
8 de agosto de 2017

Many who have rejected the Light have already been removed from the Planet

Archangel Michael, One Who Serves: Many who have rejected the Light have already been removed from the Planet - August 4, 2017

I AM the Archangel Michael. As always we bring love and light with us. And I bring my Golden Sword of Truth as I share with you now the truths that are coming to you, the many truths that are going to be revealed that are being revealed.

Many are being revealed right now, but many are still not aware of this. They know that something is in the wind. They feel it .. I'm talking now about all the mainstream out there.

Not the news but the main population of the planet; Those that we could call non-light workers, although they are all light workers.

This is not to differentiate them from all the others. You are all workers of the light, except those who reject the light.

Consciously they reject it. And there are those there. They will experience what they are giving, and they will receive it back. Do not worry about them.

Be concerned for yourselves and for your brothers and sisters as you are all creating, even now, you are creating this world before you.

You are creating this new Golden Age with every thought you have now. But know that as you move toward the higher vibrations, toward the higher frequency dimension, your thoughts become much more powerful and your visualization becomes much more meaningful.

And all is well there before all of you.

Take advantage now! Carpe Diem. Take advantage of the day, because this is your day, this is your time, your moment. As you have heard many times this is what you came here for
You came to establish this new understanding, this new evolution, or this evolutionary leap. And do not be fooled, this is an evolutionary leap towards which you are moving, all of you.

There is not one of you out there who is smaller than any other. You all have a role to play in this process, in this process of ascension. You all have a part.

Some apparently older, some apparently smaller, but all are seen equal by Source, by the Creator. All are of equal importance because all are one.

We are all in this together. I, myself, and all the Archangels, all the angelic kingdom, all the Ascended Masters, the Galactic, the Agartians, and so on; Many of those who have not even begun to realize are part of this expression.

We are all here to be part of this change that is being developed. And they are developing it.

You've heard of the timelines of change, the timing of division, and yes they do.

And many who are on the other side of that division, who have rejected the light, have already been removed from the planet. Many of them. Not all, but many have.

For the massive arrests you have heard of many times it is no longer necessary as discussed above, because that has been taken care of where many have already been removed or removed.

Now that does not mean that there are no holograms for many of those individuals you know. Some do, even some still remain, but are rapidly being eliminated from the situation. Not because they are being punished but because they are being loved.

They are being loved again to light if they so desire. Because nobody is denied the light. No matter what they have done, no one is ever denied light and love so they will not deny it themselves.

I AM Archangel Michael is so wonderful to be with you always in these ways.

And this way still, up to this point, is the way we can get to you.

But as you have heard many times those times are changing. And soon, the Archangels, we will be there with you. Whether on a ship, or on the hollow / inland Earth, or even here on the surface of the planet, we will be here with you. And he will see us.

Always remember for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear who are aware of many of these changes that are happening now and still come.

All my peace and love will be with you.

Always keep the Sword of Truth before you, for it will always protect you and guide you.


Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om, Om.

Greetings to you! One that serves here with you. Difficult to follow without one of course, but we try to always do what we can here.

And to understand all these things that are happening simply sit, relax and open the eyes of yours.

Open that third eye predominantly and let your physical eyes see through your third eye. And many of you hear this and say, but how do we do it? We have no understanding of that.

Well, you do not have an understanding of that because you have been programmed to not understand that. But it's time to deprogram you.

It is time to take you to understand the importance of that third center of the eye, your pineal gland, and what can bring you as the gateway to the higher dimensions.

And yes it is a gateway and there are many gateways that are going to open both physically and astrally and ethically.

Many who have not yet opened. Many are coming. Many connections to all the sacred sites are bringing the lines of law together again through all the different vortices across the planet. All this is coming.

It's almost finished. The crystal lattice is almost finished. And when finished ...
Oh my God!

What is going to be like here, one more time. For those of you who remember the times of Atlantis, the Lemurians and many other civilizations not yet spoken of.

You will remember what it was like. What it was to put your hand in the water in the various waters, the streams springs the rivers of the oceans, and feel not only moisture, not only the salt that is in the air, or to smell it or some of this Nature, but To feel the water, feel the consciousness in the water!

Can you imagine that the water is alive? Can you imagine the plants? Yes, you know they are alive but they are a living consciousness. Give it a try someday. Talk to a tree. Do not just walk and hug. Talk with her. It will be amazing for you.

And to him who spoke of dragons, they are real. They are so real. They're here, they're watching over this. They are guardians in a sense. And they've been keeping the doors for a long time here.

And soon those doors will open again and the dragons themselves will begin to appear more and more to you just as the elemental realm will appear to you.

They are coming back. I can not wait to return! They have been hiding in trees and plants and only for those who have eyes to see until now. But they are going to show up everywhere.

Those of you even now that you go out into nature, for a moment focus on yourselves. Close your physical eyes, focus on your breath and then slowly open your eyes and see in the corners of the eyes that little image that comes and goes that shows briefly; He laughs a little perhaps and then jumps up and they do not see him again.

Well, that is what it is now for you if you open your third eye. But it will appear not far away where the same thing happens - they will appear in your corner of the eye, that fleeting image and then suddenly you will be there and you will see them.

Like many in the past in Ireland and everyone saw the Goblins. They are real. Where do you think these images and folklore and all this comes from? It comes from reality, but it's been so programmed to believe it's imagination ... oh, that's the word again. Imagination.

Imagine ... in a new life. Imagine a wonderful new world before you and you will begin to understand what it will be like when you are consciously creating without that buffer zone to contain the manifestation.


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