
23 de junio de 2017

Exclusive: The secret plans of Israel and Saudi Arabia

Some in the Middle East, are aware that  the secret agreements that Washington and Tehran could sign on June 30 next  -at outside the multilateral agreement on the nuclear issue  will likely determine the rules for the next 10 years.
The signing of these agreements would takeplace at a time when the  United States has become the world 's largest oil producer, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia .

In this new situation, the  United States  no longer needs for himself  the Middle East oil and  the only thing that matters is that the market continues to operate in dollars.
In addition , Washington  has initiated a repositioning of his troops, moving from Western Europe and the Middle East  to the Far East. 

But that does not mean you have intentions to abandon these regions but wants to ensure its control by other means.


According to our information, 17 months (ie since it was announced that  Washington and Tehran  were negotiating, negotiations actually began 27 months ago), that  Tel Aviv is secretly negotiating with Saudi Arabia. 

Delegations of very high level s and have met  5 times in India, Italy and the Czech Republic.
Cooperation between Tel Aviv and Riyadh is part of the US plan to  create a " Common Arab force " under the auspices of the  Arab League  but ...  under the orders of Israel. 

That force is already operating against Yemen,  carrying out a campaign in which members of the Israeli Air Force piloting Saudi bombers as part of an "Arab" coalition  whose headquarters, also installed by Israel , is in  Somaliland,  a State not recognized located across the Strait of  Bab-el-Mandeb  [ 1 ].
But  Riyadh  has no intention to formalize such cooperation as  Tel Aviv  continues to refuse to accept the Arab peace initiative that Prince Abdallah  had submitted to the  Arab League in 2002 , before he became king of  Saudi Arabia  [ 2 ].
However,  Israel and Saudi Arabia  have come to agree on several objectives.
At the political level:  Democratize " the Gulf states , or peoples associate the administration of their countries,  while reaffirming the inviolability of the monarchy and Wahhabi way of life; Change the political system in Iran  (although it would be no longer make war); Create an independent Kurdistan  to weaken  Iran, Turkey  (although the latter was for a long time ally of Israel) and  Iraq  (but not Syria, already weakened by long time).
In the economic sphere: 
Exploit the oil field  Rub'al-Khali  and organize a federation between  Saudi Arabia, Yemen and perhaps Oman and the United Arab Emirates; Exploit oilfields Ogaden desert (under Ethiopian control), ensuring control of the port of  Aden  (in Yemen) and build a bridge between  Djibouti and Yemen.
In other words, if  Tel Aviv and Riyadh  have decided to adopt the classical stance  " to bad weather, good face "  and admit that  Iraq, Syria and half of Lebanon  remain  under thecontrol of Iran,  also intend to: Ensure that Iran renounces export its revolution; Controlling the rest of the region, except for Turkey,  which has taken place in Saudi Arabia in international terrorism and just lost Syria.
After the signing of agreements between the US and Iran, international recognition of a Palestinian State, in accordance with the Oslo Accords and the Arab peace initiative, it would be only a matter of months.
Palestinian national unity government, which came to never work, has resigned suddenly. It seems certain that Mahmud Abbas's Fatah will have broad support of the people if the Palestinian state obtains admission to the United Nations.
The  Hamas , which since 2008 had become  a symbol of resistance,  abruptly discredited  to formalize its membership  of the Muslim Brotherhood  (Brotherhood who made several attempts at coup in Saudi Arabia) and  to take up arms against the only State of the region  that had proved to be truly favorable to the Palestinian cause: the  Syrian Arab Republic After that, the  Hamas, eager to regild his image,  has chosen to keep a low profile and prioritize rather non - violent actions.

Recognition of the Palestinian state  will end the right of Palestinians to return to the lands from which they were expelled. But they will open  access to a new status. 

For its part, the  United States and Saudi Arabia  made large investments to develop the economy of the new state.
Several candidates  already crowded to take the place currently occupied  by Mahmud Abbas  (who already has 80 years and whose mandate at the head of the Palestinian Authority expired in 2009).

And among would replace him is  Mohamed Dahlan , the former security chief who, being suspected of having organized the poisoning of Yaser Arafat , was forced to leave the country in 2007.
He is having worked for the  United Arab Emirates  and have obtained the nationality of Montenegro ,  as the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and  Serbia, Mohamed Dahlan  returned  to Palestine in February,  with the help of his  former opponents of Hamas. 

Now become a millionaire,  Dahlan  is spending money hand over fist in the simultaneous buying of combatants and votes.
A more serious candidate could be  Marwan Barghouti,  who is currently serving  five life sentences in Israel  but that could be released  under the peace agreement. 

It is indeed of  the only non - corrupt Palestinian personality that has escaped the Mossad murderers.

Saudi Arabia

In this context, the trip to  Russia  Prince Mohamad ben Salman,  son of King  Salman of Saudi Arabia,  has sparked great concern as a press campaign hinted that  his intention was to negotiate a cessation of Russian aid to Syria. 

That visit occurred a week after the tour director of the  Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Iyad Amin Madani ben. 

The prince traveled accompanied by several ministers and 30 businessmen.  The Saudi delegation took part in the  Economic Forum in St. Petersburg  and the prince was received by President  Vladimir Putin.
Since its inception,  the Wahhabi kingdom has maintained privileged relations with the United States and had considered the Soviet Union and Russia as adversaries. 

But  now it seems that's changing.
The considerable importance of economic cooperation agreements signed and appears toinitiate a new policy.

Saudi Arabia  bought 16 nuclear power plants, agreed to participate in the Russian space program and even negotiated several oil agreements whose details have not been made public.
To avoid any ambiguity on this approach, President Putin has publicly stated that Russia does not change its support for Syria and to contribute to any political solution in accordance with the will of the Syrian people.

In previous interventions it had already stated that this implies that President Assad will remain in power until the end of the 7 years of the term for which he was democratically elected.

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