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James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The sky is not falling

 September 30, 2017 

The Sky is not falling / Not Detractors 
Pondering the Truth, Wisdom and Discernment 

Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn 

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelico de Luz, with Tyberonn the Cristalino Service. .. 

the seers have projected rumors and warnings that the end was near, and were heard by kings, wise and gentlemen along the legendary story of your planet. This is no exception. 

The shock caused by any prophecy of "final judgment" in which the prediction applies to a kaleidoscope random chance, is difficult and causes confusion.Superficially it's an ad that naturally attracts attention and cause alarm. Then, the slope burning question below frightening announcement is "Is this real? And if so, what can I do about it ?" 

Teachers, the key is the wise discernment. Lessons learned from "Chicken Little" (NT 3D cartoon Disney) and "Peter and the Wolf" apply in this scenario. 

Dear humans, Earth is being transformed, it is remaking itself by reforming its elements, their kingdoms and directional aspects. The planet that you humans call their home is re-positioning their being in response to a purpose and a divine call.That purpose is the ascension of humanity. Earth and all life on the planet are undergoing a powerful transformation. This transition includes the Earth 's climate and geo-tectonic movements ... and earth changes involve specific (but not global) regional cataclysms. 

Asteroid Death Star was not 

Let 's be clear, if humanity had not picked up, there would have been a global cataclysmic "reset". That "probable reality" cataclysmic have occurred between 1998 and 2000, in the form of a deadly asteroid impact that would cause a tilt of Earth 's axis, super tectonic earthquakes, tsunamis a mile high, flooding with mega hurricanes and high storms. 

Of course that potential did not happen, but knowledge of that potential was embedded in the subconscious of humanity. It is certainly interesting to note that the approach of the 1998 films, documentaries and books related to planetary destruction due to asteroid impacts, and the "Death Star" series in the popular film version emerged.

Until 1987 the predominant probability was the latter, the catastrophic impact of the final day - a total reboot. By the way, renowned psychics like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus prophecies were attributed predicting major changes in land by cataclysmic earthquakes and floods in this era. There were dozens of other renowned visionaries in the same position. Various groups, sects and groups of people began preparing for the impact, building shelters for survival, and underground facilities that store food, water and goods ... including governments and the military.

The "Cayce readings" truthful, indicated alignments that began in 1982 and reached 1998 indicating destruction ... but both Edgar Cayce and Dr. Michel de Nostradamus strove to establish that the human will is stronger than any " event "and that the future could be changed. 

Measurement of Light and Reality Change 

Measuring the ratio of light that you call the Harmonic Convergence, August 1987, changed that potential and replaced by the Path of Ascension . Certainly global participation in the high intention of global meditation and mediation of the Harmonic Convergence was deeply perceived throughout the Cosmos in the powerful stellar and planetary alignment. This means that for the extraordinary cycle projection of intention, earth and mankind were in direct resonant communication with the Divine, and power and vibration concentrates the combined intention with prayer transcended patterns odds and altered the cataclysmic restart reforming it to Ascension.
You are certainly on the path to Ascension. It will not happen a global catastrophe. 

However the "cataclysmic restart" although he was no longer running, it remained concerned and fatiguing humanity. It is understandable, because you humans carry in their collective memories of the traumatic memory cell of 5 times when the world was restarted in the past. This is especially burdensome for the thousands of millions of currently Atlanteans on the planet, because of the devastating tsunamis 3 and the sinking of Atlantis, who are still powerfully engraved in your subconscious.

Souled contracts and extensions

Humanity as a species has not forgotten cataclysmic global events of the past, but they have forgotten worlds, as time overlap concentrically, are mixed in the overlay. All humans born before 1987 were embodied with the knowledge that they walked to a global reset as the main probable reality. Although this probability was changed, the memory of probability still remains. 

In fact, thousands of millions of people born before 1982 (when he started the concept of Harmonic Convergence) incarnated with the understanding of their "superior" that would likely occur 6th overall cataclysmic restart around 1998 to 2000, as a probability predominant.That's why so many born after World War II, the "Generation Baby-Boomer" (NT population explosion since 1946) had significant changes in their lives after 1998. Many simply had not planned to live after the likely impact . He was added and activated an option for extension. For many it began a new life in the same biology! They changed their life partners, their careers, and many moved. Some of you intuitively understand what we're saying, because it applies to their life experience.

Take leadership 

It is sensible, appropriate and extremely important for humanity to realize the co-creative ability of the combined high intention, and let go of that old steely fear of ultimate destruction. The probability of 1998 did not happen and will not happen a total global destruction in the paradigm of this "new earth". You as well determined. 

But that fear loquacious remnant day coming to an end is unnecessary. Harmonic Convergence was a great catalyst, a milestone aimed at an awakening of humanity to its extraordinary capabilities of co-creation, because minds harmoniously combined and changed reality.

It is time for the enlightened among you not only fully accept the ascent but also take active positions, to assume leadership roles valid projecting this belief, the veracity of "human ascension" to come. And while it is understandable that "less aware" masses are still caught in the spill of the old paradigm with its persistent predictions of a global catastrophic event "end times" in the not too distant horizon, certainly those inaccurate charlatans predictions and projections distorted beliefs are at least irresponsible and biased, and even worse can lead others to unnecessary worry, depression, apathy and fear.
Stay living in fear is destructive. 

old Energy 

Unfortunately it appears that in its present, the outcome of "End of Time" with its myriad of intrigue, has become fertile ground for the doomsayers prophets fans and detractors. And in the Internet age, the biased media, and border pseudoscientific researchers keep adding fuel to the fire. 

But this is nothing new. In fact the debates, discussions and arguments about doomsday scenarios have been around since the beginning of the 3D duality on your planet. Dwindle and increase, poke and get so regularly as your sun and your moon.Originated and fed by numerous drivers, including religious texts and prophecies, astronomical alignments, natural disasters, conspiracy theories, archaeological discoveries, empirical information, manipulation by fear and spiritual beliefs ... the scene of " sky is falling "again is not only growing, but is also fashionable in some groups.

Humanity is currently experiencing a stimulus amplified about emotional sensitivity, and this excitement tinged with chaos and disturbing anxiety increase, if left, anxiety and discomfort in the foreseeable near future. As we said, it creates fertile ground for fans and journalists seeking care, and misleading "prophets" who are stuck in the old ways or want to attract followers sowing the "sensationalist" seeds of apprehension disaster. This kind of news of the end times and phenomena get more grip in times of hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.

Earth is Robusta 

Both the earth and all kingdoms are going through big changes in your present time and are adapting to a new set of circumstances and dimensional vibration. But it is important to understand that the earth is not weak and fragile ... rather it is fairly robust. Your planet is amplified, life is changing intensely, but changing for the better, and there are no exceptions. 
Although many well - intentioned souls want to "save the planet" from natural disasters, in this specific scenario your planet Earth does not need to be saved.Hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis are a requirement in the ongoing aspect of the natural cycles of the earth. They are necessary for the electromagnetic balance of the earth and have always happened. These events will continue, perhaps with greater intensity, as the earth warms, melt polar ice and rising waters. However these "natural events" and natural disasters in specific areas will be regional but not cataclysmic world.

Event Horizon 

Let's be clear ... Although the future is a moving target, planetary ascension has already originated and was born. It is in place, and the ascension of mankind comes with it, is part of the graduation package ascension. Because the latter could not happen without the first. So be sure that both sides of this unique event horizon called "Ascension" are in place.
Because in the art of co-creation, an occurrence, a goal, an ideal, a future potential is put under a concentrated focus, it surrenders to the conscious massed intent and thus becomes a reality ... and even if that event is in its linear future it is firmly established. Same for Ascension, because it has already handily passed its turning point, far beyond the point of no return; by thinking of a critical mass it has created a fixed experiential destiny on the path of time. It is an event horizon. Only a matter of time to reach it.

Then, as the ascension of humanity it is underway, and will not be altered, in some respects it is still a belief that requires faith. However, especially for the doubters and detractors, the fact that many specific predictions "final catastrophe" have not been fulfilled in the past 3 decades, should call for careful consideration.

The Usual Suspects 

In the current month, a "researcher" got a lot of publicity by announcing that a planet outer orbit would crash into Earth on September 23, 2017 and cause the end of the world ... a sensational statement that he justified as referring to the book ambiguously of Revelations in the Bible. 

Archaic astronomy and obscure interpretations of religious texts are often, in fact, the basis for confusing predictive statements of end times, cataclysms, tribulation, economic devastation, chaos, break, day of judgment, wrath of a vengeful god and other events catastrophic like that 

Asked by J. Tyberonn Metatron: Lately there has been a potential cataclysm ads based on theories on Planet X / Nibiru. Can you expand on this?

Archangel Metatron response: Just say that there will be a planetary collision with an asteroid or a dwarf planet. The scenario of "12th Planet as the Death Star" is incorrect, because both ads pseudo-scientists like the cosmological interpretations of ancient texts have serious flaws ... and the underlying theory proposed, although complex, is now a sad fuel for fans of conspiracies and merchants of fear.

Teachers, it is essential that you humans remember and always be aware that the experience of land is an illusion with purpose. You are at the University of Duality, learning a credentialed program on co-creation responsible. Experience in this realm of free will, in which you believe and project, both individually and collectively, in droves. Point. There is no other rule.
The Importance of Clarity 

The new land of 2017 and beyond is truly an extraordinary phase of his experience of Duality. It melted the sacred with the scientist. In the old energy, science omitted the divine, the sacred and the scientific omitted. Discernment and wisdom are key as each of you, as "gods in progress" have to weigh and judge the beliefs they choose. 

We say that Ascension is real and is on track. And Ascension involves a great clotting events that meet after aeons of lives and efforts. It is not a random incident, but rather divinely created an event of astonishing beauty and magnificence.

You did not create the Ascension to simply all creative elements that formed dissolve in a global cataclysm. We assure you that Ascension is in place. 

There will be a global catastrophic event or a global chaotic economic collapse or a nuclear war that ends the world. 

However, in the realm of duality and free will, those who choose to focus and live in negativity and fear, may well attract an individual experience "negative fear" or economic collapse in his own life. Keep fear is harmful to both body and mind. As explained Edgar Cayce, "Fear is the great destroyer".
Sages between you must lead cocreation rather high. The sky is not falling! I am Metatron, with Tyberonn the Cristalino Service and share with you these Truths. You guys are loved! 

And so it is ... and so ... 

Copyright 2017 reserved for Earth-Keeper 

Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

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