
6 de agosto de 2017

Life under a lunar eclipse: nothing is quite as it seems

EclipsiA lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full and its light is blocked by the earth's shadow. Traditionally, a moment of fruit and harvest, an eclipsed full moon announces hidden fruits and obscure results. Nothing is so similar. If we think we've failed, think again: not everything is lost. If we congratulate ourselves for a rampant success, it is best to spend a moment to take a step back and check the details: it is possible that things are not as fun as they appear for the first time and you can ask for more jobs that are not so far from the road . A lunar eclipse is a time of mystery and magic, which reveals the hidden face of who we are and what we do. It offers a valuable opportunity to deepen into the consequences of how we live our lives. As such, the reflection at this time focuses more on the results obtained so far and on the changes we can make to improve future harvests.

In part, the moon is related to childhood, when we are more vulnerable: depending on promoting welfare protection and encouragement. Therefore, a lunar eclipse can cause memories, thoughts and feelings from the first life, illuminating how this experience has shaped us. Depending on our personal past, it is possible that we want to make a gesture of gratitude to those who affectionately care about us at this time. Or perhaps we should recognize the ills inflicted and the pain caused, intentionally or otherwise, for those who seek support and support. We can be moved to do both: recognize the efforts made by those who struggle with their own pain and, therefore, can not effectively satisfy our needs. Or it may be necessary to establish or maintain the distance between us and those who configured our past, knowing it so vital to our own well-being and integrity.

Regardless of our children's experience, it can become a defining problem during a lunar eclipse as we reflect on everything that made us who we are. We can feel especially vulnerable in the days that surround it. Emotions They can be corrected, we try to judge our feelings as incorrect or unnecessary. If we are affected by anger or present wounds, we can fight to accept that we could feel so hateful with others or ourselves. However, it is vital that we feel ourselves, afflict, angry. The acceptance of these difficult and sometimes overflowing emotions is important in a lunar eclipse, since it is through these feelings that wisdom is revealed eventually, helping us to embrace your message and integrate your energy into it Our body, mind and soul. The unconscious also can speak aloud, when we usually ignore his touch of feathers. If so, it is time to recognize the parts of ourselves that we have banished into the darkness, refusing to recognize them as negation and fear. Certainly, although these experiences may be, they set the stage for greater emotional freedom as we learn to accept thoughts, feelings and memories as they are. This is the only way to enter fully into the present, since the moon certainly once again, and what is often a solar eclipse two weeks later.

As such, a lunar eclipse indicates the need to be gentle among ourselves and ourselves. To recognize that human life can be an intense challenge and we can help alleviate some of these anxieties simply by the ways we deal with. Getting the hand of friendship to someone with pain can make the difference between life and death. A quick smile and chat in the payment queue can make the day someone who lives in isolation alone. Stop to smell a flower, watch the birds, laugh at a fun ad with a bus ... everything can contribute to our own wellbeing amidst the multitude of pressures that we have today. A lunar eclipse reminds us how vital it is to attend to our inner world, our emotional life, listen to the storm inside, do not push down in the hope that they will disappear. It will not.

The next lunar eclipse is August 7, 2017 at 18:22 GMT at the 16th degree of Aquarius:

Previously confusing and confusing things are now clear. But they must be darker before clarity is born. In the darkness of this lunar eclipse we can find a sense of fear or despair, as if light threatens to never return. But these moments will be short and they will simply set the stage for the next illumination of truths previously hidden in the shadows.

This is not an arcane knowledge accessible only to the "few chosen", but a daily revelation that gives meaning to the things that I feared that we would never understand. This eclipse comes with a strong sense of self, capable of supporting with surprising challenges of the life of the fortress, enjoying a healthy sense of detachment of the seductive dramas of life. Just when we thought we could fight with family problems forever, something that rises and the intensity of recent months gives way to a broader perspective that allows for greater hope, choice and encouragement. Where we thought we should be special to be worthy, we discover that our normality is the key to liberation. Where we assume that we have to work non-stop physically and spiritually for information migrations, we discover that we know everything we need,

This first of the two eclipses (the solar eclipse is August 21, GMT at 29 degrees Leo) reminds us that nothing in life comes for free and yet everything is available to all and it is our choice If we do not claim freedom, peace and wisdom for ourselves. The payment to be made does not leave us empty and exhausted, but it is a will to do this own wisdom and to allow our life to become a living and living testament to the revealed truths.

If you want to understand how a particular eclipse impacts more personally, look at the house where it falls to the birth chart. Here you will experience its direct impact as the affairs and affairs of this house expand and sensitize, along with their feelings towards them. Any aspect that the eclipse makes to the planets, or conjunctions to the Ascendant, Descent, Midheaven or Imum Coeli, will thus influence how the eclipse's energies are experienced. Look primarily at the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and sometimes Jupiter) and in conjunctions, squares and oppositions, which are most acute.
Resultat d'imatges de eclipse total de luna
The consequences of pre-eclipse activity may not be as clear as appearing for the first time and may take some time before you can accurately assess the success or, otherwise, recent efforts. You may find that the feelings in this area change quite substantially during the eclipse period, so it's better not to make big decisions until the eclipse has passed. Once your feelings have settled down a bit, it will be easier to say if the emotional change is lasting and that it has to act or that it was a phase of recalibration and passive release.

See also the position and condition (aspects and strength, etc.) of your native moon, because its impact on your life will be highlighted during a lunar eclipse. You may find that the problems that your hometown reflects on your graph are especially found in the house where the eclipse occurs. For example, if his native moon is in his 7th house of the relationship and the eclipse is in his 10th career house and public life, relationships will have a particular impact on his work and the eclipse, Public activity during eclipse time, and you may find that other people activate strong emotional reactions for a while. Remember that this is a step-by-step and your reactions are best explored to discover your real feelings about the situation,

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