
10 de agosto de 2017

Elders are doing the same to the world, since it seems that the RV will not begin until your little brother, North Korea, are seated at the table.

Elders are doing the same to the world, since it seems that the RV will not begin until your little brother, North Korea, are seated at the table.

Source: Dinar Chronicles If you are from a big family, you know what it means to be forced to wait for a late brother or before ...

GCR / Intel RV SITREP: "Cena" - August 10, 2017

Source:  Dinar Chronicles

If you are from a big family, they know what it means to be made to wait for a brother or sister delay before eating dinner.

Mom says no one eats until everyone is present, seated and well educated. And since it is she who cooked the food, she calls the start time feeding frenzy.

Elders are doing the same to the world, since it seems that the RV will not begin until your little brother, North Korea, are seated at the table.

Ironically, they penalize China for a long action in this area and use the US military (which controls Trump) to force its own PROC to finally deal with North Korea 's humanitarian crisis and achieve a permanent and globally acceptable solution.

It 's no different than how the Elders forced Israel / United States through economic isolation (Apocalypse) to finally return the Palestinian land (before 1967 pensioners) and eventually recognize their right to state sovereignty.

All or none should be served with respect to the RV before the Elders authorize the global release.

HSBC says that the RV has been financially Tee'd until several months ago. Just waiting to be released as the rest of us.

Read more: HSBC says that the RV has been financially Tee'd until several months ago. Just waiting to be released as the rest of us. Read more: HSBC says that the RV has been financially Tee'd until several months ago. Just waiting to be released as the rest of us. Read more: 

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