
2 de agosto de 2017

Open yourself to yourself ... you trust. You must believe.

Lord Ashtar - Abrete yourself to the veil within you, quickly falling - 7-20-17 - for Era Of Light


I AM Ashtar and I bring greetings and great great news for so many things change and change.
Not in the future, not in the coming days, but perfect now that you're in because you're in now. There is nothing that prevents you still have that Perfect expression within you as you continue advancing along this transition. And yes, you're in transition now. You are moving through the process of ascension and everything is exactly as it should be and you are in the exact place it needs to be because it is in a position to accomplish all that came to do.
All of you came here, you all volunteered as they have heard many times in the Clarion call. Many of you came in boats, even within the Ashtar Command ships. Many of you are commanders within the Ashtar Command - the other aspects of you with whom you will meet when those moments come when the frequency is increased. Because everything is exactly what you need and everything is being orchestrated.
Do not forget that even for a moment, while still dealing with various aches and pains and symptoms that arise as these frequencies continue to increase and its heavier and dense 3D body is difficult to move in these higher vibrations. As if suddenly appeared on one of our ships in their three - dimensional body feel so tired at these higher vibrations would not be able to bear. To have a process of acclimatization is produced to be able to move in these vibrations, in these higher vibrations. Even when we ourselves will go down and visit you need to lower our vibration we are not fit to do very often. And when you've raised to the higher vibrations, you will understand why.
Many of you will feel as if they struggled through all this and once they reach that destination of the highest vibration in the 5th Dimension and beyond might think, why I would go back. But you've also heard from Sananda especially that many of youreturn; Many of you will return to help those who are still fighting back. Because many of them can not help but struggle because they do not know what they know, still they do not remember what they're starting to remember.
My dear friends are starting to remember. All of you. Open yourselves to all there for you. Opening up the veil inside you fall quickly. And the more you realize that the veil falling further fall. But you must trust. You must believe.
You have heard of one of our dear brothers not long ago, I mention his name, Moses. He spoke of the "marching orders"; Who have given their marching orders. If that's true .... But no "orders". We do not give orders. We hints, we applications.  We ask that you are ready now. We ask you to be ready to advance to advance within your own personal conscience, but also to be prepared to help others.
This is your vocation. This is your mission, many of you. Many of you have already heard that call, they have awakened to that call, and have already begun to awaken othersmuch as possible. So I say that now is the time. Do everything you can to help others, to help others to wake up to whatever level they are.  And when he woke up forfirst time she had no idea what we're talking much now. Now you hear these things and you've heard many times before, but that is intentional on our part to repeat things over and over again because ithardget through that veil that is there for you yet, all the programming that you have been I had to try.
These next steps are what you might call just around the corner. So close you can reach out and touch them. We are so close to you now that we can whisper in your ears. If you're quiet enough, we'll hear.
I AM Ashtar. I love you deeply, more than all of you can understand at this time. Continue relying on each other in yourselves. They know that the truth will soon be revealed in many ways.

Channel: James McConnell   - The
article may be reproduced in full if the author and the author 's website is clearly indicated "Believe it is to see! "

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