
23 de junio de 2017

Slapping the Bureau of the Senate: The parliamentary group will PDECat

The Senate wanted Mesa 4 + 6 was not the same thing as 6 + 4 ...

But the good thing is that there is no law prohibiting any number combination. A deputy of the Senate if he can borrow another 9 may have parliamentary group provided they remain in that group 6. It 
is quite possible that the PDECat have from now own one 4 and 2 ERC.

What nobody will return to the old Convergència it is the year that has not had illegally parliamentary group ...

Finally, ERC and PDECAT group will have in the Senate (which does not have C's) together with the PP, PNV, PSOE and Podemos.

These are the tip @ s that, worse than break laws, invented a vote  ad hoc  to harm the PDECat, ergo Catalunya.

Pio Garcia Escudero

Pedro María Sanz

Luis Aznar Fernández

María Adelaida Pedrosa

ABC says one thing and its opposite on the financing of independent Catalunya.

Attention !, Salvador Sostres has invented an article and ABC have put on the cover.

Sostres obviously does not put any reference about those "slamming doors" that claims to have suffered the Generalitat ...

By the way who is Salvador Sostres? Have you studied at Harvard, Stanford ...? 
Is economist? 
Its not this:

you who have put all this scum forgive ...

Well, such as the title of the post, the ABC said that no one in the galaxy we fund unless it is 10% ... but at the same time publish this one:

I do not think that the Government abandon the FLA to find money at 10% ... 
Although the ABC what should be concerned is that from next year Spain will start paying interest on a debt that got higher rates. And specifically everything that expire between 2020 and 2023 will be a type 5, 6, 7 to 7,75% (product of the Spanish risk premium became in 650 points ...).

Surely there is not a Spanish of 100,000 who knows that the host of that thing that nobody knew -called risk premium will arrive within 3 years. 
That means that if Spain does not amortize debt until 2023, this will come to 1.5 trillion euros ... 
And Madrid worry as we will finance our debt or pay 70,000 million owed by the Generalitat ...

Turning to the Catalan debt  must be remembered that the Spanish government prohibits the Generalitat credit conversion from short to long, which would ease the financial burden Catalan ...

And another thing that indigent intellectuals do not know is that the FLA is not free, and in fact, this 2017 the State Government should return to nearly 3,992 million in 2018 and another 5,454 in respect of repayment of loans.

Finally, the ABC also returns to us with the same subject in an editorial in which we called "Catalonia" ...

I guess the error is that in Spain believe that Catalonia will be independent and the Catalans will continue paying taxes to Spain ... I mean, free and with 16,000 million euros of spoliation.

The reality that does not explain the ABC is that in 2015 (Spain still has not delivered the data of 2016) the Catalans paid in taxes 37,179 million euros Spain.

And the Generalitat own taxes raised 2,552 million euros. 
This makes a total of nearly 40,000 million euros ... 
Deu n'hi do ...

You know what budget could do the Generalitat in 2015? 
21,525 million euros ...

In other words, Catalunya, with health, education, public transport, etc, etc ..., survives with 21,525 million and that its citizens have paid 40.000 million.

Some will say that the difference (€ 18,500 million) are the services provided in Catalunya Spain ... 
Oh yeah? Which?

And I tell them that when the Govern de Catalunya to dispose of its 40,000 million, should not borrow from anyone. Even that amount will be much higher because no one will veto new taxes, fees or bullets and because there will be more people working. 
Very easily it will reach 45,000 million euro budget excluding Social Security may soon also profit (reserve).

Anyway, who 's going to markets is Spain, namely 220.000 million euros will borrow this 2017 the Spanish government, of which 35.000 million are new debt ... and that the average cost of outstanding debt is in the 2.77% ... you'll see, as I said before, when they reach 6 and 7% 

Well , that ... rather than worry about Catalonia should acojonarse for the future of Spain ... 
Spain Crisis if you prefer ... Jordi Català

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