
2 de junio de 2017

the end of karma

Jennifer Hoffman - June 2017 Energy Report - May 31, 2017

May chaos has ended in a sense, but its aftershocks will be felt in June and for the rest of this year. An important aspect of Karma June will be changes and terminations due to increasing amounts of energy we have been receiving and grounding. Our desire for a change in narrative rests energtic this month, so keep those lights shining brighter because the glow, the more energy that is open to receive. June is a month for the release of the last vestiges of the past and use the power of intention to create the basis for their new life 5D, as beacons of light. You can see more people out of your life but will be replaced as they say goodbye to our families-karmic energy and hello to our families.

One great thing happens in June is Jupiter, which has been retrograde since February finally goes straight. Jupiter rules philosophy, luck, blessings, religion, law, publishing and higher thinking so its retrograde was an important factor in the decisions we had to make over the past 5 months. We have also had extensive retro activity since January so you can feel extra motivation to start moving forward now, without the baggage of the past. 

Jun also begins with all zodiac signs represented with a planet on all signals except Virgo. We have double representation in Pisces, Neptune and Chiron, but I think we should rule Chiron Virgo and Pisces is the opposite of Virgo so technically we can tell that, 
as Virgo (sorry, I digress here). Two planets, Venus and Mercury will be in their regency signs, Taurus and Gemini, making them extra large and significant scope of this month. Mars enters Cancer, a sign that it is not as active (which is a planet of fire in a water sign) but this is great because we all moving parts 5D to spread the light around. Think of an orchestra playing all the instruments and the strongest instrument (Mars) subsided or attenuated (not muted or terminated or removed), so it does not dominate the conversation. 

Let's talk about the end of karma, a significant power in June. More to the point, it's the end of the energy that supports karma, kar  cycles microphone, and the dynamics of karmic group. 
This was our soul mission for this life and have been working on this task for a very long time, with little success. We had hired our karmic teachers (especially energy from the mother) to convince them that ends karma between us was a good thing. 

How did it work for us? For many, it was very difficult unfulfilling relationships, painful, dramatic, tense and often.We treat 'love' our karmic partners in karma release, to reduce our own lights, so do not outshine them, we try to include them in our energy by reducing power limits, but it never worked as we thought it would do. 

Instead of being loving, accepting, and grateful for our work, which were resistant, they turned away, 
and often we were treated very badly. We have not lost or left, it's time we approach this from a more energy self sovereign authority perspective. Let's do this in a very different way this month because of two important things. 

First, we are at a turning point in our lives, decide what kind of energy we want to embody and at the point where we can no longer give priority to what others need and want above our own desires and needs. 

Second energy intervals between those who want to stay in 3D and those who want to move towards 5D are so great that I no longer can solve by reducing energy limits to accommodate others. Once we step into the 4D bridge, we can not return to 3D, 
we must move forward. We do not leave anyone behind, we simply remove ourselves and our energy from your energy fields so they can make their own decisions. 

This is not "cruel and unusual punishment ', which is another way the universe operates in absolute and each has energy sovereignty and comes to make their own decisions. When we rise or maintain other with our energy we become his crutch. And they do not learn to find their own source of energy. Once we remove our energetic support they have to find their own sources of energy and need, which is part of its energy sovereignty. 

So what's happening this month. First is the end of retrograde Jupiter, which is great. 
Next we have firmly established nodes in Leo / Aquarius, which began in May, but it is a step in a cycle from 1997 to April 2000. We started the new millennium with such high hopes and dreams that have not materialized for us but we had to go through the last 17 years of growth to get where we are now. And nodes were in Leo / Aquarius on 1 January 2000. It is a step back in the past so we can take a big leap forward. 

Saturn, the cosmic and discipline teacher, is the big focus this month, as it will be very active in the difficult aspects with all the personal planets throughout the month. So expect more of the karmic balance to happen in preparation for the great activity in September, when all personal planets, 

including the Sun, will be in Virgo around 23. An important aspect of the star of this month is the placement of Mercury in Gemini, the sign it rules. While it is the sign that governs short trips, communication and transport, I have always believed Mercury connection with karma is very underrated. Governs karma we began our life with and resolve in the sign of Virgo (which does a better Chiron ruler of Virgo). But karmic lessons, the nature of our karma, we have with people all fall in the 3rd House Gemini and Mercury. Someday I'll have to write a book about shows and home energy resonances and karmic nature of Mercury. 

Mercury in Gemini will collide with Saturn, while cozying up to the other planets, but do not be fooled, 
I think this is more like the 'pickpocket' energy, where a person is distracted while someone else takes your wallet. Mercury earns its reputation as a cheater and also shock Saturn, Pluto will not be one too. On the one hand, this may affect whether you are using too much of your energy to resolve the karma for being too 'nice'. On the other hand, those who are participating in the activities of creating karma may be on the receiving end of their actividades.Definitivamente is time boomerang, where energy you put out comes back to you, make sure you're sending something you want to receive. 

And remember that we still underway Saturn / Neptune square, which is being activated again with the slipstream Saturn, 
and squaring Saturn / Chiron, another strong traffic continues throughout the year. The conjunction of Uranus / Eris is still active and being touched off this month by beneficial transits, but that just means that the explosion will not be as strong or hit so hard (depending on what someone has been doing) - it is a transit explosive packs a big impact. Eris represents the soul of the warrior in search of retribution and is named after the goddess of discord, but this is not intentionally create chaos, is a process of correcting errors, taking back the energy that has been abused, and creating a level playing field. 

Topic or keyword June is true and that means a lot of things. First, it means that the truth of their own agenda, 
what people want and why you do what you do with, by and for them. Are you looking for validation and approval? How it is aligned with the truth of who you are or want to be? 

Then it means that we want to believe the truth or be present in the world compared to what we see in the world, which is another form of truth. It is the collective truth, which live in the world. With so many kinds of truth, how do we know what is 'real'? It is quite true, because in a limitless universe where everything is true, there can be no lie. All that is 'a truth' we must decide what we want as 'the truth' for ourselves. 

The truth is a touchy subject, because everyone has their own truth. 
The best way to use the theme of this month 'truth' is to decide what we want to have as our truth in our lives, to get clear and focused on that truth, and do not let anything distract us from it. Expand the power of truth you want in your life so it gets more and more of it, as well as people and situations that resonate with the truth. 

If we all agree that peace is our individual truth, then you can expand to become our collective truth and war will disappear. 

If we all agree that respect is our individual truth, then you can expand to become our collective truth and disrespect will disappear. 

If we believe that our individual energy sovereignty is true then you can expand to become our collective truth and control, domination and manipulation will disappear. 

Everyone does not have to agree with his truth to be true. But when many people have the same truth, it becomes part of the collective truth. And in view of that truth, when carried out by many people, everything that is not aligned with it can not coexist with it. 

We are transcending into ascension, it is not a big jump over the canyon of fear and confusion in the 'promised land'. It is a process of passing through the bridge 4D and the more we go through it, 
The more we move away from pure 3D least we can find in common with her - that's why so many of our relationships are ending now. 

For the best use of energy in June, we can decide what we want to be true for us to collect our truth around us and expand the energy in the world. This requires glowing - no more than dimming our lights. It also requires us to seek the agreement of others so we want to be and start bright light for ourselves. Shine! is our motto and love, peace, joy and prosperity for all is our battle cry. While it may not be all smooth sailing this month, we control the rudder and the sails so the boat will take us where we want ir.Tener a fantastic month. 


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Copyright (C) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. May be cited, translate and link to this article in its entirety on free websites based, not only the donation, 
long as you include the author's name and a link back to work this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited. 

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