
12 de junio de 2017

Comey Shows Americans That Law Does Not Apply To The Elite

I Admire A Straight-Speaking Person

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Comey Shows Americans That Law Does Not Apply To The Elite
By Michael Scheuer

June 11, 2017 “Information Clearing House” –  James Comey admits to taking official government documents home and then giving them to the NY Times; he directly contradicts his 3 May 2017, under-oath testimony; he publicly conspires with that stooge of a Special Counsel Robert Mueller to stage-manage his testimony; he refused to tell Americans that their president was not colluding with the Russians; he coordinated his public language with Attorney General Lynch to please Clinton, protect that criminal, and fix the 2016 election; and, just after the hearing, is reported to have been offered a $10 million advance/payoff from a New York publisher for a book on Trump.
The Senate committee, almost to a man and woman, tried to aid Comey’s lie-filled, anti-republic testimony against Trump. Only Senators Risch, Cornyn, and Rubio did the enormously easy job of demonstrating that Comey is nothing but a lying, two-bit Clinton-whore. A good high-school debater would have had no problem doing the same.
Mr. Trump, God love you for what have done and are trying to do to resuscitate the republic. We need more jobs, a better stock market, no unnecessary wars, the end of government-mandated multiculturalism and diversity, rebuilt infrastructure, elimination of illegal aliens and street gangs, a border wall, lower taxes, the repeal of hate-speech laws, fairer trade, a lengthy ban on all immigration, an end to abortion, and minimal federal regulations. All of these things are indispensable.
But more urgently important than all of these needs, Mr. Trump, is for Americans to see you and Attorney General Sessions vigorously use the now unenforced law to, figuratively, draw a vast effusion of blood from the utterly lawless American elite. Both of you already have in your possessions the basis for indictments of:
–James Comey for perjury, and he and all FBI officials who conspired with him to support the Clinton campaign
–All three Clintons, both Obamas, and Loretta Lynch
–The Clinton Foundation, its leadership team, some of its contributors, and all of the State Department and other national government officials who willing aided the Foundation while Clinton was Secretary of State
–John Podesta and his DNC leadership team
–Eric Holder and all those DoJ officials involved in Fast&Furious
–Lois Learner and the IRS officials who persecuted conservatives
–All leakers of classified information, most especially serving and former senior U.S. Intelligence Community officials
–George Soros and all U.S.-citizen, billionaire big shots who fund the violence of Democratic demonstrators
–All the Democratic operatives who have rigged voter lists and otherwise assisted the dead and illegal aliens to vote
–All of the mayors, governors, judges, police chiefs, ministers, priests, NGOs, and university leaders who establish and maintain “sanctuary” domains
–The people who killed DNC employee Seth Rich, as well those responsible for the long list of murders of people who crossed the Clintons. 

You must, President Trump and Judge Sessions, move quickly on the issue of enforcing the law against the bipartisan U.S. political elite and incarcerating those who are convicted — no pardons, no plea bargains, no probation, no omissions.

All the other improvements for the republic aspired to by the Trump administration are important, even essential. But none is as important than beginning to enforce the law against the gangster-dominated American elite. Legally draw their blood, gentlemen, or they will reverse whatever advances you accomplish for the republic when they rig the next election and defeat you. That result will bring on civil war.
And recall, Mr. Trump and Judge Sessions, that you are defenders of the republic and that your oaths-of-office and the Constitution require you to make sure all of the laws are enforced. The citizenry demands no more than that you do your duty.
If you fail to do so, you leave Americans only one option. Their legitimate means of eliminating the gangster-elite, when the law fails or is not applied, is provided by our Founders and the 1st and 2nd Amendments they bequeathed to their posterity.
And after all is said and done, Mr. President and Judge Sessions, if you fail to do your constitutional duty, or are prevented from doing it, the gangster-elite will quickly come to understand why the Lord allowed men of ingenuity and skill to create the AR-15.
Michael F. Scheuer is a former CIA intelligence officer, American blogger, author, foreign policy critic, and political analyst. He is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies.

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