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By Guadi Calvo.
After World War II, the "free" Europe understood that its destiny was to perish in a short time under the wheels of the victorious Soviet locomotive, to become a bunch of nations without destiny, which would end up crushing as it had done in the two great wars of the twentieth century or join their fate to the policies marked by Washington, to create a common European market and not only in the commercial, but also in the military. 
The urgency for the Cold War forced NATO to crystallize in 1949, while the European Economic Community (EEC) predecessor of the European Union (EU) took shape in 1958.
The Second War had forced the European colonial powers to rid their possessions of their own fate, at least for a time, so that many particularly African and Southeast Asian nations found themselves with political independence for which they were not prepared after of almost two centuries of plunder, plunder and genocide to which they were subjected with particular perversion by the United Kingdom, France and Belgium. 
Although, the metropolis continued to serve until today of its endless deposits of raw materials like petroleum, uranium, gold, precious stones, cobalt, coltan and a very long and bloody etcetera.
Europe was also present when it was time to arm tribal armies to march against other tribal armies to solve thousands of ethnic and territorial disputes that the European presence of almost two centuries in the continent only exacerbated. Perhaps recalling the million Tutsideaths  at the hands of  Hutus , which occurred in only three months of the "distant" 1994 that left the Rwandan dispute encouraged by Paris and Brussels exempts us from further explanations.
Although they want to talk about genocide by naming the Belgian king Leopoldo II with many, many more than 10 million dead in their Free State of the Congo at the hands of their foremen and in the name of the right of free enterprise that took place between 1885 and 1906 Would it reach? Although, if not, there are many more genocides and many more in time to remember in the hands of the sacrosanct European rights.
Europe and the United States supplied Iraq with Saddam Hussein's armaments to wage a war against the Ayatollah's Iran, which claimed a million deaths after eight years of war (1980-1988). What is called a bicoca.
The "free" Europe ally of the United States  to humiliation followed Washington's economic, political and military orders always and without too much trouble. 
Even being able to handle the crisis caused by the fall of the Soviet bloc and all its consequences, such as the absorption of many countries that had been Moscow allies and members of the  Treaty of Amity, Partnership and Mutual Assistance (Warsaw Pact), the socialist NATO, signed in the Polish capital in 1955.
Even the wars after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, which would provoke the carnage of the Balkans, which left very few, but very poorly,  left 150,000 dead and four million displaced under the atrocious western gaze that with some delight saw millions of ex-communists returning at the time of the caves.
If not, the Dutch Blue Helmets  of the UN Protection Force(Unprofor), which in 1995 allowed more than 9,000 Bosnian Muslims to be killed in  Srebrenica in present-day Bosnia , after torture,  Führer , by the  Serbian troops of Ratko Karadzic,  without being moved by a hair.
Europe by  allowing the massacres of the 1990s in  Somalia, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan to be singled out, was demoted to the measure of its senior partner, the  United States,  whom it accompanied under  George Bush, Sr., against his former ally, friend and client  Saddam Hussein  in the first war in Iraq in 1991.
Since then,  more and more "free" Europe has been following with more attachment the policies marked more than by Washington and  Wall Street  by the Pentagon. 
Becoming accomplices of each of the massacres that from that branch of hell has been arranged against innumerable peoples whose only sin has been to exist on a deposit of resources necessary to the laws of the market.
Europe was no stranger or  the invasion  of  Afghanistan in 2001 , or  the invasion of Iraq in 2003 , managed by the macabre trio of  Azores (Bush (H) Blair and Aznar) whose consequences until today the world is still paying.
The last great European barbarism with which he has put his head in the loop has been the  "Arab Spring"  which in 2011 declares a war of destruction against advanced nations like  Libya and Syria, causing in addition a countless number of dead and displaced. 
The demolition of these two nations, the creation of the Islamic State and countless other wars and riots that continue to cause thousands of deaths among them the war in  Yemen  and making unmanageable large regions of Nigeria, Mali, the Sahel in general, Pakistan, Afghanistan and ended up leading the terrorist wave of false Muslim claims to countries as far away as the  Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia  and a flood of attacks throughout Europe, which only stops to take more momentum.
Between shutting up or escaping
The European persistence of clinging to its mistakes, fundamentally to follow North American policies closely, is what today the Catalan people are trying to separate themselves from an increasingly anemic Spain, managed by a tyrant called Mariano Rajoy, who In spite of its meter ninety, it is much to reach the 163 centimeters of Francisco Franco, to whom this would never have happened to him what happens today.
The luck that today plays in Catalonia  and beyond any result is set and in it also the destiny of Europe is figured.
Although Rajoy's moral dwarf gets away with it and leaves more dead and injured in the streets of Barcelona than the terrorist attack of August, sooner or later the Catalans will get away with it, and the question then is: when the Basques ? And if that happens, how much more will a "Great and Free" Spain survive?
The United Kingdom, despite its  Brexit  that shook the world in 2016,  the independence breath of Scotland  does not seem to have waned and the intentions of a new referendum to achieve its independence is already on the march again. 
London tries to close every exit , but now the world is also attentive to the issue.
Although the complex problem of separatism is not a novelty in Europe, countries such as France or Italy also have questions in that direction, more and more and more and new voices of extreme right-wing populist nationalism emerged that shamelessly declared themselves anti-European and anti-immigrant, in almost all countries belonging to the EU sharing the Schengen area (where anyone who has regularly entered a European external border or who resides in one of the countries applying the Convention signed in 1985) freely circulates.
After the major refugee crises as a result of the war policies pursued by the United States and Europe that have taken place since 2014, the fascist remnants that never died on the continent have sprung up.
The desperate arrival of waves and waves of refugees , coupled with the series of terrorist attacks that since January 2015 have generated only a couple of hundred dead, absolutely nothing compared to what can happen at the same time in  Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria Mali, Afghanistan or Pakistan, added to the economic crisis by neo-liberal policies,  have all the alarms of the European far right have been ignited, confirmed that of Brecht's frightened bourgeois.
The arrival of ninety parliamentarians neonazi  Alternative for Germany (AFD) to  Bundestag  has raised countless resentments inside and outside  Germany  in the European political and business environment, as  if the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank,  among other organizations " public good ", had nothing to do with this reality.
If someone toured the European map like that ghost in the mid-nineteenth century, it would be found that dozens of organizations similar to the German AfD have multiplied in the last five years, in which unemployment and the economic crisis try to be excused by the arrival of immigrants expelled from their countries by the United States' own war policies and its NATO partners.
That the French ultra-right came second after the unexpected victory of Emanuel Macron'sneoliberalism  ,  is nothing more than the omen that the heirs of the Le Pen National Front, with another name and other faces, if necessary, will return dangerously close to the Elysium. Taking into account the political breakdown of Macron after the implementation of neo liberal packages that include labor flexibility.
The ultra right-wing Nazi is no longer a promise in Hungary or Poland,  but a reality that rules by bothering the well-behaved gentlemen of Brussels, EU headquarters  In Hungary, the  conservative and populist Fidesz  governs with absolute majority since 2010. 
His Prime Minister  Viktor Orban,  who has restricted press freedom to levels unknown on the continent since World War II, has defied all EU suggestions on the issue of refugees by lifting billboards at the borders.
In Poland, the Law and Justice Party (PiS) has ruled with absolute majority since 2015, establishing Islamophobic policies, and a very debatable reform that puts the judiciary under the tutelage of political control. 
Polish ultra-right sectorsoperated with the complicity of the CIA and other Western intelligence services in assisting Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups like the  Pravy Sektor (right sector)  and the   Svoboda  (Freedom) movement , which  articulated all terrorist acts prior to the Viktor Yanukovich's fall in 2014 and the establishment of the tycoon  Petró  Poroshenko , who is perpetrating a  genocide against the popular republics of  Donetsk and Lugansk.  
Not to mention that of his armaments factories there was much material for the men of  Abu Bakr al-Baghdad,  alias the  caliph of Islamic State. Coincidences.
The Party for the  Independence of the United Kingdom  (UKIP), defined as Europhobic ,  Thatcherite  and anti - immigrant, just elected as new leader  Henry Bolton, a former infantry who seeks to reinstate the ideas in the popular sectors where different versions of the left it still has some presence. 
The  UKIP  was news for its advances in the last European parliamentarians in addition to trying to establish policies of  has proposed massive deportations and the closing of dozens of mosques.
Europe is being victimized by its own historical aberrations and its leaders of the tragic consequences that their dismantling can produce.
Guadi Calvo is an Argentine writer and journalist. International Analyst specialized in Africa, Middle East and Central Asia.

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