
8 de octubre de 2017

Large group transformation DNA

They are going to dream or feel that great change gaia DNA and the departure of many memories and things that do not resonate with the current energy. | Saturday, October 7, 2017 A few minutes ago I saw a threshold and, sonde on one side went all kinds of things really those such as mice, reptiles, all enter, go through the gate, white and blue, and viewing of profile, cross the golden rings portal, were transformed into dolphins, whales and cetaceans, when the image is enlarged, I saw that the gate was suggested, like a sieve, by lady Mary, Jofiel, Hilarion, lady dawn, and ere ring with square support was like a mesh geometry light swallowed whole, to be transformed or dissolved, while the remaining gap was arrival cetáceo awareness.

Resultat d'adn crystalline imatges

I share it because I know that tonight more people are going to dream or feel that great change gaia DNA and the departure of many memories and things that do not resonate with the current energy. A kiss and give thanks for the liberation process of collective memories continues, although we see outside noise is just because it is real, elsa farrus

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...