, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Spain error



Spain error

"If Spain had kept the peseta their industry would be stronger" Friday, February 26, 2016 Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate and professor of economics at Princeton University, he believes that if Spain had not entered the euro industry had held up better during the crisis. Furthermore, the Nobel has also denied it has advised the Government of Greece after the victory of Syriza in the Greek country. in an interview with Business Insider, ask Krugman how could Spain, Greece and Portugal improve exports : "Spain takes time seeing improvements in exports, after a long period of high unemployment wages have remained low." This has allowed the goods and services produced in Spain more competitive. Krugman argues that "Spain is acting as a sort of center of manufacturing in Europe, Spain is starting to feel the recovery. However, Portugal is a little further to achieve this stage ". on the other hand, Krugman believes that if Spain had not entered the euro the way it would have been simpler:" Suppose that Spain would never have joined the euro and therefore there had been a sharp depreciation of the peseta. probably the Spanish industry had grown significantly. the idea that you can not do anything is wrong. with the correct prices many things can happen , "says the noted economist. the case of Greece Krugman believes that tourism it may be the best 'industry' for Greece: "We tend to not take seriously tourism, but can bring large amounts of money I always like to emphasize that the Greek economy is about the same size of the metropolitan area of Miami.. Why can not Greece an economy that tourism alive? ". " Hotel chains and other investments can be installed in Greece ... These economies are not hopeless, there are many possibilities to do things if they get credit using a monetary policy that works , "says the US economist. Finally, to end Greece, Krugman says," he has never worked as an advisor to Greece. I've talked to people and that sort of thing. Varoufakis I met a few months ago, but after he was no longer in the government. I can talk to people, but that does not mean it is performing a kind of formal work. " 

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