
19 de agosto de 2017

Next August 21 we will say goodbye to the lies, the truth that they have hidden us will come to light

Mahala Gayle

How did you handle the full moon eclipse on August 7, 2017 at 11:11 AM PDT? Remember the number 11 11. How often have you seen that number? Many people see that number and wonder what it means. Do you mean door 11 11 that opened in January 1992, when people all over the world had meditations to open that door? Is this eclipse the opening of another important door?

Here on the west coast this eclipse occurred at 11:11 AM. I found this eclipse very emotional for me. In fact, I woke up crying. I had nothing to cry about, so I do not know what it was about. I think I was collecting the energy of the world. I have heard that the number 11 11 refers to the understanding of itself and that is what this eclipse was all about. He opened doors within us so that more old things could be released. I know I was able to post some central issues and was very happy about that.

Now we are in a very powerful energy. We entered the gateway to the heart energy of emerald green on 23/24 July 2017, which was the new moon. Then, the Lions Gate opened shortly after that new moon and culminated on August 8, 2017 (888). Is not the number of money? Is not the color of money green? It seems that the door to abundance has just opened.
This event was the opening of the door to peace and love and can be found in the center of your heart. Open your heart to the bright pink light of the love that is inside and manifest that love to the world. I know it's hard to do when there's so much chaos in the world, though we do not have to buy into that chaos.

This energy will also activate those who belong to The Brotherhood of the Emerald Fire. This group was active in the time of Mary Magdalene and the people who were with her. Take a look at an article I wrote in June 2010 about The Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire.

Another thing that happened during this period of time is that the network was down. The net was a negative energy belt around our planet caused by our negative thoughts. The powers that would not allow those negative thoughts to contaminate the rest of the planets, so that the Net was created to contain those negative thoughts. That network has dissipated along with all negative thoughts.

Where did all those negative thoughts come from? Could the high frequency energy that is coming in now dissipate them, or some of them still floating around people to pick up? I know I picked them up and caused my digestive system to get very upset. Now I am fine. I think other people are picking up those negative thoughts and I think it's provoking the challenge with North Korea. Another reason for the challenge with North Korea is the fact that the lunar eclipse was at 15 Aquarius degrees and that degree is just about North Korea. This put that country on the news.

It is very important now to look at your thoughts. A minute of anger or frustration weakens your immune system for five hours. A minute of laughter strengthens your immune system for twenty-four hours.

Get out of the Matrix and manifest your own power. The matrix is ​​just an illusion anyway that was created to control us. The curtain was opened on Saturn and the controllers have been exposed. Your control machines no longer work. The master controllers are no longer there; Everything is an illusion. We do not have to buy into this illusion anymore. Open your eyes and go beyond the illusion and set yourself free. It's time.

The gateway to 5 D is open and it is time to walk through that door if you choose to manifest a higher Earth frequency. Get out of the chaos and focus on the inside because more chaos is what this next solar eclipse will create. Keep your inner peace. The solar eclipse will be on August 21 and will occur at 11:30 AM PDT. It will be in 28 degrees 53 minutes Leo.

This eclipse will make the lies come to the surface to be watched and judged. We are entering the time of truth. Anything that is not the truth will fall. The degree of this eclipse will probably affect Southern California, because that is where the degree of this eclipse is located. This eclipse will be so powerful that it will affect all the United States and the rest of the world.

Because the planet Uranus will be in a perfect trine with the Sun, which is in conjunction with Regulus, it will be a great alarm clock for everyone. It's time for the female to roar. Regulus, the Lion's Royal Star used to be at 29 degrees Leo.

It is now in a Virgo degree, the sign of the Goddess

At 1:25 PM on August 21 the moon moves on Virgo. This is the moment when the energy of the inner Goddess becomes dominant. The energy of the Goddess is love. It is time to celebrate and manifest this loving energy. The meaning of Leo's 29 degrees is "A mermaid manifests itself from ocean waves

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