
23 de junio de 2017

APPOINTMENT OF NEW HEIR OF SAUDI ARABIA does it open the way to a future war with Iran?

King Salman of Saudi Arabia has named his son Crown Prince Mohamed ben Salmán, replacing Mohamed ben Nayef, who until now was who should succeed him as head of the kingdom.
And this decision, although expected, has much more meaning than it may seem at first glance.
As indicated in the RT channel, the decision of the Saudi monarch marks a fundamental change in the system of succession in the country, where so far the throne was inherited from one brother to another, not from father to son, and in the most monarchies.
Apart from being named Crown Prince Mohamed ben Salmán, 31, he serves as Saudi Defense Minister and has also been appointed as deputy prime minister.

Two of his major 'projects' are the military campaign in Yemen Saudi Arabia and the draft economic reform in the kingdom, which aims to end the "addiction" to oil country and transform it into a global power investment.
It has taken a hard line against Iran, ruling out any dialogue.
He also played a key role in the decision to insulate Сatar, partly because of its ties with Iran.
Differs from other Saudi leaders for having studied in the kingdom and very popular with his younger compatriots, according to CNBC.

In March, Ben Salmán met with the president of USA ., Donald Trump, at the White House in order to strengthen bilateral ties.
In the regional scenario, some experts predict a tougher line foreign policy Riyadh. Saudi Arabia "has attempted to assert its authority over a series of regional events" and to consolidate the question of succession, "the region is advised that this line will remain long term , " he told Bloomberg Rodger Shanahan, a researcher at the Institute Lowy International Policy in Sydney. The expert recalled that the Crown Prince "has been a notorious promoter of a strong Saudi presence in the region."
In the Israeli DEBKAfile web see it as the result of a global and regional process initiated by Donald Trump shortly after arrival at the White House in January. With his appointment as de facto ruler of the oil kingdom, the son of the Saudi king is ready to take the place that has been allocated in the new alliance between the US-Arab-Israeli who will try to master all Middle East issues.
Israel will be accepted for the first time in a regional alignment with the strongest Sunni Arab nations that share similar goals, especially the goal of stopping Iran.
As indicated in the web Geopolitics Alert, Saudi Arabia and Israel are in clandestine talks to establish economic relations official for the first time since the birth of the Israeli state 69 years ago.

The Times, citing Arab and American unnamed sources, said in a report on Saturday that the formation of economic connections between the two countries would be gradual and could begin allowing Israeli companies to open stores in the Arab kingdom and allow Israeli airlines to fly Saudi airspace.
This would strengthen the alliance between the two most implacable enemies of Iran and change the dynamics of the many conflicts that destabilize the Middle East.
Trump's trip to Riyadh and Jerusalem in early May laid the cornerstone for the new Sunni Arab-American bloc against Iran's Shiite group and cemented the cooptation of Israel.
The US president, Trump, assumes the lead role along with Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, another crown prince, Egyptian President Abdul-Fatteh El-Sisi and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
At a conference on Tuesday, June 20, Chief of Staff of Israel, Lieutenant-General Gady Eisenkott, spoke of covert relations between Israel Defense Forces and certain Arab nations, which he did not specify. These covert relations cover political, economic, financial, intelligence and military field.

Recent developments in the region and point to President Trump acting on important issues such as the confrontation with Iran, the war on terrorism, the Syrian conflict and US intervention in the conflict in Yemen, following further advice from both Arab princes, the advice of his Secretary of Defense James Mattis or Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
This was strikingly demonstrated when Trump ignored the recommendation Tillerson to apply diplomacy to resolve the dispute that led to four Arab nations to boycott Qatar, with the Saudis to the head; far from lean through diplomatic channels, Trump demanded strong action to stop Qatar. Therefore, he chose the aggressive position Arabia and the UAE against the ruler of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
These developments strongly influence the relations between the US and Russia.
The two princes maintain active ties with President Vladimir Putin.
They could, of course, act as intermediaries to smooth relations between the White House and the Kremlin. But on the other hand, their influence could backfire and encourage Trump to engage Russia in a limited confrontation in Syria.
It is difficult to see Washington and Moscow to agree on Syria at this time when the former is closely related to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and Moscow maintains its loyalty to Tehran.

The evolution of the ties between the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE, Egypt and is the source of the optimism of President Trump about the prospects for a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians.
The first steps towards this goal are underway and would include important symbolic actions, such as opening the skies to step Arab Israeli commercial flights or direct telephone links.
It not expected to happen in the overnight, but rather over a few years.
Most critics believe that naming as heir to Mohammed bin Salman was a mistake, being too young, brash and eager to rule the kingdom.
His decision to entangle Saudi Arabia in the brutal war in Yemen, which many believe can not win, stands as proof of reckless character.
Anyway, this is a first step to fall many masks in the Middle East: the long covert collaboration between the Sunni Arab kingdoms of the Persian Gulf and Israel, who for years had falsely before the world as opponents, while collaborating in reality in the background.
Saudi Arabia, Israel to Establish Economic Relations for First Time: The Times

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