
25 de agosto de 2017

Peace will become your reality allowing people to join in a common pursuit of growth, and love that come from the recognition that regardless of race or color are all one.

Resultat d'imatges de mike quinsey

Mike Quinsey - Channeling the Higher Self - August 25, 2017
The most important events are waiting to move forward depend on the first step to introduce a revaluation of currencies. It is the key to many important changes that have been prepared beforehand that elections will quickly arranged to allow the creation of a new republic and the installation of a new president. Meanwhile, Paul Ryan, who has already sworn, will be elected president until new elections are held to find a new leader. The ultimate goal is to ensure prosperity for all. It will take time, but delays are kept to a minimum since all the groundwork has already been done. NESARA and GESARA are the most important parts of the changes that completely alter the future so you can start a Golden Age.Once the current chaos and problems are overcome changes will become much faster than you can imagine. Preparations have been prepared forlong time, and those appointed to take charge are well aware of the pending tasks.
The waiting game will have to go a little more, but do not despair because it will ensure benefit from all that has been promised. For many it will be full of pleasant, beyond anything you could have imagined surprises. Many of the old ways will have to be changed to reflect a society that has moved in where their level of consciousness is concerned. Peace will become your reality allowing people to join in a common pursuit of growth, and love that come from the recognition that regardless of race or color are all One. You will see that all countries begin to work together for the betterment of all, and resolve their differences in a peaceful manner.Revaluation of currencies will soon become a reality and that will only result in great changes for the benefit of all stakeholders. The future is planned to give many pleasant surprises, and will onlya reward for his incredible achievement to move towards the Light to Ascension is assured.
If you find the changes too much to understand, please accept that will lead to a permanent peace and a great approach people. Clearly, many are in high places that are not of Light and will have to set aside to allow progress is made, and the opposition to them in vain. There are many light souls waiting for an opportunity to help mankind to experience a smooth movement in the New Age, and that includes Beings of civilizations that have been associated with Earth for a very long time. The Pleiadians are your ancestors are prominent among them and come out in the open when circumstances permit. With that humanity will make more progress at a pace even faster than previously experienced.After years of preparing for the changes, everything would imagine that you are ready and you will experience a wonderful time as you benefit from the changes.
There is great joy in heaven that humanity has reached the age of majority, and the trials and tribulations have almost run its course. You have been gradually prepared to take their place in the cosmos as Ascended Beings, and a big celebration is ahead, because such an achievement only happens occasionally. It has required a great effort of those involved to overcome the negativity found, as it had the potential to pull you for eons of time. However, you have come across many, many incarnations, and have still been able to increase their vibration to an acceptable level which has ensured the Ascension. You are those who have raised their vibrations and fully deserve all the plaudits they receive. The more difficult challenge, more has been determined to be victorious, and they have won overcoming the obstacles placed in their path. It is their strength and determination that led him through and never have to walk this path again.
Time as you know it is an illusion, but it serves its purpose as a means to evolve slowly, but in a way that does not press any soul. Also as time is infinite, there is no one to rush to win success and at every stage there is always help if you need. In fact, their needs are often done before doing so, and traveling on their way to you are there to help. Every soul is highly respected and loved and has little understanding of how important are his achievements. Souls often feel isolated and alone with their problems, but rest assured that there is always Beings of Light beside giving help and encouragement.
Sometimes you take your problems to bed with you, and when you leave the body into the higher realms you discuss matters with those who can give you good and helpful advice. You can also find those souls who are related to you and may be embodied or disembodied.
For good reason not usually remember these meetings, it is not unusual for answers to their problems come to mind shortly after waking from sleep. It is also possible that your guides fix a meeting with someone who can help answer your problems, you might feel that it is coincidence. However, make sure that meetings "chance" are carefully organized so that there are no errors that can lead to failure, but conditions may re-establish if necessary.
When retiring to bed most people think of the day's events and unresolved problems, and it is useful to have a clear picture of their needs. It progresses perhaps your path changes as focus on new businesses. So accept any challenge you will get the best help available. When you feel compelled to go in a certain direction, it is so likely that your guides are responsible for it, have a better view of what lies ahead. Sometimes things happen that are beneficial for you and call it "luck" when it is really created for you.
It gives you much help you not aware of anything, so you can be sure that no problem is yours to solve alone. Just be aware that if you get ideas or incitement to do something specific will for your own good. After all, the main function of his assistants is to keep your life plan and ensure it meets its responsibilities kármicas.Este month has all the ingredients of being a special and could announce some surprising developments. Certainly things are coming to the head and are politically volatile and literally anything can happen. As suggested above, you need only an important event occurs to make things forward. So hold down like a roller coaster ride may well be about to begin. Everything is building up and more than one possibility is likely, however whatever the outcome augur well for all of you in the long run.
I leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and path to completion. This message comes through my higher self. In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Resultat d'imatges de mike quinsey

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