
21 de agosto de 2017



HOW TO ASCEND THE BODY 3D A 5D It was OF LIGHT - NEWS RELEASE Dimensional Planetary Change, will be harmless to those who have raised their frequencies beyond the old vibrational speeds. • This is because the planet will be anchored during the displacement of the third dimension to the fifth dimension. • The way that can be implemented for the shift function is: - Imagining an hourglass figure eight. - Place the 3D on the left side and 5D on the right side. - The narrow gap center hourglass, represents the gateway, or 4D Portal, global change between two dimensional planes eclipsing each other. - 4D Portal, is a thin membrane, highly charged photon, which acts as a bridge wavelength band connecting the three-dimensional frequency, the highest band Pentadimensionalidad. All living beings on the planet have two parallel bodies. - The biological body is carbon, as matter, and interacts with the etheric body. - The etheric body exists as plasma, in the form of antimatter. • To consciously experience the dimensional change, the etheric body needs to be on the same wavelength, the frequency of the planet ethereal. During the transition of change, considering that consciousness is energy, who are compatible with the higher dimensional frequencies, they will feel as if there were no exist. • travel as energy, energy will flow like a light cross the dimensional door. • You may not feel it, because it will take a second to travel the dimensional door, until they turn to materialize on the other hand, in the Pentadimensionalidad. Calamities that have been experiencing on the planet, with destructive actions such as war, pollution and nuclear waste directly impact the life force of the planet. • The same is with any negative energy stored within the human etheric body, filtered directly into the etheric body of the planet. • In this way, it is like the drivers have been trying to stop the passage of the planet to the next dimension. When this frequency hopping, the etheric body that owns the model of the physical body experience, it will automatically rematerializará with fitness. • The physical form will have the same appearance of this moment, except that the new body will be Cristal or silica. • Due to the high frequencies of solar flares, they have altered the atomic structure of the human body. Only antimatter rise and pass through the dimensional door. What it means, that will amount only things that occur naturally within the planet. • All synthetic man - made materials within the 3D reality will disappear during the change. • Therefore, after the change, most of the current technology humanity will cease to exist. • When changing, synthetic objects begin to disappear from view. • At the same time, the New Earth will begin to appear and materialize, with access to advanced technologies that surround us. 5D Human, fully embody his extrasensory gifts. • Advanced skills take shape, as perceiving energy wave patterns, instant manifestation, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, etc. • The planet will take about 24 hours to fully cross over to the next dimension. For decades, the Earth has been gradually adjusting to a higher frequency, which prepared for dimensional change. • The Ascension of Earth, is an independent evolutionary process of human souls. • But we are all invited to join the Earth to the next dimension within the new Harmonic Universe to experience a higher vibrational state of existence. The dimensional change will be the catalyst for some important transmutations on the planet. • Everything will look brighter, there will be new forms and colors that will define the new plane of reality. • Everyone will amount at the time of global change, but not all choose to ascend to the New Earth at once. When will it happen? • It is very likely that the Earth change at any time, before or after the next Solstice starting on December 21, 2017.
• Understanding the energies of the Cosmic Light are becoming extremely powerful, can automatically create an energy intersection act as a Multidimensional door access, then instantly catapult Earth into the next dimension.



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