
4 de agosto de 2017

The Urantia Book - Relation of the Eternal Son to the Individual

document 7

In the local universe ascent the mortals of time look to the Creator Son as the personal representative of the Eternal Son, but when they start the training regime ascent of the superuniverse, the pilgrims of time increasingly detect the supernal presence of the inspiring spirit of Eternal son, and can benefit from the absorption of this ministry of spiritual energization. In Havona the ascenders even become more aware of the loving acceptance of the pervading spirit of the Original Son. At no stage of the entire mortal ascension of the spirit of the Eternal Son inhabits the mind or soul of the pilgrim of time, but his beneficence is ever near and always attentive to the welfare and spiritual security of the advancing children of time.
The attraction of the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son constitutes the inherent secret of the Paradise ascension of surviving human souls. The unfailing attraction of the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son keeps all genuine spiritual values ​​and all individuals sincerely spiritualized. Mortal mind, for example, starts his career as a material mechanism and finally into the Corps Finaliter as almost perfected spirit existence, becoming progressively less subject to material gravity and correspondingly more sensitive inward pulling spirit gravity during this entire experience. The spiritual gravity circuit literally pulls the soul of man to Paradise.
The spirit-gravity circuit is the basic channel for transmitting the genuine prayers of the believing human heart from the level of human consciousness to the actual consciousness of Deity. That which represents true spiritual value in your petitions will be seized by the universal circuit of spirit gravity and will pass immediately and simultaneously to all divine personalities, and each will deal with that which belongs to his personal specialty. Therefore, in your practical religious experience, it is immaterial whether, in addressing your supplications, you visualize the Creator Son of your local universe or the Eternal Son at the center of all things.
The spirit-gravity circuit is the basic channel for transmitting the genuine prayers of the believing human heart from the level of human consciousness to the actual consciousness of Deity. That which represents true spiritual value in your petitions will be seized by the universal circuit of spirit gravity and will pass immediately and simultaneously to all divine personalities, and each will deal with that which belongs to his personal specialty. Therefore, in your practical religious experience, it is immaterial whether, in addressing your supplications, you visualize the Creator Son of your local universe or the Eternal Son at the center of all things.
But how much more perfect is the superb technique of the spiritual world! If something that originates in your consciousness contains a supreme spiritual value, what ye once expressed, no power in the universe can prevent its flashing directly to the Absolute Spirit Personality of all creation.
Conversely, if your supplications are purely material and wholly self-centered, there is no plan whereby such unworthy prayers can find lodgment in the spirit circuit of the Eternal Son. The contents of each petition is not "spirit indited" can find no place in the universal spiritual circuit; those requests, purely selfish and material perishing; not amount to the circuits of true spirit values. Such words are as "sounding brass and tinkling cymbal."
Is the motivating thought, the spiritual content, that validates the mortal supplication. The words are worthless.

 [Edited by a Divine Counselor assigned to formulate this statement depicting the Eternal Son of Paradise.]

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