
21 de abril de 2016

Jr, John F Kennedy was assassinated

Jr , John F Kennedy was assassinated! Stone implicated in his death Bombshell Hillary Clinton in the Report(Before It's News) The Millennium Report: communication most important news in the world today SOTN Editor 's Note: The US He has always had a fascination with the Kennedy political dynasty. There are very good reasons for this. President John F. Kennedy did what no other president had ever done. Yes, Andrew Jackson is famous for "killing the bank", which is why now is being replaced by Harriet Tubman in the face of the bill of $ 20.However, JFK also made ​​20 other important things during his presidency, each of which they have earned anyone a death sentence. It is clear that JFK Jr. had intended to walk in the footsteps of his father. He had all the star quality and apparently the same value too. Unfortunately, like his father, who underestimated the pervasiveness and power of the criminal cabal NWO. John F. Kennedy Jr., also appears to have misjudged some of the political confidants to those who trust in their plans to expose the true conspiracy of murder. Who killed Kennedy? And why they did it ? This was his fatal error because it is often those closest to you ideological betraying it will end. The following article reveals what many have known from day of the death of JFK Junior highly suspicious. It does not take much imagination to see the plot was hatched against him, especially when the Bush-Clinton crime family is directly involved. Conspiracy theorist says Hillary Clinton 'killed' John F Kennedy Jr. because he intended to run for the same Senate seat as his striking in the new book State of the Nation April 20, 2016 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ conspiracy theorist says in his shocking new book that Hillary Clinton 'murdered' John F Kennedy Jr. because he intended to run for the same position Senator * * * • • Roger Stone said that the Clintons were involved in fatal accidents of John F. Kennedy Jr •• John F. Kennedy Jr. died in a plane crash with his wife in July 1999 •• Kennedy was flying his Piper Saratoga II Martha 's vineyard at the time •• the NTSB said Kennedy lost control of the aircraft during flight at night by Darren Boyle MailOnline a high - profile supporter Donald Trump said he has evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton 'murdered' John F Kennedy Jr. because he had planned to run for the same position of senator from New York and former first lady.Roger Stone, who has written books attacking the Clintons in the past, said his next piece of work will show participation Bill and Hillary in the death of JFK JNR. Kennedy was flying with his wife Carolyn Bessettee Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessettein his plane Piper Saratoga II on July 16, 1999, when it crashed into the ocean near Martha 's Vineyard, Massachusetts . Scroll down for video Trump supporter Roger Stone, who was a former policy advisor Richard Nixon said his new book would have evidence linking the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. in July 1999 to Bill and Hillary Clinton Trump supporter Roger Stone, who was a former policy advisor Richard Nixon said his new book would have evidence linking the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. in July 1999 to Bill and Hillary Clinton Roger Stone, in the photo, Clinton killed John F. Kennedy Jr. said, as he was planning a campaign for the Senate in New York the same seat that had been identified by Hillary and former first lady feared he would lose Roger Stone, pictured, Clinton said the assassinated John F. Kennedy Jr., as he was planning a campaign for the Senate in the same seat from New York who had been identified by Hillary and former first lady feared he would lose former President Bill Clinton, pictured left campaign in Maryland, and Hillary, right, pictured campaign in New York in separate until now events have not responded to the theory of outlandish conspiracy Stone the National Transportation Safety Board reported that Kennedy lost . control of the aircraft in difficult conditions at night while flying over the ocean the official report says: "the failure of the pilot to maintain control of the airplane during a descent over water at night, which was the result of spatial disorientation . The factors in the accident were fog and dark night. ' I have a book coming up, where do if John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed - and was However, conspiracy theorist of said stone' killed by the Clintons, because it was on the way. Now, I have extraordinary new evidence that anyone else has seen. " according to lounge, Stone made ​​the statement to the theoretical mate conspiracy James Fetzer. Stone had written earlier 'man who killed Kennedy: the case against LBJ 'and war' of Clinton on Women '. in a series of tweets, Stone said ' the assassination of JFK Jr will be the subject of my next book. JFK Jr was planning on running for NY Senate seat @hillaryclinton wanted. ****** Poor 'B. However, the NTSB, which investigated the accident looked on ratings flight JFK Jr.Roger Stone is well known among US conspiracy theorists right for their outlandish claims Roger Stone is well known among the United States of theoretical right of the conspiracy for his extravagant claims he told his followers that his next book will show how plans Kennedy to run for the Senate ask his transfer he told his followers that his next book will show how Kennedy plans to run for the Senate prompted his transfer Kennedy sought weather forecasts and planned to fly to Martha 's vineyard during the day, but left at night. He flew about 30 miles above the water. It was a pilot with relatively little experience with only 310 hours in the cockpit -. 55 hours of which were at night Experts believe Kennedy, who had only completed about 50 percent of a course instrument rating , he lost his way and unable to see the horizon spiraling out of control in the ocean. the inspectors could not find any previous problem in the cell, avionics systems, and aircraft engines, which could help explain the disaster. the Clinton campaign did not respond to a request for MailOnline to comment on the allegations. Previously, Stone said he knew how to ensure the success of Trump at the Republican convention July preventing hierarchy party derailing presidential plan billionaire businessman. Stone wants to send peasants with pitchforks to the rooms of the delegates. appearing in a podcast, Stone said he wanted to "reveal the hotels and room numbers of delegates who are directly involved in the robbery. Kennedy was flying in a Piper Saratoga II when he lost control of the aircraft and spiraled into the ocean Kennedy was flying in a Piper Saratoga II when he lost control of the aircraft and spiraled into the ocean "If you are Pennsylvania, we will tell you who the culprits. We urge you to visit your hotel and find them, "he told Radio Freedomain. " You have the right to talk about this, if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and their votes are not permitted. Stone, an ancient advisor to the US president late Richard Nixon, was an insider Trump until early August when he left the real campaign tycoon roots, but has been open since supporter. His books include long exposure of War 'of Clinton on Women 'and non - fiction title that explores whether Lyndon Johnson was President John F. Kennedy died. it was also the only person cited last month in a national Enquirer story that linked Trump rival, Sen. Ted Cruz, with the allegations five extramarital affairs. Cruz vehemently denied the charges, and openly questioned whether the stone and Trump ever really separated. 'Roger stone is still the confidant, the man ax, the executor of Donald Trump, "the second as White House hopeful said 27 March on 'Fox News Sunday.' 'He is pushing these attacks. And by the way, he has been pushing for many months. Privileged Trump: I will reveal the room numbers of the RNC delegates . A spokesman for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for commentStone outlined a scenario in the interview Monday I would see Trump fall below the 1,237 delegates needed to win the presidential nomination before the convention in Cleveland, Ohio. 'If Trump no table runs in the remaining primaries and caucuses, are looking a very, very narrow path where kingmakers all out to cheat, steal, and to wrest the nomination of the candidate who is mostly elected by the voters , "he told host Stefan Molyneux.'I have urged supporters Trump : come to Cleveland March Cleveland Join us in the forest of the city, 'Stone continued , "we will have protests, demonstrations.... Media Matters for America, an aggressive liberal group message tracking press reports and interviews which are favorable to Republicans, he appeared for the first time interview on Tuesday. the Republican National Committee has said there is no plan to stop Trump side, pointing to an established procedure rather than could launch an open 'controversial' convention a fight floor for delegates if the billionaire can not bind the award in the first ballot. As Cruz advances, winning elections at the state level and deploy a strong ground game to pick up delegates in states without traditional popular vote, window Trump for an early victory has become increasingly close. if Senator Texas claim a majority of delegates in Wisconsin on Tuesday, for example, Trump would have to win more than 56 percent of the remaining delegates that is until theend of the game in order to reach their target before the July convention. Even if he does not win enough delegates through the process of primaries and caucuses to go on top, could prevail with the help of delegates unbound '- roughly 10 percent that come to Cleveland without a candidate to be assigned to support in the first round of Conspiracy Theorist says Hillary Clinton 'killed' John F Kennedy Jr. | SOTN: Alternative News and Reviews JFK Jr was assassinated! Stone involves Hillary Clinton in Bombshell  ALTERNATIVE PROMOTION 

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