
26 de agosto de 2017

SAINT GERMAIN about NESARA and Money - The Rumor Banking Is Not True

Rumor Banking Is Not True 

Resultat d'imatges of sant germain
 August 17, 2006, 8:50 a.m.
From: .  Original English, Spanish translation by  Luis Prada .
rumors that are being spread these days through the GLP forum that Germain want to reply Hello everyone there. Apparently someone has posted a message saying banks globally will close in one week, get your money now. Some are worried that this is a horror game. There are often rumors are not true that are initiated in the other forum. Here is the answer of Germain.
Dear beloved, this can be a horror game but not be allowed to happen. If plans proceed for now as it is intended, the new provisional President of the United States and closing of the Federal Reserve will be announced simultaneously. No matter the scenario, US banks They will be closed from 3 to 5 business days to make conversions to the new Treasury system and end storage processes of the new currency.

For some time you have known this and it is always wise, under any circumstances, have some cash on hand. The closure of US banks will be covered in the news, and people will be given time to withdraw cash since the plastic will not work. The absence of banks can cause a few businesses have some money problems for a few days and some may not be open all the time to do business, so it's not a bad idea to have an adequate amount of food and necessities related, and a full tank of gas in each car to travel to work if they close some gas stations that operate primarily with bank cards.

There is no plan to close banks globally at the same time. There will be other countries that have printed new currency whose banks may or may not close at the same time. They will have to close at some point to make changes. Again someone is having fun creating fear among you.

Prosperity Funds and the Funds Claims Farms can not be distributed until changes occur in the US It is not safe to do so. Stop paying attention to false publications that exists around that concept. Nor is it safe to identify the recipient by delivering papers and there is a scam going to provide documentation that it is not legal to cause harm. All important papers will be delivered by courier, not through registered mail. This has always been the case.

There are still people trying to cheat and steal all funds, including my World Funds  [World Trusts]  and they must face the music down the street. False "Lightworkers" will be identified and recovered funds if erroneously distributed.  I have new people who will be accepting applications for funds of many types and applications will be subject to scrutiny and carefully tests should provide the appropriate use of funds. T Hodaviah dark there are those who claim to be Lightworkers are not hoping to get the funds for misuse and to be giving it to dark perverse ways to use people.

The problem with this idea is that these dark will be leaving the planet over the next several months and will not be around to use their thefts. Once the "star people" are on land and in public, many of darkness be easily identified and removed. Time trial, we call it .  I warn you against fraud. It will not serve youwell. There are resources, ways and means, to identify the dark after the Second Coming event that are not yet on the planet but under Monjoronson courts, so it should happen.

Beware of games, you, the players them! With the event of the Second Coming are the new rules of the game and they are hard, fast and final. So be it. It might have been easier for these dark crossing the fence. At the beginning of the Second Coming to decide the time it is over for you who are intentionally dark.So, that too. You will be removed from the planet as quickly as possible, your final opportunity to change is about to end.

Now regarding my World Funds. I have created many, in a variety of countries, so that the application can be handled locally mostly. These will be carefully approved and the application process will not be easy. These funds will begin receiving requests about 3 months after the Second Coming which helps alleviate the problem of dark make requests because the worst have left the planet. Be warned there will be some not very pleasant for some scenarios and Lightworkers need to help those in their circles who may experience some losses.

There are certain programs that receive fund shortly after the removal of the Federal Reserve have been approved by me and my staff. Others will have to wait for public disclosure of the application process to start applying. Many of you will need to wait, in the US, so that the active rebate programs for financing their missions are made. Their missions may be financed from their personal reimbursements, which will be just as we have said for some time, $ 75.000US a month for a little more than 12 years.

In the US, the decimal point will be moved a figure, so this amount of money becomes huge in the US, buying 10 times more than they do now. This can not be true in other economies but we are working hard to restructure all economies to a global standard monetary system within 5 years and, if all goes well, in considerably less time. All countries have experienced significant inflation, such as Europe and the US will experience changes to correct inflation. This is the first course to correct widespread problems of inflation.
Monjoronson program will be made public shortly after the Second Coming event, and hopefully this knowledge will cause some to straighten. Its courts are final on their findings and there is no recourse nor will there be the possibility of widely lengthy trials.  Those who defrauded investment funds will have to answer to their courts and not to the courts of the land. Enough said about that.
So, beloveds, stop worrying about all the things that spread in forums sometimes. I am the one who is in charge and so. Namaste, I AM Germain.
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