
10 de agosto de 2017


 - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Wednesday - August 9, 2017

Received via email at 9:46 AM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Do you detest people who tell you the end of a movie before it finishes?

The god guy wins this way...
The bad guy dies that way...
The heroine is rescued from the submerging car in the nick of time...
The comedic relief occurs here, here and here...

Every good movie script needs a dynamic villain, as well as a compelling hero. So if Trump is serving as the villain, and a great villain at that, who will serve as the compelling hero?

Mike Pence? He's not very sexy, in fact he's utterly boring with that snow white hair in his mid fifties.

So understanding that Nixon reigned on this exact day in 1974 (August 9th), who has China, Russia and the Republic selected to appear and save the day before Trump pushes the nuclear button?

As that's the deeper question on this day.

The military juggernaut that is North Korea is a hilarious and familiar side show, yet not so funny to the millions of South Koreans and Japanese in harms way in a regional missile strike.

The thing to understand about everything going in the world today is that all the big issues have long been negotiated and resolved.

So what we're witnessing now is a series of coordinated, scripted events playing out in perfect harmony as to cloak a massive financial reform that will elevate human consciousness forever.

Simple right? 

Gaining momentum by going ten steps backwards before catapulting fifty steps forward. Making obstacles so big that when they are eventually overcome there's a euphoric sense of accomplishment. 

Really, it's a spiritual catapult as much as a physical one. Sobeit.

So here's the end of this RV movie, ready? Cover your eyes if you don't want to know. 

We win... infinitely, unconditionally, eternally. 

Everyone who desires to help others is allowed to redeem their fiat paper for gold backed digital credits... safely, abundantly, easily.

Politicians, diplomats and generals with the greater good at heart for all peoples of the world find their way to power and apply sanity... calmly, righteously, humbly.

Folks, I didn't write this movie, but I do know how this particular movie ends and it concludes heroically compassionate in our favor--shortly.

So keep the faith. Focus on love. And prepare for an honorable and active philanthropic future.

See everyone tonight on THE CLARION CALLS at 9pm EDT, where the topic tonight is "Know Thyself."

And remember to sign up for the 800# email contact list via the TETELESTAI alert vehicle. Let us babysit the RV for you 24/7/365 so that you can go live your life less the constant currency worries.

God is with us

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...