
23 de junio de 2017

The crisis in Qatar or last attempt to weaken the "axis of resistance" against Israel

By  Summary Latinoamericano ,

It was Trump's trip to the Middle East who started this whole strategy in his speech in Saudi Arabia: 
"Create a military bloc that wages a war"  against so-called  Islamic State  and at the same time, " challenge  strongly  growing regional influence" of Iran . 
It is the speech ever more pronounced since the considered  "deep state" US has managed to subdue an erratic president  as few and that his campaign  had promised that the US was not going to become more involved in overthrowing governments. 
Therefore, there is nothing strange that añadiese: 
"The government of that country [Iran] must continue until you have isolated a different regime."
If there was any hint of a new policy of the  US in the Middle East  this comment took him into the air as these words were uttered barely a week after that were held  elections in Iran  (elections there in  Saudi Arabia,  for example ) and in which he defeated incumbent President  Rohani,  and movement that supports it took the majority of seats in parliament. 
Needless to say that Rohani  has always been known for advocating an approach to the West, making comments like that of  Trump  closed roads and forced  Iran  to strengthen its alliance with  Russia, with China  and open up new avenues  with other allies two former countries like Turkey. 
With the latter, and only four days after  that speech  Trump, Iran  signed an agreement to deepen bilateral cooperation, especially  trade and banking sector  which provides septuplicar the trade amount in six years, from  4,000 million dollars  in today to  30,000 million for 2023 .
Nor Needless to say that speech sounded great on the ears Saudis, who quickly stepped up their anti-Shiite sectarian campaign understanding that had a free hand to it.
Trump's speech  was not anything special since the election campaign and had said he had to ignore  the agreement signed by his predecessor, Obama on Iran's nuclear program. 
This is the only thing that has kept itself promised that in the months leading as president. 
Since you can not face half the world  (China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany , who were the other signatories  of the agreement with Iran ) what he has done up to the new step in his visit to  Saudi Arabia - has been  continuing freezing Iranian funds  is in US banks  with the excuse  that the missile tests carried out  by Iran  is authorized as one of its points  stipulates sanctions  will remain for five years  in the case of weapons  (until 2021) and  for eight  in the  case of ballistic missiles  (up to 2024). 
Iran test weapon s, even if defensive,  then sanctions are maintained and expanded,  as has just made the US Congress on 15 June.
Trump  chose the ideal place for this campaign: 
in  Riyadh  and at a time when the  Gulf countries are on the ropes  both by his speech against terrorism so -called  Islamic State  as the defeat of their sponsored in  Syria.  Nor  can you say that the US is triumphing in Syria,  precisely. 
Therefore, it was the right time for all dirigiesen attention to  Iran  and, above all, what is known as the "axis of resistance" against  Israel  (self  Iran, Syria, Hezbollah  and some other Palestinian organization ).
This needs to be explained. 
Since  a war against Iran  is not possible today, and there is not much time for her because next year  Iran will be a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization  (which are part  of China and Russia , among other countries), you  have to start with the weakest links in the "axis of resistance". 
Syria has been the big goal , and here we must remember that since the beginning of the war in Syria,  the "against" protected and funded by the West  (with both weapons and money) always said that  once ousted Bashar al-Assad , and within six months it was given,  the "new Syria" would announce a break with Iran, with Hezbollah and normalize relations with Israel  although this country has occupied a strip of Syrian land such as the  Golan Heights , among others measures (1). 
It has not been six months, but six years and  the Syrian government is winning the war on all fronts  political, economic and military so  defeat sponsored by Gulf countries and US forces  (with the exception of Kurds)  has rotated the crosshairs towards non - state actors  that are part of that axis: 
Hezbollah and Hamas  because  they are considered the weakest links. 
What was considered small parts not long ago (although this has to be qualified, and much, and if Hezbollah) pass now to be the most desirable.
Why  Trump in Saudi Arabia  included  Hezbollah  in his speech and a day later in  Israel,  did the same with  Hamas . He called both organizations as  "the greatest threats to fight" with Iran. 
music to the ears Saudis and Israelis.
Result image Islamic State
Who brand strategy who?
The question to ask is whether it  is the US who is making a strategy or Saudi Arabia . 
And  the answer is not easy , but gives every impression that they are Saudis who rule the roost. 
Especially if one considers that  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates  raised to  Trump , during his visit to  Riyadh , who  were willing to normalize relations with Israel  (with trade relations and permission for Israeli planes to overfly these Arab countries as a first step) in exchange for the resumption of  talks with the Palestinians and maintaining the isolation and Iran . 
It is not a new proposal, since they already raised something in his famous 2002 peace plan and were forced to return in 2006  just after Israel's defeat at the hands of Hezbollah.
This organization has passed at this time from hero to villain. 
Hero by defeating Israel  on two occasions -years 2000 and 2006, no government has failed Arab  happened to villain for supporting the Syrian government in the war. 
Result image Islamic State
All Arab governments, which had cold sweats with the popularity of Hezbollah by defeating Israe l, unleashed a  sectarian Shiite anti war  -against this organization, above all that has so far been verbal but show they are willing to go for a final step: open warfare.
We have already taken interim steps such as  the declaration of "terrorist organization"  by most of the countries of the  Gulf  (but not  Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Algeria,  and other dubious as  Tunisia and Egypt,  although the latter has just joined the game Saudi  breaking relations with Qatar ) and then the approval of sanctions to try to dry your financial resources. 
Right now also the  US is considering increasing sanctions on banks that welcome accounts of Hezbollah,  thus  threatening the Lebanese banking system  for example, it is evident and would lead to a very difficult situation that can drag him all the country.
There are Arab intellectuals who hold this same thesis. 
One of the highlights is  Abdel Bari Atwan,  the ousted editor of what was the most prestigious Arab media,  Al-Quds Al-Arabi , which maintains that everything we're seeing , "is nothing more than a smokescreen designed to pave the way, or confer legitimacy on a different war: 
Israel eliminate resistance in the region , and specifically the  Lebanese Hizbulá movement "(2). 
Atwan  was ousted by maintaining that  the Arab countries that had staked everything on the "against" Syrian  (3) had not taken into account two things: 
the resilience of the Syrian government, who supported an important part of the Sunnis, and  their alliance with Russia . 
That speech squeaked in media every day exuded sectarian hatred and dropped bill.
Trump's visit to Riyadh  and everything in it and around it happened was intended to convey a clear message:  Israel is not the enemy, but Shiism. 
And above all, the "axis of resistance" and since with the clear victory of the Syrian government and the defeat of the "counter" has become openly the common enemy of Saudis and Israelis. 
One of the justifications of Saudi Arabia  for financial support and its sponsored militarily in Syria has been to  "prevent the liberated areas falling under the control of Hezbollah, Iran or the regime"  (4). 
And there are hardly any areas under the control of "against" Syrian and which is maintained under the agreement reached  between Russia, Iran and Turkey  in  talks Astana  in late December last year (5). 
And, of course, will not be permanent. 
Therefore, strengthening the  "axis of resistance"  it is considered a direct threat to  Saudi Arabia and Israel  and so are making common cause. 
Saudis and Israelis  have acknowledged openly, especially Minister Zionist Defense by stating emphatically that in regard to  Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas  "we are [what he calls moderate Sunni countries (sic) and Israel] in the same boat "  (6).
To not appear so in a clear way , that is, that  Israel is not an enemy, Saudi Arabia prepared the ground thoroughly. 
He invited 50 Arab and Muslim countries to Riyadh the same dates that  Trump  was visiting the country and managed to get all this was would cater to a document that has been considered the origin of  "the Arab NATO"  (actually "NATO Sunni ") and all it is nothing but a huge deception. 
First, because several of the countries whose signature appeared disassociated from the first moment of it to be considered "deceived"  by the Saudi prime minister since at any time of the invitation made them appear the possibility of developing any document and less threatening countries and organizations. 
It is expressly said  Algeria, Lebanon and Iraq. 
Others, such as Senegal and Pakistan,  did not use the word "hoax" but expressed dissatisfaction with the way everything had concocted. 
Pakistan  finally also decided to withdraw its signature. 
Second,  because although  the document  has been adopted by the other participants  was stillborn  and a few days later when one of the signatories,  Qatar , was  subjected to a blockade  by several of those countries.
It is so faded,  in less than a week,  "NATO Sunni"  if ever this idea was taken seriously. 
And  it is almost consubstantial with the Arab and Islamic world,  where  virtually all of its multilateral structures have resulted in failures  and have been forgotten. 
This is what has happened with the  Joint Defense Pact of the Arab League , the  Organization of Defense of the Middle East and the Gulf Cooperation Council itself. 
All covenants and agreements made so far have been unsuccessful  and the  "Sunni NATO"  or would be less.
The spark
The spark that has made blow up  all this fantasy has been precisely the  inclusion of Hamas in the list of "threats to combat"  and, by extension, that of the  Muslim Brotherhood movement in which this Palestinian organization integrates and that  Qatar  is one of its promoters and sponsors.
Attention to the language used, which is never innocent, by Qatar and has been what ultimately cost him the blockade and broken relationships: 
"Qatar will not be labeled as a terrorist organization the Muslim Brotherhood  because it poses no threat to the security of Qatar, it is a political opposition and are only prohibited from using our territory as a platform to attack their own country" (sic).
What's unusual about it, since it is the same, exactly the same language that you are using the West to maintain its support for the "against" Syria, for example? Nothing. The difference is that the role for the West one or another organization. 
Kosovar mafia  was considered a "liberation army" -the same as  the "against" Syrian - for fighting the Serbs (and  had to finish destroying what little remained of the former Yugoslavia ) while the  Colombian FARC  were regarded as a terrorist organization just because they threatened economic and political interests Westerners and Americans (like  the FTAA,  for example, that  if he did not go ahead was among one of the main reasons  why FARC) . 
The same goes for  Hezbollah (which has defeated Israel twice)  or the  Palestinian organizations that oppose the occupation of their land  (sanctioned and supported by the very democratic West). 
So once we heard clearly and categorically what the scales (and values) are about measuring all things Western and who are considered friends, allies or vassals. 
However, that has not served him to Qatar for anything since immediately imposed the severance of diplomatic relations and economic blockade.
In these we are. And neither the forms and even the deadlines are kept. The offer made to Arab countries in Riyadh Trump has launched without Israel has taken a single step to restart negotiations with the Palestinians. 
Saudi Arabia is already talking to Israel to establish trade relations. 
A few years almost a few months ago, the Arabs still say they would like to, but that was Palestine unresolved stumbling block. 
Now they do not want to know anything about anything Palestine and say openly. 
Palestine is no longer for them not even a pain in the ass that prevents them sit comfortably alongside Israel. Palestine is for these Arabs, a story of the past.
All this acceleration has a clear reason, especially in the case of Saudi Arabia, and fear. Why he used deception to achieve your document against Iran and the "axis of resistance".
And that fear is increased with the addition of more than expected Iran to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is the last, desperate attempt to undermine or defeat the "axis of resistance" because time is running out for the house and the rest Saud. 
And it ends at the same speed as the war in Syria, which have lost and only the US prevent, for the moment, the feared Shiite corridor established from Tehran to Damascus develops (and, of course, Lebanon) since they have tried to make the Al-Tanf (southern Syria, on the border with Iraq) that prevented the plug. 
Although it is proving to be a vain attempt, because the Syrian army has established direct control elsewhere on the border with Iraq that guarantees the corridor, it can not yet say that this obstructionist strategy has failed completely. 
It is most likely, of course, and time is not in their favor but quite the opposite. Hence they have sought an escape forward with Qatar as an excuse.
The blockade against Qatar and lasts two weeks and is still not clear whether the emirate will return to the fold since although it maintains its support for the Muslim Brotherhood itself has expelled from its territory to Hamas leaders. 
What it is increasingly clear it is that the Palestinians are much more alone each passing day. They are clearly the weakest of the "axis of resistance" and the easiest to defeat link.
Here's how to interpret everything that is happening in recent days, both the Saudi-Israeli rapprochement as reducing electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip by Israel but at the express request of the misnamed Palestinian Authority. 
What Fatah and the Palestinian Authority called hope it is that the weakening of Hamas will translate into a return to long failed "reconciliation agreements" but they can now have a little more tour of the weakness of the Palestinian organization and strengthen Fatah. 
That would result in the total triumph of Israel and at no cost. Since the normalization of relations with other Arab countries, especially the Gulf.
There is nothing strange that Israel was congratulated on all that is supporting tackles Saudi Arabia since it not only weakens Hamas and "legitimizes terrorism", but understands that there is something much more important: "About yet more to Saudi Arabia and Egypt to Israel ", which is" reinforces Israel's policy in general and government in particular "(7) and at a time when the Palestinians have tried, with little success, to remind the Arab countries that have 50 years under military occupation.
A different case is Hezbollah since not only has its indisputable desire for strength and iron organization, but thanks to the war in Syria has improved its combat capability and achieved that a country like Russia has signed several agreements with the movement politico-military (8), who of course does not consider a "terrorist organization" and has threatened to use its veto in the Security Council of the UN on the two occasions when Saudi Arabia via Jordan, presented the proposal.
Hezbollah is now the great pitfall of this strategy throughout the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel against the "axis of resistance". You can succeed with regard to Palestine, but the rest will fail without any doubt.
(1) Alberto Cruz, "Syria: opposition frustrated, external interference and impact on the region , "
(2) Abdel Bari Atwan, "Preparing for war against Hezbollah , "
(3) I use the term "against" Syria similarity to the situation that occurred in Nicaragua after the victory of the Sandinista Front. 
The term "against" was used to refer to different groups who opposed the FSLN government and receiving support from outside the country, especially the US, and those who financed salaries and whom military equipment was supplied with the express aim of overthrowing the Sandinista government.
(5) Alberto Cruz, " The impact of the release of Aleppo internally, the Middle East and beyond , "

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