
6 de agosto de 2017

"Notification Right off the Federal Reserve Banks" Submit to the jurisdiction and venue of that court. by Reallucky1 - 8.6.17

Entry Submitted by Reallucky1 at 3:08 AM EDT on August 6, 2017

Submit to the jurisdiction and venue of that court.

Release and Indemnification

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you hereby release from any and all liability, and waive all claims against, the Federal Reserve Banks and their officers, directors, employees, and agents for claims, losses, damages (whether actual and/or consequential), costs, and expenses (including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from or in any way related to your use of this website. By using this website, you indemnify and hold harmless the Federal Reserve Banks and their officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability for claims, losses, damages (whether actual and/or consequential), costs, and expenses (including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from or in any way related to your use of this website, in
Including any material you submit and including any violation by you of these terms of use.

Hello Family

Searching through the Federal Reserve Bank site so many new sections coming in daily today, I discover this little Release and Indemnification against the Fed Banks for the fraud they have perpetuated. It states if you use the money out of the Federal Reserve Banks, you hold them harmless. This is why we have been given the forgiveness mantel over and over again. In order to hold them harmless for our entire lives being enslaved and working our tails off, we now are releasing them from there crimes as a trade off for us to have the accounts we should have had anyways? HUH? I have used them I admit it freely, they are written as law HR 192, and has been since we were born, most of us anyways, so by the use alone constitutes my agreement. Once again, this was not revealed to me, nor something that was known. So up and until they announce, we can control the outcome of these so called Release and Indemnifications. What if we sued them each personally. For 9/11 the Bushes and Dick Cheney and Susan Rice. All the Fed Reserve Bank Board and Members, as well as every single politician or media consultant that has lied to us for years, they are all guilty as hell and have no words they can use that will be an equal reverence,

Wave that carrot in front of us and we relinquish years of crimes, the new law is DO NO HARM. How would this not constitute a crime enslaving almost 7 billion people their entire lives, while lying under the guise of a Federal agency? If this is not enough for you, how about the people that we know have committed murder, or caused wars and even killed Americans to change the outcomes through false flags. Where do I even begin? This is a travesty of justice as I know the law. We let the same Federal Reserve Banks dictate the law of our money. are you out of your mind. Let the crooks monitor the rules of release. Nice!!

I have been very upset that the money was even being distributed through the Fed Banks, while they tell us they are no more, the same accounts are still in existence and they are lying out their teeth. I have all the proof and the codes that link. I took screen shots long ago, before they realized that people would investigate the routing codes to see where they link. I got tired of trying to tell people, this is a ruse and the more I fight for justice the more I pray that these accounts will just open before they end up with chaos and riots the very and absolute last thing they want. The lying must end and the reveal must come, we rely too much on the military to take care of these actions while the most evil remain out free never to serve a day in jail for so many crimes they are too countless to list. I am left with the fight for justice praying that all actions I am taking are in the interests of all humanity. 

I wonder daily when these so called arrests will come. I want to see George H W Bush held accountable for not only the death of JFK, the false flag of 9/11, but also for bringing so many drugs into this nation. George HW Bush was in charge of all the drug running operations for the Military Industrial Complex. Clinton who ran the Mena Arkansas drug operation, and the Mossad Bush/Clinton gang need to brought to justice and I will send back every penny on the Fed Banks site, to see this justice take place. The DO NOT HARM, will not apply for these jokers, who no longer will have diplomatic immunity. How much death and chaos must we endure so they are brought to complete justice, for all. There is no excuse, we have heard the reasons, and followed the money. We know all about Silverstein and his double indemnity Insurance for the Trade Towers and the demolitions that took place. 

We must get justice, and I am tired of listening to forgiveness mantras when I know that they have done harm. I know they are guilty, why has nothing been done about this. If the military is in charge, why are these arrests not going down, why are the full and complete disclosure not made to the public, the apologies we deserve, the removals of all that have played their roles. I do not care if they are on their death beds, we deserve to see them locked up, we deserve to see their crimes exposed. We are tired of being lied to and not having any accountability for any of the politicians or the media. The government is bankrupt and done, move them all out, let the people and the secret military take over that is ready to serve the true good guys the white hats, and flag officers that have worked together to get this out for us. We have been promised for years, complete and full disclosure. When does this part come, why has the media not been completely taken over, in the interest of justice. No alphabet agencies should have any dealing within our media, this is so important. 

Why has this not happened. Its been over a year since we were told this was coming we have waited for 16 years, there is no time like the present. I beg in the interests of justice to make this happen now, its for the Americans that have lost faith even in the ones that say they are the good guys. Where are you now, we need this to come to manifest. When we see the green screens, or the cops changing there clothes and people think wow they are so busted, or even the spoof of so many of these false flag. Notice you have never heard of any follow up of any of the stupid stunts the government tried to pull to divide us once more. Always up to ridiculous schemes just to cause a reaction. The only reaction I get is how dumb do these idiots think we are. Seriously, even with the Heather situation, are you kidding me? She was staying at Trump Tower then the next day, she goes to the White House where she is arrested. Getting old, but when the UCC-1 World Trusts were brought to the Federal DC Courts last Tuesday, that was game over for the Admiralty courts. This is how they are ushering in the big changes. I imagine Heather drinking champagne watching us take the actions she would be proud of, we hope. The rooms at Trump Tower on Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive just a complete masquerade, while everyone follows Heather's story. I call BS. Straight up, enjoy room service girl, you deserve it!! 



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