
23 de junio de 2017

In France, the working class has ceased to vote and fight in the street

In France, the working class has ceased to vote and fight in the street - Failure of fascism will not prevent continued use to scare

There is nothing new record again in  France  abstention  was the dominant note in the elections.It was the highest since 1969 , more than 25 percent  of the electorate.
Blank votes and null recorded another record:  more than 11.47 percent. In addition to the above,  have again won the elections again.
The phenomenon is much clearer among the working class: 66 percent of workers did not vote. 
Most of those who vote are the voters gregarious spirit: the chieftains, plugged ...
If the matter is analyzed in terms of income level, the result is the same. 
59 percent of voters  with a monthly income of less than  1,250 euros  turned their backs to the polls, compared to  42 percent  of those with salaries above 3,000.
Statistics show that those who vote are the old,  the abstainers are young:  29 percent of those between 18 and 24 did not vote, a percentage that is only 12 percent for those over 70 years.
The people have stopped voting because he knows that no use at all and gives the same one or two,  which are interchangeable. 
In the words of Melenchon,  one candidate seudoreformista style Podemos,  the  high abstention amounts to a  "civic general strike"  of allowing hazard a  hard  "popular resistance"  to cuts in labor rights and freedoms that await them.
But that resistance will be in the street with those who have not voted and disappointed we did.
Fascism is not fashionable in France , despite the press says otherwise. 
Le Pen has been the least voted candidate  among the five major parties. The  National Front  has only reached  eight deputies  and, therefore,  will not have its own parliamentary group.
The National Front is an irrelevant party;  no deputies or votes, 
despite which
will continue in the media spotlight because the bourgeoisie needs to frighten him.

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