedom, a symbol that welcomes a new world built on freedom symbol Masonry bases victims of the oppression of the old regime, the torch denoted by while this new Luciferian order (lucifer means light bearer) is intended to lighten the whole humanity.
Another icon more surprised visitors to New York was the Tisham building, located on 53rd Street and Fifth Avenue, better known as 666 I say surprising because the huge three sixes crowning the colossus were removed without you know why. Perhaps the companies who were staying inside this 41-story property which opened in 1953 did not want to see his good name related to a figure associated with Lucifer number.

 The Pyramid of the Louvre was the "legacy" left by the mason French President Mitterrand, it is customary for each president of the republic make an extension of the museum, in this case the express wish Mitterrand and ordered the construction of this pyramid with another small inverted pyramid inside (explained its meaning) with 666 glass panels, here again it joins the Egyptian symbolism, and Masonic ritualistic Luciferian.
Freemasonry always try to make their mark on the symbols of power of the nations, in economic symbols like dollar bill, military and the Pentagon, cultural as the Louvre and the Statue of Liberty or the Capitol politicians. etc.
Freemasonry or Freemasonry is an initiatory institution, philanthropic, philosophical and progressive, founded in the sense of fraternity, equality and liberty. It aims to search for truth and fosters the intellectual and moral development of human beings as well as social progress. Masons, both men and women, are organized into structures called base lodges, which in turn can be grouped in an organization at higher levels usually called "Grand Lodge", "Great East" or "Grand Priory".
It is philosophical because it directs man towards the rational investigation of the laws of nature, invites the effort of thought that goes from the symbolic geometric representation to the metaphysical abstraction.
It is because he practices philanthropic altruism, want the welfare of all human beings and is not inspired by the pursuit of personal profit of any kind. Its efforts and resources are devoted to the progress and happiness of the human species, irrespective of nationality, race, sex or religion, for which tends to lift the spirits and tranquility of conscience.
It is progressive because it is progressive taught and practiced human solidarity and the absolute freedom of thought. Freemasonry aims at seeking the truth discarding fanaticism unbiased addressing all new contributions of human invention, is studying the universal moral and cultivate the sciences and the arts and does not put any obstacles in the search for truth. (Source Consulted: Logia Jose Artigas)
Masons ( "builders of stone") This movement is considered as the largest fraternal order which reached global levels. in
 Initially, the Masonic guilds were limited to workers. However, in the context of reform, especially in England, these fraternities began to accept men from upper classes of society. Thus, the guilds became societies devoted to general ideas, such as fraternity, equality and peace. Their meetings were social acquaintances, nuclei of sociability. 1717 resulted in the Grand Lodge for London and Westminster, the product of the union of four fraternities, located in the English capital. Six years later he took the name of Grand Lodge of England. This lodge became the forerunner of all Masonic connections, and she came all the other recognized lodges. In 1725 he founded the Grand Lodge of All England, in York, that of Ireland was established in June of the same year, and Scotland in 1726.
Sectors engaged in trade in England regarded the Freemasonry a means of social promotion. In this way, the Masonic ideals of religious tolerance and equality were in line with the spirit of emerging liberalism in the eighteenth century. Indeed, one of the basic rules of the English-speaking world Masonic orders was to consider religion as a personal matter for each individual.
In the US, the first lodges founded under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England, were the First Lodge of Boston and Philadelphia, both established in 1733. Before the War of Independence (1775), there were 150 lodges ; at present, Americans account for 75 percent of all Masons of the world, about 4.5 million people.
Masonic rites Masonic practices currently most used are the York Rite and Scottish Rite. As to the first, dating from the eighteenth century, acquired in the first phase the deCapitular name corresponding to this level are the members Royal Arch Masons (4 degrees). The second phase is called Cryptic, and its members are the Royal and Select Masons (3 degrees); Knightly its final phase, gives Member title Knights Templar (3 degrees). Meanwhile, the Scottish Rite originated in Charleston (South Carolina) in 1801 and includes 33 degrees.
Origin of the first three grades: The vast majority of Freemasons of the world does not progress beyond the first three grades, based on the legend of the death of Hiram Abiff, known as the architect of Solomon's temple.
According to one version of the legend, Abif (picture) was the only one who knows the secrets of Master Masons, including the secret Masonic word was, that is, the hidden name of God. The occult tradition we said to know the name of a deity equivalent to having power. Hence it is assumed that Abif driving power of Yahweh and possess many other secrets that, once the temple is complete, would the other craftsmen, who in turn would become masters Masons.
They say, come noon, the great architect had the habit of going to the Sancta Sanctorum to pray to the Lord and plan works the next day. One of these days, when they finish their sentences, Hiram Abiff, ran into the end unpleasant history unexpectedly. Leaving at the south gate of the temple, he flanked the Jubela step, the first of his executioners, armed with a kind of vertical ruler, who ordered him to reveal his secrets. Abif wasted no poise to the clear threat of death that he was facing and said that only three people in the world knew them without their consent could not divulge any secrets. Furious, Jubela peaked rule and dealt a blow to the right temple to his master, who bent his knee on impact, but could reach the western gate where, unfortunately, was not what she found help. There was Jubelo, another of his apprentices, who also gave him a blow, this time in the left temple, making him bend the knee on the same side. Crawling and losing large amounts of blood, Abif came barely to the east, where it was topped by Jubelum, who used a sledgehammer to crush the stone front.
They had no other way out of the three murderers to hide the body of the architect to avoid the wrath of King Solomon and flee the country to avoid detection. provisionally They hid the body of Hiram Abiff under some rubble and when midnight, he was moved to the top of a hill to bury. The grave was marked with a branch of acacia and done, the criminals tried to flee. They were unsuccessful because they failed to get any ship them out of the country and had to take refuge in the mountains.
Meanwhile, the absence of Abif reached the ears of King Solomon sent several people to look for. The seriousness of the situation made little IT TAKE truth emerge through the testimony twelve temple workers who confessed to the king that they and three other (Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum) had conspired to start Masonic secrets to his master.
At the last moment they had been reversed, but assumed that the others do not, killing his boss. Grateful for his honesty, the king sent three groups to find the body of Hiram Abiff.
After several weeks of searching they found the remains of the architect and reported his find to Solomon. He ordered them to remove the body from the grave by "handshake apprentice" for the first degree of Freemasonry. Having failed in their attempt, the king told them to prove the "handshake of a craftsman companion", the second grade. They either got it, and then Solomon himself appeared at the place where he lay Abif to lift the "handshake of a Master Mason" or third grade. As a result, he could not just get up the body but life returned to him again. The first word in his new state, was picked up by the Masons and used to replace the lost with his death. Since then it has been transmitted from generation to generation until today. Many historians and writers frame the story masons Hiram Abiff in the myth, while others are convinced of their authenticity.
About the first three degrees of Freemasonry, British researchers Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas said in his book The Masonic key: "The central character of Freemasonry is the builder of the Temple of Solomon, Hiram Abiff, who was killed three of his own men. The stylized candidate's death and resurrection is the fact that makes one "master mason" and when it is raised from the grave, the morning star is on the horizon. "
The lodge of the Illuminati:
Several groups unconnected have been identified with the illuminati name, which in Latin means "enlightened" or "illuminated". In some cases, this name was due to the possession of gnostic texts or other hidden information not available to the public. In the fifteenth century, other similar groups claimed that the light came from within each person as a result of altered consciousness or awakening of consciousness. The "enlightened" Spaniards belonged to the latter type. The first historical references to the "enlightened" in Spain dates back to 1492. They had a Gnostic origin, and his philosophy was extended in the Peninsula thanks to the Italian influence. One of its early leaders was a peasant born in Salamanca, known as La Beata de Piedrahita, whose purported conversations with the Virgin and Jesus came to the attention of the Inquisition in 1511, but thanks to a protective not had to face the powerful body. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, was not so lucky. In 1527, while studying at Salamanca, he was brought before a church commission accused of sympathizing with the "enlightened" getting escape punishment with a warning. Toledo defendants were subjected to lashes and imprisonment in 1529. In the following years, and until the early seventeenth century, many other "enlightened" were persecuted by the Inquisition, especially in Córdoba.
In his novel Angels and Demons, the American writer Dan Brown states that Galileo was a member of the Illuminati. A statement no other validity than provide intrigue to the plot of the novel. Yes it is true, moreover, that in 1610 he was invited to join an Italian company of scientists and researchers called Accademia dei Lincei (Lincei Academy), founded by Federico Cesi in 1603.
The name of this group came from Lynceus, the Argonaut of Greek mythology provided a perceptive view. Along with Cesi, mathematician Francesco Stelluti, the doctor Johannes Eck, of the Netherlands, and Anastasio Fillis were the first members of the Academy, and lived communally in the house of the founder, where the host gave them books and equipment laboratory. In a 1605 document, the objectives of the Academy were published:
not only acquire knowledge and wisdom and experience things together and godly legal but also show men in a peaceful manner, both orally and in writing, without causing damage.
Both father of Cesi as Roman aristocrats were against the Accademia dei Lincei. They accused its members of practicing black magic, opposed to Catholic doctrine and lead a scandalous life. Eck was forced to leave Rome and for some time its members were scattered. However, Cesi persevered in her union members by correspondence.
Galileo was the most famous member and the most prestigious publications of the Academy of the Lincei were his. First he published his "Treatise on sunspots" (1613) and then "The Assayer" (1623). With the acquisition of Galileo, the number of members of the group grew to 32. The death of Cesi, in 1630, he rushed to the Academy.
The Priory of Sion: This secret, lesser known company came to light because of the prominence granted said Dan Brown in The Da Vinci Code. This worldwide bestseller, speaking of the Priory of Sion and society that protects one of the best kept secrets of unorthodox Christianity: the survival of Jesus His marriage to Mary Magdalene, his three sons and his flight to France. The mystical content of Brown relies largely on research book by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, The Holy Grail. These researchers made a series of statements about society, beginning by saying that his story begins with the creation of the Order of the Knights Templar, who were its armed wing. The main objective of the Priory was to restore the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled the kingdom of the Franks between 447 and 751, in the monarchies of Europe and the Kingdom of Jerusalem. This order, thus protecting it considered the true descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. (See more on this topic)
Also they speculate about the ultimate goals of the Priory of Sion, where the restoration of the monarchy would acquire the form of a European Sacred Empire be aimed at preparing the way for a new world order of peace and prosperity. To which should be replaced by the Roman Catholic Church and an ecumenical messianic state religion, it would have the Holy Grail and the lost relics of the ancient temple of Herod. Finally, he is prepared and coronary anointed king of Greater Israel.
Both books offer an uninterrupted list of the great masters of the Priory of Sion between the twelfth and twentieth centuries, including the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Fludd, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton and Claude Debussy, among other names also associated with other secret societies as the Rosicrucians.
Conclusions: Now this tour of some secret societies shows that the major had close ties to the first nine Templars and their findings under the stables of Solomon's temple. In addition to finding the bloodline that linked to David and Solomon with Rex Deus families in Europe, they found a secret manuscripts, which are likely to be brought up by Enrique Rosslyn St. Clair, the first Baron of Rosslyn. Also, you may find other important relics during his excavations, including the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.

However, the Templars in the early fourteenth century were scattered because of persecution, leaving the void ample place for all kinds of speculation. It is thought that their treasures were taken, leaving them in secret places that only insiders would know how to find. (See also: The Secret Societies in the seventeenth century)
Source Consulted: The Great Conspiracy Hundred Years of Power in the Shadow Robert GoodmanORIGEN Illuminati: In the second half of the eighteenth century, the population of the region of Bavaria (Germany) was predominantly Catholic and had a widely established aristocracy. The city of Ingolstadt, where Weishaupt resided (shown), is located on the banks of the Danube, about seventy kilometers north of Munich. At that time, Bavaria had more than 25,000 churches 40,000 inhabitants, plus 19 convents and monasteries. In this scenario, the power of the Jesuits was evident everywhere and Bavaria was a radical opponent of the Reformation. Despite this religious spirit, Weishaupt said that atheism, apostasy and deism were more frequent in Bavaria than anywhere else.
Jesuit influence: Weishaupt began to form the Bavarian Illuminati as a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. Then he studied to become a Jesuit priest. However, when in 1773, Pope Clement XIV banned the Illuminati, their disgust led him to break with the Catholic Church. However, it did not decline their interest in Jesuit theology. Another important influence in his life was the merchant Kolmer. Some researchers such as Jim Marrs, argue that, on its way to France and Germany around 1770 to 1773, Cagliostro Kolmer found on the island of Malta, former headquarters of the Knights Templar.
Apparently, Cagliostro, the French revolutionary future, then involved in Masonic activities, as did Giovanni Giacomo Casanova (Venetian eternal lover) and the enigmatic Count of Saint-Germain. Kolmer who have been in Germany, transmit its secret knowledge Weishaupt, who spent many years working to consolidate various hidden systems as a secret society, the Illuminati. Marrs argues that the adoption of the Persian calendar by Illummati Bavarian demonstrates its respect for the ancient mysteries of Mesopotamia.
Depth study of the secrets of Kolmer and knowledge possessed by the Jesuits were the basis for Weishaupt established a pyramidal structure for the initiated, placing key people within nine degrees higher. To his fellow Illuminati, Weishaupt was known by his nom de initiation, Spartacus, in memory of the famous slave who led the revolt against the Romans in AD 73. According to Paul H. Koch, author of the book Illuminati, Weishaupt saw himself as a new rebel hero against the established order, both material and spiritual level ... a kind of humanized Lucifer.
Moreover, Jim Marrs argues that Weishaupt studied the teachings of the leader of the Hassasins (the Murderers), a contemporary Muslim sect bloody crusades in the Holy Land, so named because, before his exploits, used to take members hasish (hashish) to light. Probably for this reason, the same Weishaupt consumed this drug to achieve "enlightenment" during rituals of the order.
In total, the so-called Rite of the Illuminati of Bavaria had thirteen degrees of initiation. Namely: 1) Preparatory; 2) Beginning; 3) Minerval; 4) Illuminated child; 5) Apprentice; 6) partner; 7) Master; 8) greater Illuminated; 9) Illuminated leader; 10) Priest; 11) Regent; 12) Mago; 13) King. If a member reached the degree of priest could assume the powers of the state and should act accordingly.
Today it is widely accepted that the internal system of the Bavarian Illuminati, Jesuit copying techniques to spy on other members to test and know their weaknesses. Denounced each other was also another technique to ensure that no one from the bottom rung of the order work against others. In no time, Weishaupt recruited for secret society, the best minds in finance, industry, education and literature.
He used bribery and sex to control those who were reaching higher positions; then, blackmail would guarantee the maintenance of this control. At this stage, the Illuminati start using its adherents (the initiates of higher grades) as advisers to politicians, but always from a discreet position without leaving their anonymity. Thus, measures taken by those benefited the Illuminati, who wanted to eradicate the social conditions that were an obstacle to lead men to what they considered their natural state and happiness. This "dream" meant to eliminate the monarchy and the Church, therefore the order soon had very powerful enemies.
Infiltrations, expansion and decline of the Illuminati in Germany: The "New Testament of Satan", which is in Chapter 6, is a replica of the ideology of the Illuminati, whose main objective was and still signe create a New World Order. This plan called for the group to expand its presence by ostensible elsewhere. Beam 1782, several Masonic lodges met with a leading group of the Illuminati in the convent of Wilhelmsbad. Weishaupt, considered their knowledge and prestige, took the opportunity to unify and manage all European branches of the Masonic organization. It notes that only partly succeeded, because neither the Grand Lodge of England, or the Grand Orient of France, nor the Theosophists Swedish Emmanuel Swedenborg supported him.
Frustrated by this result, one of the most faithful followers of Weishaupt, Baron Von Knigge resigned, retiring to Bremen, where he died in 1796. The founder of the Illuminati felt between a rock and a hard place; on the one hand was beset by English Freemasons and on the other, had to endure the betrayal of one Joseph Utzschneider, that after departing from the Illuminati, sent a document to the Grand Duchess Maria Anna of Bavaria, warning that Illuminati were responsible for organizing a conspiracy in order to extinguish Christianity and European monarchies.
The result of this serious complaint was that in 1784, the Elector of Bavaria, Duke Karl Theodor Dalberg banned the establishment of any society, fraternity or unauthorized secret group. The situation became so delicate that, in the words of Paul Koch, in his book Illutninati:
Soon after, Weishaupt was dismissed from his professorship and exiled, but he found refuge in the court of one of his followers, the Duke of Saxe, who appointed him counselor officer and instructed the education of your child. The rest of the leaders of the order was made safe refuge in the activities of European and American Masonic lodges before, in May 1785, began the persecution, detention and torture of the lower members of the organization.
Annus horribilis beam thereof, Weishaupt suffered a serious setback the destination. On the night of July 10, 1785, the abbot Lanz envoy Weishaupt, was struck by lightning as he galloped in the midst of a storm. It was the locals who found the body and took him to a chapel. His clothes found very compromising documents for the Illuminati, as "The New Testament of Satan". Because of this stroke of bad luck, the worldwide conspiracy was published, which came to mark this secret society with a tinge of badness.
To publish the documents of the Illuminati, Emperor Franz of Austria knew all monarchies were in the spotlight and especially the French, led by Louis XVI and his daughter Maria Antonieta. In destieff0 Weishaupt and the dissolution of the order, both Francisco de Austria as the kings of France felt safe, but the reality was quite different.
Alliance with the sabotage: In that same critical year 1785, the Illuminati, supposedly from the underground, had a meeting with sabotage, creating an alliance that would prove to have a decisive influence on world politics from then until today. But who were the sabotage? This movement was founded following the teachings of the mystic Jewish Messiah, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), born in the Turkish city of Izmir (or Smyrna). The first teacher was Isaac Shabbetai di Alba with whom he studied the Kabbalah since 1650. Six years later, Shabbetai continued his studies with Joseph R. Eskhapa, one of the greatest Kabbalists of that time.
It is very likely that this grant his student the title of hakham (Sage). Even before 1648, Shabbatal had shown strange behavior so refers to his scorn of some religious laws and his proclamation as "Messiah". After being expelled from Izmir, he traveled through Greece, Thrace, Palestine and Egypt, between 1651 and 1654. In 1665 he met Nathan of Gaza which confirmed him as the Messiah, leading to its official proclamation on June 18, 1666, a year that was designated as the first millennium of the Promised Messiah. He was soon recognized in Palestine and among the countries of the diaspora. It is important to say that the entire Jewish world believed that Shabbetai 1665-1666 was not just a prophet or teacher but a Messiah and an incarnation of God.
Albert Pike (shown) and the New World Order plan: Adam Weishaupt died in 1830 at the age of eighty-two years. In 1834, Giuseppe Mazzini assumed leadership of the lodge of the Illuminati, keeping this position until his death in 1872. During his tenure corresponded with the Satanist and 33rd degree Mason, Albert Pike, Grand
 Sovereign Commander of the Scottish Rite Freemasons, belonging to the jurisdiction of the Southern United States, and later founder of the Ku Klan KIux. Mazzini was appointed chief operating Pike Illuminati in the United States, and the two cooperated closely.
Pike took care of the theosophical aspects of its activities and Mazzini assumed political affairs. Once, as a result of bad reputation in Europe of Masonic lodges of the Grand Orient, by actividadesrevolucionarias of Mazzini, he wrote to Pike, the January 22, 1870, presenting a solution:
We must allow all the federations remain the same, with its mechanisms, central authorities and various modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are today; but we must create a "super rite" remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons only top grade to select. With respect to our brother Masons must swear to uphold its activities under the strictest secrecy. With this superior rite we will control all Masons resulting in a unique, the most powerful international center that would address unknown.
According to Jan Van Helsing, this elite is from the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite.
Like many occultists, Albert Pike had a "spiritual guide" that guided him in their strategies to implement the New World Order. In a letter to Mazzini (image), the August 15, 1871, transcribed one of the messages he received from his guide. The contents of the letter includes plans to bring three world wars, describing very precisely events that have been happening within its global macro agenda.
The great secret of Freemasonry
Most Masons of the world do not progress beyond the first res degrees of initiation, despite the existence of thirty other senior in the so-called Scottish Rite and eleven in the York Rite degrees. In his book ... And I Truth Shall Set You Free (And the truth will set you free), David Icke says:
Men who go to their local lodge in your city will not have the foggiest idea of ​​how your organization uses. For the plan to work, it must be kept in the dark and what better way to do that through the various levels of initiation. Only 'acceptable' progress to higher levels and find out what really happens. The vast majority of Masons occupy the lower three levels. They are the cannon fodder of the organization. In grades four thirty-three, you will find those who "think properly" and that influence society even US presidents. After grade 33 there are "degrees Illuminati." Something that is not mentioned in any manual of Freemasonry. The latter are those who control the show and are agents of the sect of the "all-seeing eye." Global Freemasonry is a massive pyramid of manipulation.
Morals and Dogma:
The Masonic lodges have a secret agenda is something that many researchers agree. The analysis of the books written by Masons about Freemasonry show, without any doubt, that the ultimate goal is to destroy you Freemasonry Christianity to pave the way for a New World Order, inspired by a single religion: Luciferianism. The bra top Freemasonry Albert Pike a book entitled The teachings of Freemasonry that reflects the views of famous Masonic writers like Albert G. MacKay, grade 33 and author of two volumes of an encyclopedia of Freemasonry, which is declared Pike was one of the most important Masonic writers of all time. Another same degree Mason, Arthur Edward Waite, also author of an encyclopedia of Freemasonry holds that Pike was a genius of Masonry. For its part, the writer Carl Claudy, grade 33, Pike refers to as "one of the greatest geniuses of Freemasonry [...]. He was a mystic, an expert on symbolism and professor of the hidden truths of Freemasonry. "
In the teachings of Freemasonry, Pike refers to a "secret" hiding in the book that can only find 32,033 followers grade (those with superior mental powers), and states that other Masons or persons outside Freemasonry deceive in relation to the use of Masonic symbols especially with the true meaning of Light, linked to the Great Architect of the Universe, the Masonic god. For Pike, truth is relative and mistaken who say that the Bible is inspired by the Absolute. The Bible says that killing is a crime, but to Pike, a man often must sacrifice if his death benefits others. Franldin D. Roosevelt, the 33rd degree Mason, he believed in the principle of Pike, applying it to the case of the attack on Pearl Harbour.
Although the US president knew at least a week before Japan was going to attack, he did nothing to prevent it. The sacrifice of hundreds of innocent men benefited his country as it provided ideal declare war on Japan and, in turn, participate in guerracontra Germany, contrary to his campaign promises excuse. Pike's exact words say: "[...] the interest and even the life of a man must sacrifice for the interests and welfare of their country and of the majority".
After Roosevelt there have been many other cases of presidents and prime ministers Masons who have had an early Pi sacrifice to justify the killing of innocent people in conflicts and wars of all kinds.
Secret societies seek to establish a New World Order that has little to do with the universal brotherhood proclaimed by the
 old schools "mystery." The world prepare us these "controllers" is intended to enslave and eventually eliminate our basic rights achieved over decades of social struggle. Using the techniques of fear, horror of wars, control of the press and, above all, national economies.
The Bilderberg Group:
Another elite club that acts like a secret society, and perhaps more important than the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group is. This organization, founded by Joseph H. Retinger, known as the "gray eminence" and considered by many observers as an agent of the Vatican, holds an annual meeting behind closed doors with total exclusion of the media.
The group is named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek (Netherlands), where the first meeting was held in 1954. This event was organized by many citizens on both sides of the Atlantic, concerned that Western Europe and the United States did not cooperate sufficiently in critical issues.
What is unique in the Bilderberg meetings as an international forum is:
 1) the ability to gather a wide range of prestigious citizens, members of governments or not, for a period of three days for informal discussions on issues of common concern, both nationally and internationally such matters;
 2) the common feeling among participants that, due to different attitudes and experiences of Western countries accept the need to develop an understanding to incorporate these concerns; and
 3) the privacy of these rallies, whose sole purpose is to allow significant citizens speak openly and freely.
Normally 115 delegates attending each meeting Eighty Western Europe and the rest of America. Of these, one-third owned by the governments and the world of politics, and other industry, finance, education and communications. All guests are as individuals and never as official representatives, although this is debatable. The truth is that the Bilderberg Group sets global policies and issues more than any other global group.
British researcher David Icke says that until 1998, five successive secretaries-general of NATO, Joseph Luns, Lord Carrington, Manfred Womer, Willy Claes and Javier Solana had been members of Bilderberg, as well as James Wolfensen, head of the World Bank, Alan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Peter Sutherland (Ireland) and Renato Ruggiero (Italy), the latter two heads of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The then head of the European Commission, Jacques Santer, was the Bilderberg Group and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair.
According to Icke, the Bosnian war was manipulated to advance the agenda of a global NATO forces following a foolproof tactic conflict: PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION. As a result of the horrors, almost daily, transmitted by the media and the apparent ineffectiveness of the UN peacekeeping force, it seems that the right thing was "a quick fix" to allow those who had orchestrated the conflict be saviors on form of a global army of 60,000 men, the largest since World War multinational force.
We looked for a moment to the main negotiators in Bosnia from the beginning of the conflict. Among those designated by the European Union Lord Carrington, chairman of the Bilderberg Group since 1991 and president of the Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs and member of the Trilateral Commission he was. He was later replaced by another British politician, Lord David Owen (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission) and then by Carl Bildt, former Swedish Prime Minister (Bilderberg Group).
Negotiators were appointed by the UN Cyrus Vance (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and CFR) and the Norwegian Thorvald Stoltenberg (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission). When they failed in achieving peace, he entered the scene an independent negotiator, Jimmy Carter, the first president of the Trilateral Commission in the United States. Then came Richard Holbrooke (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and CFR) who negotiated the Dayton accords opening the door to "world army".
If, then, we examine the media, we see the "official" owner of The Washington Post was Katherine Graham (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and CFR). It is also important to mention that Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and all major television networks in the United States was then controlled by members of these modern secret societies.
Another important member of the Bilderberg Group is Conrad Black, head of the Hollinger Group, owner of several newspapers and magazines in Canada, the United States, Britain and Israel, among other countries. Now we're getting to the center of the "veil of deception" in which we live. The last master of all these papers is, says David Icke, the British Intelligence, who created and still controls the CIA.
If true this statement, we are all controlled to the core

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