
3 de agosto de 2017

as Putin gave the order to free humanity from slavery - PROPERTY RECORDS Zionist mortally wounded.

PROPERTY RECORDS Zionist mortally wounded.


                by rafaadmin

Ladies and Gentlemen close attention to the last movement of the team led by Vladimir Putin in the global geopolitical chessboard.

As you all know the US Congress has signed (against the advice of its own president Donald Trump) a series of sanctions against the Eurasian nation that not only look like a declaration of trade war, but have been taken as such by its Prime Minister Medvedev .

Well, the response of the Russian government (as the unofficial source called Sorcha Faal) occurred immediately, with the adoption of technology "blockchain" ( "block chain", based on the criptomonedas) through its own development of Central Bank Russian named "Masterchain" whose motto / cryptocurrency bears the name "Gas" (see news RT on that particular yesterday)

According to the reporter controversial Sorcha Faal reports that Putin had given orders today for your entire system is transferred to the blockchain technology Etherum, including that from now on all company accounts, contracts, meant bureaucracy in titles that for centuries MAKE tHE SEA NOTARIOS REPLACED bY TECHNOLOGY p2p ESA; that is to say; decentralized. All decentralized economy.

If you have not realized the importance that you just read, I turn it back to.
If after having read and reread you still feel a chill or euphoria while, take a breath, because I'll explain OW Putin he gave the order to free humanity from slavery.

Notaries and registrars of property (remember the work of Mariano Rajoy) are the heart of the system of slavery that we suffer, the key for capital flight and strangling the real economy exchange comes and the service of citizens.
 Putin signing this, quite simply order has struck the synagogue of Satan, which is (obviously) which actually owns the property, as are those with such registers.

So that the counter Putin (through technology blockchain) is much more brutal than US sanctions, because it means they will no longer operate the centralized system of Zionist banking. Actuaries are the true heart of the system, the "Check" that validates all transactions; by skipping this protocol, the system is regenerated, it is released.

But there is more: because the measure came a day after (in a very controversial measure) pioneer badge blockchain technology (Bitcoin) has been split into two, one addressed to micropayments, called Bit Coin Cash .
Since the Chinese have been those who have pressed for the adoption of this improvement (which is to opposite many miners) and since there was a day before Russia decides to move its economy to this technology intuit (intuit only) that all part of the same conspiracy (positive) and that has to do with sending the famous prosperity funds.

Either way (and even in our countries still do not see) you can say goodbye to the hated inheritance taxes that subject us notaries and property registrars whenever we want Realize paperwork.

Like when he appeared digital, analog telephony was doomed to disappear, blockchain today's economy has begun to make obsolete notaries and registrars of property: in short, the synagogue of Satan.

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