
3 de junio de 2017

Can or not the US missile defense shield?

The ultimate question: Can or not the US missile defense shield?

Test intercontinental ballistic missile, US

The ultimate question:  Can or US anti - missile system to protect?  (video)

The trial was described by Vice Admiral  James D. Syring , director of the  Agency Missile Defense  (MDA) as a  "major milestone"  for the program that demonstrated  "credible deterrence capable and" against real threats.
The military said the nature of the trial coincided with "the kind of threats we hope to counteract this [antibalístico] system."

In the trial the entire set of antiballistic US measures included,  explains  Ryan Pickerell  an article  published in The National Interest. 
Satellites and launch detectors located and identified the missile,  maritime radar provided the high resolution images and the missile interceptor warhead struck the victoriously.
"The trial was a success at all levels. But maybe it was quite far from what could be a 'real' nuclear attack," he said Melissa Hanham weapons expert cited in the article.
"The trial was a success at all levels. But maybe it was quite far from what could be a 'real' nuclear attack", c omentum weapons expert  Melissa Hanham,  cited in the article.
In fact, the launch site was known, knew when he would be released and which path the missile would follow, although the same MDA stressed that data collected in real time by monitoring equipment is only used.
"[In the event of a real attack] North Korea  would have thrown everything he had, and not just a missile. 
And we are talking about  Russia or China , and l test is not representative at all  since both have many intercontinental ballistic missiles  with  separable warheads  and  false targets  that have  targeted against various regions of the country while "  deepened the analyst.
Already in 2016, recalls  Pickerell,  this view was shared by the Office of Testing and Estimating Operation USA, which reported actual system capabilities: 
"anti - missile system demonstrates a limited ability to protect US territory against a small number of basic design ballistic missiles launched from  North Korea or Iran ."
Thus, according Hanham, the success of the recent tests is just 'one step ahead' on the road to improve US missile defense.

In 2018, the Pentagon expects further tests, more like a hypothetical attack. 
Also, the company Boeing received a contract worth 59 million dollars to develop missile-interceptor capable of hitting multiple warheads.
The first results of this project are to demonstrate before 2025. Meanwhile, the US commitment to its current, "unreliable" in the words of the aforementioned report of the Office of Testing antiballistic system, concludes the author.

Russian ICBM Topol-M mobile base

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