
20 de junio de 2017

"Raising awareness can cure"


 Seen:  Sabiens

Dr. Frank Kinslow interview, creator of Quantum Entrainment method
It is chiropractic physician and teaches alternative medicine at the  University  Everglades (Florida). But Kinslow is known worldwide for its Quantum Entrainment (QE) method, with which demonstrates the power of pure consciousness and teaches us how to open the mind to create an instant cure anytime and on any  person .
He himself has told us during his recent visit to Barcelona, ​​where he came to deliver a series of workshops and present the books that has achieved great sales success, "Quantum Healing" and "The Secret of quantum life" ( Editorial Sirio).

-The first question is obvious. What is the method that preaches and how it works?
-The technique QE can be applied to any area of ​​life, the inner life, mind, physical activity, and also the environment. It works not only with people but also with animals and things.
The base is very simple. Let 's talk in terms of healing the body, either by physical or emotional problem. The main thing is that the person reach a state of harmony and peace, and this is vital rest because, sosegarse thoughts, the body relaxes and gives way to express their feelings of peace, happiness ... It's very important that the person has the best environment to heal. Most of those who live in industrialized countries, not enough rest or dream. Rest is the universal healing, and the principle behind all this is that the deeper the rest will be deeper healing. Unfortunately, we increasingly chaotic life, and in that state our mind is constantly active, alert. This is where the Quantum Entrainment method acts, because you away from that area of the chaotic consciousness and takes you to experience a profound harmony and peace, a state that all the world  have inside. And if we are able to experience that feeling, we succeeded, no need to do anything else to be able to radiate this feeling of harmony with the universe to another person through a  process  I call "sympathetic resonance". Conversely, if a person radiates negativity, then people will rub off of that chaotic consciousness. no need to do anything more to be able to radiate this feeling of harmony with the universe to another person through a process I call "sympathetic resonance". Conversely, if a person radiates negativity, then people will rub off of that chaotic consciousness. no need to do anything more to be able to radiate this feeling of harmony with the universe to another person through a process I call "sympathetic resonance". Conversely, if a person radiates negativity, then people will rub off of that chaotic consciousness.

How we function mentally humans?
-Funcionamos from three stages of consciousness: that of being awake, that of being asleep and be dreaming. And each is different, although some variation or overlap may occur between any of them, as when daydreaming. In the 70s, he first spoke of a fourth major state: pure consciousness. In  the state  of being awake, the mind and body are active; in the stage of being deeply asleep the mind is inactive and the body is rested. As for the state of dreaming, both mind and body are in between ... But in that fourth state of pure consciousness, the mind is fully awake and the body is resting rather than deep sleep. QE does is combined with that state being active, and that makes being in harmony. It is not an effort, but a natural human being.

'So, if we experience peace that we will get people to be calmer and feel an environment of happiness. And how you get to that "pure consciousness"?
-Too easy. In fact, reading my books anyone can do it easily. I must clarify that it is not a technique that should do something, but that is left to do. There is nothing in the mind have to be busy, rather it is an experience. It is reaching a certain mental order: more order means less action, more action is less order, but less action is more order. When no action is when perfect order is achieved. And healing occurs when everything is in the right order. In this sense, pure consciousness would be the deepest relaxation that can be reached. The deeper it is relaxation, we will feel better and deeper the healing. Consider that pure consciousness is an absent state of intent, that is, we must stop thinking "I want to do this or that". For example, if I listen attentively something, I have the intention to focus on something I want to hear. In this case, pure consciousness would listen without that "something" itself heard.
-go ...
'I tell you something else. We spent the whole  time  trying to fill our lives with something, we try to make more money, get a better job, more friends, deeper relationships, more material things ... But why do we act like that? Because we do not feel comfortable inside. If we feel good about ourselves, we may want all those things but knowing that, basically, we do not need. Well, the QE manages to turn away our minds this kind of thing. This is what I teach in my workshops. Last two days. I dedicate the first to explain how the method works and how to implement it . And the second day, we conducted a series of group activities. There is nobody who is not able to implement it . And it 's very rewarding to see a group of 400 people, to which I have taught the technique in 45 minutes, be able to heal each other. In sick people, they have been tested before and after the method, and the results have been amazing.

Says that anyone can heal or help heal someone else, even our pet ... What do you think about conventional medicine?
-this the healing power within us all. The method we have started developing a couple of years ago, so that medical science is still not aware of it and has not spoken about it. However, there are many doctors who attend our seminars are not traditional but medical professionals with a more open mind.
Then, this method would be applicable not only to cure disease but to many other areas, to resolve social conflicts, wars, violence ...
-Definitely. In fact, the last chapter of my book is dedicated to world peace. World peace is not an agreement between countries, between politicians sign a document, but has more to do with the way of being of individuals. If someone who is sad or angry wants peace, will never within. For example, in this conversation that you and I are holding, if you appreciate some discomfort in turn I would pass me, and then affect the interview. But to see him relaxed, I am too, and that's what creates this fluency in conversation. Then apply this to other situations where two or more people are taking  decisions  important ...

Is it possible to feel that someone is radiating us?
-the radiation is perceived as a good feeling. If you make a chaotic mind relax, then you'll stop thinking that somehow makes you suffer. The mind of a person you can not make the change, but you contribute to creating the right environment to grow.
Javier Bolufer
"That saved my life."
Leave the profession of chiropractic physician and devote himself to preaching this method everyone has an explanation. Frank Kinslow had two experiences that marked his life. At the age of 9 years old, he lived in  Japan  and attended classes in judo. It is an age that is learning to be an adult and control what you want. You are leaving childhood, where you really spend much time in the "pure consciousness" without worrying about the time. Kinslow realized that material things , like getting more stuff was not that important to him, and that motivated him to become interested in science and esoteric philosophies, to which he devoted himself for many years focusing on breathing techniques, yoga ... Mind you spent hours and hours a day meditating, sometimes in a very intense way,
His second experience was definitely marked him when he turned 61 years. "I had a bad run, I much into debt to the point that I was making my job was not enough to cover the interest on debts. In the end, I lost my job and at that age ... who would hire me? I did not know how to make a living, until I realized I could help everything he had learned and practiced for 40 years. "
Frank Kinslow had learned his mind to overlook things that did not work and concluded that peace is not something you get doing something concrete. "You have to become aware of a problem and let consciousness deal with it, not strive to do anything else. It is cured simply by opening the mind to be aware of it. If you realize what you are, you do not have to do anything. It is an idea that is within us as human beings, and it is as natural as breathing. This inactivity observer can be more aware of your inner essence, because the observer is quiet, it is not active, and then starts to appreciate better the environment and join in one essence. It's the feeling you get when everything seems to work perfectly. "
Source: It vidasana.legislació

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