
15 de agosto de 2017



In order to have overall control is essential to control the media, conventional media such as television, radio and the press have been taken gradually by corporations controlled by the illuminati

In modern times the Internet is a tool that could not be fully controlled.

Internet is an alternative means by which anyone can learn independently and to continue its own investigation.
 Resultat d'imatges of SOPA
Being a threat to control the flow of information and interests globalitas Jay Rockefeller, a member of the Democratic Party, oil tycoon and member of one of 13 families illuminati "Rockefellers" talks about the "threat of internet"














In 2012 in the United States they launched a bill to censor freedom of expression on the internet using as an excuse to safeguard copyright.

Law:   Stop Online Piracy Act better known as SOPA
 Resultat d'imatges of SOPA
Proponents of the legislation said protejeria the market of intellectual property and industry.

Millions of people around theworld protested against SOPA joining this the censor the internet would be a Herculean task that would affect the interests of many companies which could not make.

Partially internet defeated SOPA even plans to censor the Internet are still standing and is being done sporadically as on YouTube, where YouTube reserves the right to monetize videos that are "inappropriate" content, for example: videos if you talk about issues such as the war in Siriam, criticize the LGBT Agenda limiting our freedom of speech.


The Arab Spring is the series of wars that America has driven Middle East Arab countries align their mandate.

Some objectives of the Arab Spring (very general)

          Take Iraq, Libya, Lebanon and Iran So far only Libya and Iraq have been taken and  
                  They have not been able to line up a stable government to follow the mandates of the United 
                  US, Iraq regained its independence also aligning itself with Iran
-     weaken and isolate Russia   - Russia has strengthened militarily and economically, and every time
                  It has more allies.
 5 years of war ... and most of the targets have failed .

3. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP)

With the victory of Donald Trump and his anti-globalist policies, the TTP out his grave because if the United States is not part of the agreement TTP lose the full backing of American power and be obsolete.
 Resultat d'imatges of TTP
Recall that the plan to create the "New World Order" is to destroy the United States economically and pass the economic power to China.


The brexit (Exit Britain) is the departure of Britain from the European Union and something catastrophic for the globalists
How it happened ?, How did the globalists lost so important in their plans to create a borderless world link?

The struggle for Brexit is not recent, in 1993 UKIP Nigel Farage created, the UK Independence Party and Independence Party of Great Britain. In his first appearance with 3% of the votes was never a real threat to the globalist elites of Britain.

On June 22, 2016 people voted for the Brexit

Elitist and pretentious David Cameron resigned after the vote in favor of Brexit and be humiliated and defeated pro Nigel Farage
Cameron's resignation was a dismissal orders of their masters, bankers, having failed to vote Brexit

Resultat d'imatges of brexit elections  Resultat d'imatges of brexit elections

It all starts with the globalist plans to populate Europe with refugees from the Middle East (probablylot of them terrorists).

His objectives:

1. Mix the races:         
             national identity so easily lost.

2. Create chaos: to create chaos people accept any law to restore order in their      
                                lives, the globalists call it (the order through chaos)
3. Create an environment in which there is no separation :       
                               So people will get used to living under one nation without borders.
4. Terrorism everywhere:        
        By creating an environment of serious police state terrorism one well accepted and citizen oversight would be welcomed by all.
Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and the political class in general underestimated the wave of public resentment caused by the influx of European immigrants to the country since the accession of the countries of Eastern Europe in the early 2000.

The economic crisis in the European Union and the crisis of immigrants increased the resentment of the population rulers, especially the party of Cameron.

 In 2012 the UKIP would skyrocket 3% in voting to 15%, not enough to defeat the game Cameron, but enough to get the necessary seats in Congress to prevent the bill was sought from 23 years ago.

Independence from Great Britain bankers system of the European Union.

In 2016 one referendendum with one question held: Want to Britain leave the EU?

Elite moved his pawns and all the mass media instilled fear in the population about the danger and economic implications of leaving the European Union trying to generate fear to vote against the Brexit. Mintiesen the pollsters were also creating a perception that citizens do not want the Brexit. On June 22, 2016 with 51.9% of the votes the UK leave the EU in 2019.


Trump's nomination as president means that all the above points should be completed to realize and be fortified.

It also represents a huge setback for the globalist plans of the global elite
Donald Trump exposes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as accomplices of the Islamic State in Syria and its true goals in the second presidential debate.

With the victory of Trump's power elite in politics has monumentally reduced bankers and owners Monopolis increasingly losing space in the global political arena, this is because people are being reported by media independent as this channel really try to have a little of our time to inform and liberate the hidden power that has tried to enslave the shadows.

Question everything! including this information, analyzes, sees both sides of the story, looking for the interests of whom reportedly interprets seeks, explores, deepens, study, look at the big picture, look at the details, look at the details behind the details.

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