
4 de agosto de 2017

The Urantia Book - Circuit Gravity-Spirit

Everything taught concerning the immanence of God, his omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience, is equally true of the Son in the spiritual domains. The pure and universal spirit gravity of all creation, this exclusively spiritual circuit, leads directly back to the person of the Second Source and Center on Paradise. He presides over the control and operation of that spiritual, unequivocal and eternal dominion, of all true spiritual values. Thus the Eternal Son exercise absolute spiritual sovereignty. He literally holds all spirit realities and all spiritualized values, as it were, in the palm of your hand. The control of universal spiritual gravity  isuniversal spiritual sovereignty.
This gravity control of spiritual things operates independently of time and space; therefore the spirit energy undiminished in transmission. Spirit gravity never suffers time delays or reductions in space. No decreases according to the square of the distance of its transmission; No pure spiritual power circuits are delayed by the mass of the material creation. And this transcendence of time and space by pure spirit energies is inherent in the absoluteness of the Son; not due to the interposition of the antigravity forces of the Third Source and Center.
 Spirit realities respond to the drawing power of the center of spiritual gravity in accordance with their qualitative value, their actual degree of spirit nature. The spiritual substance (quality) responds to the seriousness of the spirit as the organized energy of physical matter (quantity) is responsive to physical gravity. Spiritual values and spirit forces are  real.  From the viewpoint of personality, spirit is the soul of creation; intangible matter is the physical body.
 Reactions and fluctuations of spirit gravity are ever true to the content of spiritual values, the qualitative spiritual status of an individual or a world. This power is instantly responsive to the inter- and intraspirit universal values ​​of any situation or planetary condition. Every time a spiritual reality is updated in the universes, this change necessitates the immediate and instantaneous readjustment of spirit gravity. This new spirit is actually a part of the Second Source and Center; and surely as mortal man becomes a spiritualized being, he attains the spiritual Son, the center and source of spirit gravity.
 The spiritual drawing power of the Son is inherent to a lesser degree in many Paradise orders of sonship. For there do exist within the absolute spirit gravity circuit those local systems of spiritual attraction that function in the lower units of creation. Such subabsolute focalizations of spiritual grave-ness are part of the divinity of the Creator personalities of time and space and are correlated with the emerging experiential overcontrol of the Supreme Being.
The pull of gravity-spirit and response thereto operate not only on the universe as a whole but also even between individuals and groups of individuals. There is a spiritual cohesiveness among the spiritual and spiritualized personalities of any world, race, nation, or believing group of people. There is an attraction di-straight spiritual nature between spiritually minded people endowed with similar tastes and desires. The term  Minded  is not entirely a figure of speech.
Like the material gravity of Paradise, the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son is absolute. Sin and rebellion may interfere with the operation of local universe circuits, but nothing can suspend the spirit gravity of the Eternal Son. The Lucifer rebellion produced many changes in your system of inhabited worlds and on Urantia, but we did not observe that the resultant spiritual quarantine of your planet has been affected in the least the presence and function of either the omnipresent spirit of the Eternal Son nor the gravity circuit associated spiritual.
 All reactions spiritual gravity circuit of the grand universe are predictable. We recognize all actions and reactions of the omnipresent spirit of the Eternal Son and found to be reliable. According to well-known laws, we can and do measure spiritual gravity just as man attempts to compute functions of finite physical gravity. There is an unvarying response of the Son's spirit to all things spiritual beings and persons, and this response is always in accordance with the degree of actuality (the qualitative degree of reality) of all such spiritual values.
But alongside this very dependable and predictable function of the spiritual presence of the Eternal Son, are phenomena whose reactions are not as predictable. These phenomena probably indicate the coordinated action of the Deity Absolute in the realms of emerging spiritual potentials. We know that the spiritual presence of the Eternal Son is the influence of a majestic and infinite personality, but we hardly regard as personal reactions associated with the conjectured performances of the Deity Absolute.
Viewed from the standpoint of personality and by persons, the Eternal Son and the Deity Absolute appear to be related in the following way: The Eternal Son dominates the realm of actual spiritual values, whereas the Deity Absolute seems to occupy the vast domain of potential spirit values. The entire current value of a spiritual nature finds lodgment in the gravity control of the Eternal Son but, if potential, then apparently corresponds to the presence of the Deity Absolute.
The spirit seems to emerge from the potentials of the Deity Absolute; and the evolving spirit finds correlation in the experiential and incomplete grasps of the Supreme and the Ultimate. Spirit eventually finds final destiny in the absolute attraction of the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son. This appears to be the cycle of experiential spirit, but existential spirit is inherent in the infinity of the Second Source and Center.

 [Edited by a Divine Counselor assigned to formulate this statement depicting the Eternal Son of Paradise.]

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