
5 de agosto de 2017

If Russia rejects the dollar, the world currency will collapse

Russia is preparing to give a tough response to Washington over sanctions on the Kremlin.

Russia knows where to hit, that is why it prepares a devastating response, and where it hurts the US, to abandon the use of the dollar in its commercial exchange with the outside.

It had already agreed with China to set aside the dollar in its bilateral trade, even with Iran had signed a similar agreement, but it seems that the answer this time will be much larger, because it will discard the dollar in all its foreign trade and not only In its economic relations with China, Iran and Venezuela. It is also presumed that it will dispose of most of its international reserves in dollars and replace them with gold or yuan.

Iran had already adopted a position similar to the Russian, and also bordered by Western sanctions, but if Russia joins the club of countries that stop using the dollar in full, many other countries will follow his example and then the sentence Of death for the dollar will have been decreed.

Europe has also come out in apparent support for Russia and in rejection of US unilateral sanctions against Moscow, and if the case of a strategic alliance between Russia and the European Union will occur, the US would be over.

For a situation like this is that Russia had previously created its system of international payments
Alternate to the BIS, or international payments bank of the Rothschilds and company.

Also to cope with a situation similar to the present one is that the BRICS created its development bank and China created its Asian bank of infrastructure investment or BAII, two institutions thought to displace the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in case of a rupture Between the bloc led by Russia and China and the NATO-led countries of the United States.

As soon as the Russians decide to reject the US dollar, this currency will be seriously affected. In addition, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States will support Russia, Rossiyskiy Dialog reported.

Economists remember that most of the US currency is outside the US. If Russia and the CIS refuse to conduct operations in dollars, this will provoke a chain reaction and this policy will also join China and other Asian countries.

Experts then point out that US sanctions against Russia may lead to the dollar disappearing from Russia and giving way to an alternative currency.

The latest economic trends show that China and Russia are gradually reimbursing all national debts, discarding dollar reserves. Among the measures to contribute to the financial independence of these countries, the most ambitious project so far is the New Development Bank (NDB) of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China And South Africa).

Do not miss it: "When the dollar starts to crumble, everyone will want to invest in rubles, yuan, gold"

The NDB, based in Shanghai, was created by the BRICS in July 2014 to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in member countries and other developing nations.

In April 2016, the Bank's Board of Directors approved seven projects with funding of more than 1.5 billion dollars.

In addition, as of July 1, 2017, all Russian banks are required to accept payments made through the Russian national payment system, Mir. In this way, Russian programmers opted to create the algorithms 'from scratch', guided by established international standards for payment systems.

Another important advantage is the independence of the system from any external factor. The system uses Russian software, and the technological and communication infrastructure is isolated from any effect of sanctions.


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