, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : The Zionist international banking is ruined with Level 3 derivative



The Zionist international banking is ruined with Level 3 derivative

US and its partners in the Persian Gulf to Qatar Petroleum isolated fictitiously, to give oxygen to ARAMCO

Intended to avoid falling barrel prices they not get Trump White House now want to keep. 

An excuse to propitiate the ECB and Bank of England to raise interest rates after the Fed

Illustration  panamaam 
They intended to avoid falling barrel prices not get Trump White House with its promises of economic growth and keep l Federal Reserve dollar  ifbefore Trump wanted to get, now theywant to keep . 
The press  has not  understood  that the FED  is with  Trump . 
If interest rates rise in the US they will be forced to raise them in Europe and especially England, which the supposed advantage of the ECB would be neutralized with euro would no longer be so cheap.
An excuse to excuse the ECB and Bank of England to raise interest rates. 
Hence the origin of  the false flags, necessary  to militarize the street and take the Parliament,  and thus prepare for aggressive increase in inflation with waiting  financed Level 3 financial derivatives  that are  the Achilles heel of the Zionist world economy.
They have turned  to the announced rate hikes from the Fed  that would end  with the dollar, but they will sacrifice family economies with inflation,  so the progressive outputs of the army into the streets.
The Zionist international banking is ruined  with  Level 3 derivative  which they say  accounts for only 1% of their funds  when  actually exceeds that 115% of the fractional funds s that served as mattress to support speculation of financial derivatives based  on capital increases  that have resulted in a  fictitious economy  of listed corporations.
THE LIES THAT HAVE ORGANIZED through the European press office  in Cheltemham  GCHQ:

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain isolate Qatar . expansion

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain cut relations with Qatar .expansion

Qatar Stock Exchange plummets to thebrink of their daily limits . expansion

Oil slows their falls with tension in theMiddle East . expansion

There will be a new oil price war . the country

Inflation soars to 1.6% by the push oil .The CPI increase in December over what will rise pensions and wages.  the country 

Oil and inflation are mixed.  five days

Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE  are the most important and hidden tax haven for  JP Morgan, Goldman Sach, the Rothschilds  and the crown of England. 
When he began  fever Persian Gulf oil in the  60s  the oil revenues were to stop tax havens like  Switzerland, Bahamas and Hong Kong . 
Price war with OPEC in 1973  with the so - called  oil crisis , had to negotiate with the  Gulf countries  to establish  iton a new tax haven based in these countries. 
There were born  the Saudis and Qataris petrodollars.
These tax havens  They needed for infrastructure and modern city of skyscrapers  as we know made  a reality today  which meant the  real estate financial structure  with which they identify  the main tax havens inthe world.
JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and HSBC Holdings Plc  (Rothschild), sponsor most Zionist oil conjunction supported by funds now from now  Jay Rockefeller (Exxon-Mobile) , the constitutedARAMCO ,  based in  Saudi Arabia , which overshadows QATAR PETROLEUM .   
It is difficult to understand because it is  a war of fictitious oil  created toallow inflation  we will see  in Europe and the US , when all these big corporations have a presence in all these countries and Western countries.
Not only oil,  it is a political financial tool for the global financial war on the economy of citizens  are going to do with the coming inflation.
With  ARAMCO  and weakening oil prices,  JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Rothschild  could knock down  the US growth  which would mean  the fall of Donald Trump  as president, he had promised to make Latin America's past growth and employment. What justified to demand increased indebtedness he asked Congress.
This is the true merits, false flags to protect the army in the streets the explosive rise in inflation, and oil phoney war.
Hence the visit Trump to Israel,  where they have communicated that  will allow you to raise the debt ceiling  in exchange for increasing the annual budgetary headings  Israel and the EU and England  can continue  with  zero taxes on Jews ,  among them naturally would welcome  the world 's leading financial fortunes Zionists s as they did again  Rothschild  in the eighteenth century  invoking Freemasonry that did not pay taxes.
The reality is that will allow them toenlarge inflation , the  increased budgets in Congress for public borrowing  and increase more if possible tax  with a more than possible tax on bank savings  and  cuts in pensions  that finally we willdisembark  in all countries in the world  to justify  public borrowing . 
Donald Trump , aligned with  Goldman Sach  and other Zionist financial firms like  Sheldon Adelson  and the Koch brothers , are fighting  for survival , maintaining the level of oil prices,preventing it from falling to the discovery of new wells , and of course intimidating the Bank England  to prevent these, associated with Rothschild  take control of production, and elsewhere  around the left to power  in Europe, from  Spain  to  Psoe and we  supported the Berggruen Institute  (where live from  Felipe Gonzalez , to Gordon Brown  or sisters Condoleezza Rice ,  with  Bush, or Susan Rice ,  with  Obama- ), to England  with Jeremy Corbin .   
These parties are being protected by the Open Society of George Soros  has interestingly put in power the son of Trump,  Jared Kushner  with  Goldman Sach; contradictions that may not be. 
A contradiction that we will resolve over time c on the strange news that we see within the family , and the presidential agenda that directly controls his wife Ivanka Trump.
The  Rothschild  may play the most discreet and confusing of all paper. The reality is they are doing so to speak, of Arbitrators of the fight,  like going to a horse race and bet on several that not just one. 
A game that comes from afar while betting financed opponents like Wellington and Napoleon. Rothschild bet not only with money but  with money from Windsor,  and hope to take the lion 's share from the sidelines.
Accounts  RIT Capital Partners PLC and  Glencore  are in  Qatar , in  Saudi Arabia  and UAE,  as in  Hong Kong , the  Bermuda  and  Switzerland  in theBPI Bank for InternationalSettlements.
They have reached a new style of diversification, turning Switzerland into the  banking  and  SDR  exchangeof  currency  in China  as it is  Hong Kong  and the stock  Shanghai, and Qatar,  Saudi Arabia and UAE  in the banking  Bank of England and the Windsors and the US , and of courseRotterdam  will be the  TTIP across Europe  through the corridor Mediterranean ; and the marketing of Russian oil  through  Shell  in  Sakhalin 2  ( "The gas reaches the PORTBPrigorodnoye  after a daylong trip platforms.)
There Sakhalin Energy  has built the first floor of  LNG from Russia, designed to produce  9.6 million tons of LNG per year. 
That is enough to generate electricity for around  24 million European households "), which already have a percentage  of 19.5% in  Rosneft , and marketing of  aluminum  putting a picture of  Michael Lobovikov,  party chairman Likud  in Russia .  
A difficult negotiation Duma Vladimir Putin and very difficult to maintain geostrategic independence and to place  its main raw materials in the world for growth.
Behind and background on different lines, diversification of world wars, and attempts to invasion that will meet again in  Syria, Venezuela,  and riots   in Haiti ,  that can change the course of everything. 
Perhaps the  deposits found by Repsol (now  Carlos Slim), in  Trinidad and Tobago  give a respite to the Spanish and Mexican economies, and to keep the price per barrel to contain inflation. 
It is therefore more than likely that the Fed i ntente alter  the price of crude with some event  in refineries  as they did in Mexico.

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