
7 de junio de 2017

Only the NWO overcome with love, that word they both hate in humans ... LOVE

Subliminal Message against Divide and Conquer q mediates elites Humanity Unidos Venceremos his NWO

Divide and conquer

Go ahead, that the method used elites to keep us divided, quarreling faced and is older than the Nile.
Divide and conquer:
In politics and psychology, divide and conquer or divide and rule (Greek: διαίρει καὶ βασίλευε, diaírei kaì basíleue) is to gain and maintain power by breaking into pieces of the largest concentrations that individually have less power. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks down the existing power structures and avoids linking groups of smaller power. It could be used in all areas in which, for better result, it is first necessary or advantageous place to break or divide what is opposed to the solution or a certain initial problem.
They knew it was easier to control us, the split have us, a society that is attached is dangerous.
The usual pitfalls are many, religion, sport, politics, etc ...
I give you an example:
Juan is Catholic, Real Madrid and the Popular Party.
Manuel is Evangelista, Barca and the Socialist Party.
Just imagine for a moment that Juan and Pedro, two were not rational and respectful beings, what if John and Manuel are in a bar, they begin to chat and do not connect ... .¡CONFLICTO MULTIPLE
Elites put an infinite number of traps that we should be a team or another, one color or another, from one system or another.
Subdivisions are endless, you can be an atheist, Barca PP and fan of Justin Beaber or be left, and Depor fan of Camela.
The point is to keep us entertained, distracted, confronted and divided.
Competitions are also usual methods within its control flowchart of the population, the Olympic podium is a clear example of pyramidal hierarchy.
Gold for the best, masona symbology, silver for second and bronze for third, better ... .peor.
Its tentacles are long and deep, reaching all social strata and all kinds of cultural trends.
Even in their elaborate schedules, they plan no sheep leaves the flock and if they leave, they are the ones who denounce the herd someone "weird" to be criticized, which taunt and who marginalize there.
They have everything calculated to the millimeter, have many years of experience and they do it so well that it seems that not exist.
They have no name or social networking account and no one ever saw any photo ... but they are there, they control us.
Dear friend! Do you want to leave the Matrix? Is easier than it looks like!
With my new method (NHNPCALMEI) "Do not make no damn damn iluminatis case elites", you can go out in short time.
1) Do not waste a second of your precious time of life to defend football teams, political parties or religions, think ... .¿ malgastarían time they defend you?
2) Do not defend your right or necessarily view of things, simply because you can be FUCKING WRONG.
3) You need to be the best artist in the world, the greatest genius that exists in your world ... .You have to be yourself! just so you can then help those in need.
Do not let them play with your life, with your instinct, your experimental time on the earth plane, they are energy waste, which feed on our suffering, our problems, our divisions.
Only overcome with love, that word they both hate in humans ... LOVE

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