
6 de junio de 2017

An NGO of the Soros Foundation is investigated for sexual abuse of refugees in Greece

The  NGO Mercy Corps  is being investigated by the Greek government from several complaints by refugees in the camps of the Hellenic country.

By the time two members of this organization are being investigated, but have not gone into the details of the abuse. 

This is one of the  NGOs receiving aid from the European Union  towards refugees, according to the Austrian daily Kurier . 

The two members in question
 have been relieved of their duties while the investigation is conducted. 

Mercy Corps  also added that they had conducted its own internal investigation into  allegations of sexual abuse. 

According to his own  website , Mercy Corps  is a "corporate partner" of the organization  Open Society Foundations of George Soros. 

Commissioner of the  EU for Humanitarian Affairs Christos Stylianides  had already informed the members of the bloc on these allegations, but refused to disclose the name of the  NGO involved. 

Stylianides  also said it was being investigated for misuse of EU funds. 

On the other hand, Greek Immigration Minister  Ioannis Mouzalas  handed the case files to  the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Xeni Dimitriou Monday.

Both the  European Union  and several countries within the political bloc are increasingly skeptical about the role of NGOs in the migration crisis. 

Many of these NGOs  that collect immigrants in the Mediterranean have been  under investigation  since many of them have been  accused of working with human trafficking networks .

One of the biggest critics of these  NGOs has been the Italian prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro  who said they had evidence that members of  these entities communicate directly with people smugglers  in  Libya. 

The allegations have led the prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio  to also investigate members of some non - governmental organizations for their possible link to human traffickers, 


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