
20 de agosto de 2017

"Food for Thought"

 by Truthseeker - 8.20.17

Entry Submitted by Truthseeker at 12:58 PM EDT on August 20, 2017


I have been invested in the Iraqi dinar well over 7-years, and the one thing that never seems to change is the overabundance of Intel that seems to come, stir things up in dinarland, and then disappear like a thief in the night. For over 5-years we have been hearing that the PTB have a plan to implement the RV/GCR, but once again like a thief in the night, everything seems to disappear and start fresh each and every Monday. Without being negative I just wanted to state the obvious. I doesn't matter what you're reading or who the author is, no one and I mean NO ONE knows the true plan. I urge everyone to be prepared for all scenarios because there isn't a sole on earth who can provide a 100% guarantee if or when the RV/GCR will occur. IMO it's great for currency investors to do their own research and read as much information as possible, however I would keep in mind the revaluation/devaluation process is a huge undertaking that seems to change as quickly as the weather. There are so many potential ways for the NPTB to implement the RV/GCR that IMO it is wise for all currency owners to be prepared for anything. So what does that mean? 1. IMO everyone should be prepared for a 1 to 6 month collapse/conversion period where the NPTB collapse the system and then mysteriously "save the universe" by implementing a gold backed system (think about it, the average American has no clue what's going on, and the majority of them do not own any of the currencies that are expected to revalue). 2. A sudden "pop" where we wake up one morning and find out that 200+ countries have revalued or devalued their currencies overnight (this IMO could be an dangerous, but it depends on how well thought out the NPTB plan to execute is). 3. Like 2 there is a sudden "pop" overnight, except the only currency to revalue/devalue is the Iraqi dinar, but it revalues at a much lower rate somewhere between .10 - .50. with a timeline stating all 3 zero notes (outside Iraq) must be exchanged within a 2-week up to a month time period. I would also expect a 2nd revaluation to occur once the 3 zero notes have expired which would place the Iraqi dinar on par with Kuwaiti dinar. IMO I just can't see the NPTB allowing millions of average Americans to become instant millionaires (or extremely wealthy) overnight. That IMO is even more dangerous. But what do I know? I just think we should all currency holders should be prepared for all scenarios because NO ONE knows how or when it will play out.

Pray for the best!


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