
19 de febrero de 2016

disproportionate salaries of ECB

ECB presidents have raised the salary by 12% since the outbreak of the financial crisis
The salary of Mario Dragh i as president of the European Central Bank increased by 1.6% in 2015, up to385,860 euros The total base salaries of the executive committee and supervisory board last year amounted to 2,454,405 euros (2,285 378 euros in 2014)
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The salary of Mario Draghi as President of the European Central Bank (ECB) increased by 1.6% in 2015, up to 385,860 euros, an improvement fourfold rise 0.4% last year, when the annual base salary of the president the entity reached 379,608 euros
. Thus, the rise of the salary received by Mario Draghi was still well above the rate of inflation in the euro zone, which in December 2015 was 0.2%.
In fact, up 1, 6% applied to the salary of the Italian banker is the largest annual increase received by Draghisince it started its term in November 2011, following increases of 0.8% in 2012, 1.1% in 2013 and 0.4% in 2014. since his arrival to the presidency of the ECB in 2011, the basic salary of the head of the monetary policy of the euro zone increased by 3.9%, while since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2007, the charge ECB President has seen his salary increased by 11.7%
Meanwhile, ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio, received in 2015 a base salary of 330,744 euros compared with 325,392 euros he won in 2014, representing an increase of 1.6%, the same applied to the salary improvement Draghi and other members of the Executive Board of the ECB.
In this line, the salaries of other members of the ECB board who remained throughout the year in office (Peter Praet, Benoît Coeuré, Yves Mersch) also rose 1.6%, from 271,140 up to 275,604 euros per year per year .
Meanwhile, Sabine Lautenschläger, who replaced in January 2014 his compatriot Jorg Asmussen, saw their wages improved by 8.7% to 275,604 euros compared to 253,457 euros the previous year, when it did not charge the full year.
Meanwhile, ECB members and employees n the Council of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, except Sabine Lautenschläger, together received 635,385 euros in the second year of life of the organism, of which 275,604 corresponded to the salary of its president, Danièle Nouy, ​​which was improved by 1.6% base salary in relation to 2014.
The ECB said that executives of the entity and full-time members of the Supervisory Board receive a base salary and other allowances for residence and representation. However, the president of the institution has an official residence owned by the ECB instead of the benefit per household. Meanwhile, members of the Supervisory Board employed by the ECB to work part-time in addition to the basic salary, receive a variable salary based on the number of meetings they attend.
In 2015, the amount paid for this item was 352,256 euros, compared with 74,776 euros in 2014. "According to the provisions of the conditions of employment d staff of the European Central Bank, members of the Executive Committee and the Council of supervision entitled to allowances for household, child and education, depending on their individual circumstances, " said the European Central Bank. In this regard, he added that the basic wages are taxable to the European Union and deductions for contributions to the pension plan and medical insurance and accident, while social benefits are not taxed and do not count on Indeed pension
. Overall, the ECB devoted to personnel costs, including salaries, allowances, insurance premiums and other expenses for employees, totaling 306.4 million euros, representing an increase of 25% over the 244.9 million who dedicated to the item in 2014 mainly as a result of the increased number of employees. At the end of 2015, the institution had the equivalent of 2,871 full-time employees, compared with 2,577 that had at the end of 2014, a total of 299 casualties during the year, compared to 681 in 2014, while new contracts or contract changes totaled 648, compared with 1,458 the previous year.

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