
22 de agosto de 2017


As we said, in our conjectures, the first major interested in a possible jihadist attack in Barcelona would be the Spanish government, which could use the attack to paralyze the Catalan independence process, before it reached a definitive breaking point.
In fact, if we obey the logic of our conjectures, a jihadist attack would in fact be the last (desperate) effective letter that the Spanish government could play in order to halt the Catalan independence process and the holding of a referendum, since the Own Spanish government has confessed that it can no longer apply in time Article 155 of the Constitution to annul the Catalan autonomy (although on the day after affirming it, news appeared falsely claiming the opposite).

Recall that the Catalan autonomous government and the Catalan parliament of independence majority have shown in clear rebellion, and have been willing to carry out the referendum unilaterally, disobeying any Spanish law if necessary and disregarding the disqualification of politicians.
As we indicated in the September 2016 article, the central government could use the pursuit of such an attack to show the Catalan population that "Catalonia is too weak to protect itself" without the cover of a "powerful" Such as Spain.

We conjectured that the first maneuver to be carried out by the Spanish state in such a case, through its powerful media speakers (all at the full service of the Spanish Deep State), would sell the image that "the Catalan government acted with incompetence and failed to protect Its population, by having in large part the security competences transferred to its autonomous police, the Mossos d'Esquadra. "

As we advanced in last year's article: "These same media speakers would be used to sell the idea that the Catalan autonomous police does not collaborate adequately with the Spanish security services, claiming that it hides information due to the 'separative drift' that Lives Catalonia and its attempts to disconnect Spain ".
And that is EXACTLY what has happened since the first minute, happens and will continue to happen in the coming weeks, with increasing media virulence.

Therefore, our speculation to respect, has materialized.
In fact, we can speak of a disturbing maneuver of large-scale media manipulation of all Spanish media, regardless of its ideological attachment, which should make the legs tremble at any SPANISH with a minimal democratic sense: all offer the same speech , Manipulating the information in the same way and obeying to the same interests, something improper of an authentic democracy.

The first example and one of the most blatant of what we are saying, we find in El Periódico, a newspaper next to the postulates of the PSOE.
The mass outrage on the Ramblas occurred at 16:57 and at 17:51, less than an hour later, when it was barely known if it was a terrorist attack or not and when the bodies were still on the pavement Of the Ramblas, Enric Hernández, the editor of that newspaper, published a tweet in which advanced an alleged "exclusive": that "The CIA had informed two months before to the Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan autonomic police) that the Rambla Was the target of jihadism. "

That is, El Periódico came to give the message that "the Catalan authorities were incompetent and irresponsible", not having been able to act despite the warnings.

It should be noted that this news, in its beginnings, was reproduced quickly by all Spanish media, without any hesitation, even though at that time, there was no source that would allow it to contrast its veracity.

In fact, the Catalan interior councilor Joaquin Forn himself has denied that such communication existed with the CIA.

In fact, initially, many of the foreign media did not share or give credibility and only The Economist (the Rothschild media), referred to it, but being careful to mention that "El Periódico" said, to cover their backs .

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