
3 de agosto de 2017

arrives this August 8: Everything in the universe is ready to begin receiving and reap the fruits of what you have sown

Portal 8:8 everything is aligned TO ACTIVATE AND PROSPERITY WEALTH

The great goal 8 8  arrives this month. Everything in the universe is ready to begin receiving and reap the fruits of what you have sown , arrives this August 8 :

An absolutely powerful energy and alignment that will remind you sow in abundance and prosperity that you deserve.

The main challenge that brings you this portal is the true understanding of wealth and prosperity; abundance and prosperity as an inner state of wholeness, a state where you really your wisdom, your greatness and your essence, reflected in everything you live: in every action, in every relationship, every moment of your life . In this state of wholeness and consciousness only you succeed when you allow yourself to honor with each choice , your true essence; It is essential that at this point in your life done to break the paradigms that limit you, done to understand the fears that does not allow you today to act from your true essence and finish transcend anything that takes you away from your true essence and your true origin.


Certainly the processes that have been passing along this year have fulfilled this purpose: You are allowed to break paradigms, transcend limits that are not really yours, and most importantly allowed you remember the wonderful human being you really are! !!

Today may still find relationships, situations or places in your life where you do not feel that sense of joy and fulfillment; the most important thing is to move forward now acknowledge with your mind, you look at these areas of your life and allow yourself to remember that you chose them live to learn and to transcend. Remembering this choice of your life, you have the ability to recognize that you learned or are learning in every situation and from this learning, the teacher recognize that you have in front in this situation and you can give thanks for what you learned. Here is where you'll find ready to move forward and to close with certainty and harmonize all areas of your life; and it is at that point where you really can feel fullness.

And also parallel to this task , you must begin to anchor in you the energy of joy. Joy is the ability we have to choose and enjoy our present; and you'll beable to enjoy, as long as you remember that you are fully blessed and protected; angels, your teachers and all light beings around you, they are leading you down the right path to living the blessing of receiving abundance and prosperity you deserve

From here you will be able to activate certain to enjoy your present, transcending your fear of tomorrow, because you will have absolute certainty that is here today in this new beginning, which is still reaping the fruits of what you have sown.

And it is precisely these are reaping the fruits that will generate an abundant and prosperous life ; when you already have this inner state'll see it reflected in every action and every relationship in your life, because you'll be enjoying every moment, because in your heart there will be certainty, because your fears have been transcended and will reflect all that you are in every moment of your life ... and thus comes fluency in your way and you begin to see how your dreams come true, as you will receive economic fluidity, as you will receive the realization of the full work, the perfect couple, family dream, your health, your peace and everything you deserve !!!


Therefore , this portal provides you with abundance and prosperity, understood as fluidity, joy, peace, fulfillment and harmony at all levels. It is possible that when your mind comes into contact with these words begins to question, to doubt possible; but remember, this is the time to transcend these paradigms , because you deserve it , you've done an absolutely wonderful job, hs made deep conscious processes; and yes, it's about time, is this the moment you've been waiting for :

It is time to extend your arms, to receive countless blessings you deserve and remember, that to the extent that you are shining all your inner light will shine and fulfilling your life's purpose.

Receive our blessings, abundance and prosperity that gives us the portal 88 at all levels, activate your worthiness and your inner power to create the fulfilling life you deserve.

Diana & Alkex Neira.

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