
11 de octubre de 2017

On Aura, colors and tips to begin to feel and see our Auras

Aura and chakras of a woman

The growing number of studies regarding the aura, are proving to be a fundamental part of knowledge for the development of the person. Through the aura, which is an energy field that emanate, we discover our true inner state. We can know both those most material issues as those more spiritual matters, because the aura is divided into seven layers or directly related to the seven chakras layers.
Each of these strata may have one of the eleven colors of the aura. That color to repeat again, is our basic color. Our basic color is permanent in our lives and mutates only in very specific circumstances. The basic color speaks to us of our most positive qualities and our qualities more negative and we should keep it in mind therefore in our relations with others, when looking for a job, etc ...
A larger, our aura may be radiating other colors outside the core. These secondary colors give us a clue about our momentary internal state, or some stage of our life. So we know for example how we are reacting to some event, what worries us most, etc ...
Learning to see the aura can help us to understand better and procure greater happiness in our lives.

Resultat d'imatges redRED

Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with red is an ambitious, optimistic, with great courage and desire to fight in life person. He is the born fighter who never gives up when faced with obstacles that can be life. That desire to fight makes him grow, feeling better person every day. He loves sports, especially adventure. They are full of energy and enthusiasm.
Seeks to highlight to society, and therefore works best for him or her will be those who have a job with some responsibility. They have great leadership qualities and are good strategists. In relations with others, always be willing to participate and contribute new ideas. They are wanting away.
Contrary to what you might think, they are warm and friendly with his people. Earrings give them what they need their loved ones, bring them all the protection they are able.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we feel capable of anything. We are excited about our projects. We may have to make an important decision and everything is in our hands. We are excited and full of vitality and energy. We are particularly concerned about the material and economic issues.
Positive red color variants: light red, deep red and magenta red.
As basic color
In return, the guy with red can be too selfish. This means that instead of using their energy and confidence in a positive way for life itself, becomes obsessive about his person and unbearable for others. It may be moody, restless and nervous. Sometimes too impulsive, you can hurt people without mercy.
It has an authoritarian side that can be complex in dealing with their loved ones. You may be obsessed by the command and force people to think like him.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are living uncontrolled stage. Perhaps we feel very nervous or irritated. We may be angry with someone, and even're planning or wanting some revenge. We are not channeling the energies correctly, but the show headed to a destructive energetic personality.
negative ariantes red color: dark red, fiery red and blood red.
Resultat d'imatges blue


Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with blue is a person with great communication skills and great ideals. It is a person who likes the frankness and sincerity and prefers to say things face to sneaking around. Their motto could well be "always with the truth ahead", but sometimes the truth can hurt someone. Some diplomats are fun and are always looking for things to do.
They are beginning enjoy all kinds of projects, because what they like in this life is to harness and venture into anything or situation. They listen their intuitions and pay much attention even though everyone tells you otherwise. They are eager to live life and convey optimism and joy to others.
Possess a great strength of spirit and mind is usually very open to debate, reflect and think anything. They not wish to be pigeonholed in a certain way and that is why some people might seem them something "crazy."
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we feel good, we feel hopeful and eager to live life to the fullest. We may have a project in mind or we are doing a lot of different activities. We really want to talk, to communicate with others and have everything that we believe should be counted. We pass security and joy.
Positive variants of blue color: dark blue, bright blue, light blue and deep blue.
As basic color
In return, the guy with blue may become too unstable. Their moods pass too easily than happy to sad and if allowed to drag can easily tend to depression. As well as always need to be doing something is current reach stressed. They find it difficult and sometimes impossible to relax.
In terms of communication, sometimes too they enjoy talking and talking to the point of tiring people who listen. Or they do not use the word correctly becoming very liars. You may also be unable to communicate and keep it all to explode at any given time. Your mind can become too dispersed.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a very difficult time when we are seeing everything black. We may be stressed or depressed. We may feel with little desire to do anything, let alone talk to people. It is possible that we tend to isolation.
negative variants of blue color: pale blue, dirty blue and blue gray.

BRONZEResultat d'imatges bronze

Positive qualities
As basic color
The individual bronze is a good person that you could put the adjective "piece of bread" for his love of all things and all people. They have a very pure heart and always go through life with the best intentions. His innocence is almost a childlike innocence and that sometimes they can bring any problems to people not as pure as they are.
Fully delivered by helping others and enjoy doing it. Theirs are humanitarian causes and the fight against injustice. However, unwittingly, sometimes they are drawn by the black arts of some around them. That's why they have to be very careful not to drive them.
They are affable and good-natured, like to hug people and not let anyone suffer. However if they suffer enough. In fact inadvertently they may end up becoming extremely suffering people because of their big heart.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we are in harmony with people and we wish happiness to all. We look forward to help those in need and are willing to give the maximum for someone to stop suffering. Maybe we are vibrating with true love.
Positive variants bronze: polished brass, red brass and bronze earth.
As basic color
In return, the individual bronze color can become someone absolutely unbearable. Ambitious as anyone else, you can pursue their goals to finish going over who takes. You can become ruthless. 

With its friendly appearance you can deceive many people to do what they want, so that you can end up being a masked manipulator. They can even make your suffering the key to its domination, since the role of victim often play perfectly.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a time when we feel and live all kinds of negative energies such as envy, overweening ambition, cynicism, hypocrisy, falsehood. Maybe I'll see wrapped in a difficult story or maybe we're behaving very wrong with the world.
Negative bronze color variants: gray bronze, bronze and brown mud off.

ORANGEResultat d'orange imatges

Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with orange is a very sociable and active person. This aura denotes strong capabilities to address areas in which several people are involved. They have good diplomatic skills and are large and loyal friends. Their feelings are always to be honest, the problem is that sometimes are so sensitive that eventually close in themselves.
He is a person able to adapt to anything, but that does not mean they do not have a lot of dreams and ambitions you want to accomplish. He likes teamwork and knows very well handled within any group.
He is loving and kind to everyone, and one of his goals in life is to help others in some way. You need to feel useful and therefore always seek jobs where their part is important or very necessary.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we want to enjoy our loved ones, either our family or our friends. We feel in harmony with ourselves and radiate that peace to others. We want to help as we can.
Positive variants of orange: light orange and bright orange.
As basic color
In return, the individual orange may develop a totally contrary to what ought qualities. Ie can become a manipulative person who does whatever it takes to get fulfill your wishes. That is why instead of wanting to help others, becomes selfish and unsociable. Furthermore it can behave as a superficial person.
On the other hand, it may become too emotional and sensitive to the point that anything irritates or not supported. It may be too timid and repressed raising a barrier for others to stay away.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are living a completely antisocial stage in which our interest is to leave us alone to achieve our dreams above all. It may be giving us all the same and do not intend to mingle with anyone or anything. We do not want help or commit.
negative variants of orange: orange and dark reddish orange

INDIGOResultat d'imatges color indigo

Positive qualities
As basic color
The individual with indigo, which becomes a violetazo blue and sometimes even a little pink, is a loving and very understanding person. It is its ease of understanding things and give good advice so that people enjoy their presence.
For indigo, helping others is a real satisfaction, and I must say they do quite well. Even sometimes they do not realize with a comment that whoever is with them needed to hear. In fact they are very intuitive, but also very logical people know how to find the balance between mind and feelings. They radiate a kind of naivete and tenderness admired by many people.
How to enjoy everything in life. They like simple things and especially the contact with people. Spend a day at the park with a loved one can make them extremely happy. They are usually very deep people seeking first and foremost in people sincerity.
As the secondary color
This color as secondary indicates that we are going through a stage in which we are happy and calm. We are calm and we have everything you need to positively deal with any problems that may arise. We look forward to being with people and they are eager to be with us. At this stage we see often in the role of good advisers.
Positive variants of indigo: dark indigo, bright indigo, indigo basic.
As basic color
In return, the individual with indigo can become the perfect manipulator. Because your people skills, you may end up getting to do with it what interests you, even pretending it's for the good of others. In this sense we can say that we must be careful with a negative indigo.
On the other hand, it can be a very frustrated person because of an obsessive need to perfect everything to the limit. In this regard, he will suffer much because it will be unable to reach its maximum ideal for himself and for others. You should be careful because you can be too idealistic and utopian, so it is very important not to lose sight of land.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a moment of our lives complicated. We may feel depressed and distressed us something because our dreams seem to come true. We may seek to isolate ourselves from life. Maybe we're being too utopian.
negative variants of indigo: pale indigo, indigo, indigo stained gray.

SILVERResultat d'imatges Silvery

Positive qualities
As basic color
The individual silver is the most idealistic of all. His mind always finds something to be busy and that sometimes ends up dreaming of situations or absolutely imaginary and impossible things. He has the gift of creativity and mental power is very strong, but you need to know to channel it properly.
It can become a very mystical and spiritual person, just most of the time will not be able to realize the things of the spirit and to make their findings more practical. You will enjoy everything that makes you think and imagine and could be a good storyteller or a good fantasy writer.
Their biggest problem is often loose track of reality, so that all your dreams and imaginations are impossible to achieve. You must understand that dreams are achieved so that it is preferable to use that energy into something materializable.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we dedicate ourselves to imagine and dream about our future. Perhaps we are busily thinking and thinking about a lot of things. It is very useful, but we must be careful not to lose sight of reality.
Positive variants of silver: shiny silver or bright silver.
As basic color
In return, the individual silver may suffer from passivity. It is not a very active person and that can bring you even health problems. And it is that both live in the mind you can lose sight of the most materials like things work, home, family and body. It may even reject the mortal life for it.
This can bring you trouble to socialize and live a worldly life. You can even use your dreams to escape from the problems and not bring himself to face them.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a moment too mentally and somewhat lost reality. We may be neglecting important things in our lives or do not want to face something. We are too passive period.
negative variants of silvery color: gray.

YELLOWResultat d'imatges yellow

Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with yellow is a very sociable and caring person. Yellow, as good mental color, refers to people bright and clear thinking. They are agile thinkers, sometimes so much that they are thinking about a thousand things at once and end up forgetting what despistándose and simpler. They're always chasing some idea, and however crazy it actually expect convert.
They enjoy the debates, listening and reviewing anything. They are good students and they love to know many things. They know how to entertain people and enjoy being with other people. They need to socialize and suffer if they feel isolated.
They are very creative and are given very well those jobs that have to express themselves continuously. Therefore, shipments without contact with people will not be theirs.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we are full of ideas and dreams to fulfill. We really want to interact with people around us and a touch of brilliance mind allow us to be on good terms with everyone and capture the attention they need.
Positive yellow variants: clear and bright yellow yellow.
As basic color
In return, the individual with yellow can become a person overly critical with himself and with others. And it is that if neglected, may end up as one of those embittered people who are always getting the bad in everything they see and what they do.
Sometimes he thinks about so many things while you go head and confusions can be constant. So an ideal world far removed from reality can be created. They are full of contradictions and even enjoy learning many things, really never get to delve into them.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a moment of "dim-witted". This means that our mind can be very tired and have no desire to do or think anything. It is also possible that our critical vein is out of line and it seems that everything around us is negative.
negative variations of yellow: dark yellow and greenish yellow.

VIOLETResultat d'imatges violet

Positive qualities
As basic color
The individual with violet is a particularly spiritual person. Worldly things do not seem to worry too much, though itself is very aware of their personal growth. This spirituality can develop in very different ways. Some become very religious people, others take the path of meditation and others simply want to know each other better.
For people with purple as their primary color, the journey to your inner world can be exciting. He knows that the road is very enriching and do not want to waste time with other things. He thrill deep reading and discussions about the things of the spirit. Sometimes it seems you're looking for a permanent guru to guide you to know where is the way.
They function as a wonderful channel to the spiritual world. And if they are balanced can become a intermediaries between the spirit and the very important matter. Some can become professional esotericism.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage in which we find ourselves. We look forward to spending time alone and enjoy our own thoughts and feelings. We seek to enrich the life situations and are open to new possibilities. Can we take a spiritual and intimate way.
Violet positive variants: basic violet and bright violet.
As basic color
In return, the individual with violet may suffer what in esoteric terms is called a "spiritual ego". That is, it is so connected to the things of the spirit, to be gradually isolating the world with the idea that is above him. Thus develops a very destructive and unhelpful spiritual pride to your inner growth that will lead to a vicious circle that is hard to leave.
Also, being so intimate person, and look feel lonely to deepen itself, you can get to disconnect from the world and of material reality quickly. and of ignoring anything that has to do with the matter with the idea that prevents continue to grow spiritually.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a time when we are expressing an unhealthy pride. We believe higher, with a greater understanding others and believe in possession of all truths. Although aparentemos very good, caring and charitable; the reality is quite another.
negative variants violet: dirty purple and violet off.

GOLDENResultat d'imatges golden color

Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with golden color always aspire to higher goals. He is unable to go through life without a goal that many would consider impossible. But these people know that they have the energy and willpower needed to get to achieve anything proposed.
In general also they accompany their desires and goals with a cause they consider fair. Thus their aspirations thus become more than a simple material desire for a mortal.
His aura gives them great power of conviction, so if they propose are able to drag him to anyone. In fact people who know him they tend to arouse a certain admiration for his strength, determination and ability to turn their dreams into reality.
As a secondary color

This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage in which we strive to achieve some important goal for us in our lives. We are doing our part, including our faith, to get what we propose. We are on the good way.
Positive variants of gold: gold or gold shining bright.
As basic color
In return, the guy with golden color can reach required much himself. This is a problem for him because sometimes pressed both achieve a goal that is blocked and ends with a sense of frustration too large. Therefore it can easily fall into illnesses such as stress and depression.
On the other hand, with his people skills can become someone very manipulative and even dangerous if able to drag masses with bad intentions.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through too demanding for ourselves now. Perhaps our goals are too high and the bar is so high that we find it difficult to reach. Beware stress and depression.
negative variants golden color: gold or gold gray off.

GREENResultat d'imatges green

Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with green is a lovely person and with great determination. It is also very sensitive and energy requires you to help others as much as possible. And it is very caring and gifted healer, so if your aura is positive, always be willing to help wherever they can.
For its qualities could be a doctor, a volunteer or just an anonymous person when it can be delivered to others perfectly. And it is that if is prevented or powerless to lend a hand, suffers a lot, because of its sensitivity. So, before they suffer the rest, he is willing to suffer it.
They have a great determination so often end everything start, even though they are told that for them is impossible. It would not be the first time give a surprise to more than one. They go slowly, but in the end, always come and honors.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we feel like doing something for the world, to help others. In one of these extremes perhaps for us to point us to some NGOs, however these acts also date back to less momentous things, but also very important. We feel sure of ourselves and we have the tenacity to achieve our dreams.
Positive green color variants: clear and bright green.
As basic color
In return, the guy with green can become a ruthless and selfish person who moves through life with the sole purpose to realize their interests. It gives equal the suffering of others, you may say a few words, but deep in his heart does not think of doing absolutely nothing.
Its fabulous tenacity can be transformed into obstinacy and stubbornness. Sometimes stubbornness is so great that even though everyone sees being mistaken and they say, does not pride event. If you are not careful you can close your mind and become a truly intractable person.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a very negative moment in which we are acting so listless or ruthless society. We do not care about all the things that happen and we do not want to do anything but go to our advantage. We develop very bad qualities like jealousy and envy. We do not mind stepping on others to achieve our goals.
negative variants of green: dark green, dirty green.

PINKResultat d'imatges pink

Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with pink is an especially sentimental and sensitive person. However if we might think that this is a weaker person, the opposite happens. Sensitivity and the strength of their feelings provide it with an impressive ability to fight. Even if their acts are extremely delicate and harmonious, they are sometimes even impetuous. People often admire them for it.
It's a very self-sacrificing person who pursues hard to realize their dreams, by utopians we may seem to others. They know make decisions and enjoy their freedom and maneuverability to get the most out of their lives.
They are very affectionate and need to be continually demonstrating their affection for each other. They also need much love to know that your life has any meaning. If you do not find it no doubt will seek to find it. nothing escapes them.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage where we feel good about the world and ourselves. We demonstrate affection and tenderness for our loved ones. We are perhaps involved in some project we pursue insistently, but following a very harmonious way.
pink positive variants: basic pink, bright pink, salmon pink and coral pink.
As basic color
In return, the guy with pink can make your strong feelings their weakness need the support of the people around you. You may very dependent on the other person to become and what you think about it, and forgetting his own personality and striving to become what others want from him.
Frustrated when he sees his desires can feel especially bad. So that those negative feelings live more strongly than others. So they risk easily depressed if you do not feel excited. Affection is important in their lives and may feel stranded without him.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a time when we are too aware of what others think of our life or ourselves. It's okay to ask for advice, but not good to make it a maxim that we will constantly change depending on what others tell us.
Negative variants of pink: pink gray and pink off .


Positive qualities
As basic color
The guy with white has a bit of all of the other colors. It is something like a compendium of strength, joy, optimism, peace and love. They are unhurried people who do not usually pursue ideals too high. They like to lead a simple and uncomplicated life. A family atmosphere is very important to them.
Generally are passive, they need some time to be alone with their own thoughts. This sometimes ends up being a problem because they can become isolated and feeling very alone.
They are very creative and imaginative and if they unleash your mind and heart become unforgettable and wonderful people, those who are always marked in our lives.
As the secondary color
This color as a secondary indicates that we are going through a stage yet simple and thoughtful. We do not feel like trouble, so we are looking forward to the everyday things of life. We are not too far-reaching for things.
White positive variants: glossy white or bright white .
As basic color
In return, the individual white can become the most selfish person in the world, worrying only about their problems and not wanting to listen to others. Capricious and unfaithful to your friends, you can end up being that person that nobody wants to see ahead or trust anyone.
He can climb to the head everything that makes even to believe than others. So be very careful with your ego.
As the secondary color
In return this color as a secondary indicates that at this stage we are behaving like selfish people and little concerned about the misfortunes of others. Maybe we are doing the victims and unfairly demanding more attention.
white negative variants: dirty or stained white.


To see our aura simplest thing is to follow two steps. In the first step it is intended that the person learns to feel your energy field and in the second step and the jump is given to learn to see it directly with your eyes. It would be good if we really want to learn to see auras we began with the first step, because although for some people this step can be boring is useful to accustom our eyes better for the second step.
First step: feel our aura
We feel that aura gives us more security when trying to see it. There are various methods to try to feel it, but certainly the best known and easy to do is clasping palms.
 To do this we place our palms next to each other and with a distance of 30 cm. So in that position we pay special attention to what we feel in our hands and how we feel. We'll be about three minutes.
 After the three minutes will approach the palms of your hands about 20 centimeters and repeat the process pay attention to what we feel and how we feel. We will be three minutes.
After that time will approach our hands about 10 centimeters and repeat the same process as before.
Finally we end up at a distance of between 3 and 5 centimeters in which perform the same analysis as earlier phases.
Most often, it is in this last stage where we notice a slight pressure, something like when we put the hand in the water, but much softer, almost imperceptible even if we do not pay attention. Some people with greater sensitivity can feel his aura in the early stages, but is not common.
Especially analyzes the changes that you noticing as you approach the palms. The most traditional is usually notice a change in temperature, but can be noticed much more.
Performs this phase until you have fully controlled and analyzed sensation. Take every day that you are needed, because it will not be in vain.
Second step: see our aura
The first is made with two types of cards, one black and the other white. These cardboards help us make the vision screen to give us the energy field. Some people look better with a black background and others look better with a white background, so with practice you can determine which of it you feel more comfortable. However for now we will work with both.
The body part that we use to see our aura will hand. It is left or right, allowing you easier. We use hand because it always focuses a lot of energy and we make things easier.
It is very important that you consider you'll see the aura not your central vision, but with your peripheral vision, which is to say that while your eyes will be deposited in a part of the hand your attention is directed to the edges of the same. This is a bit difficult at first because we are accustomed to focus our attention where we put our eyes.
In this case those individuals who tend to stay engrossed in their world or occasionally, and facilities are more likely to start seeing your aura. You may also eyes ache with the effort that you marees a little or you start lagrimar. Even at first you might stay temporarily blinded by a light. But you must not worry because this is the most normal thing in the world because you have peripheral vision atrophied, and you are back to back.
It does not force things too much, start with a few minutes a day and as you comfortable feeling can extend the time. Remember that your eyes are a precious commodity and that we must take care so once again we recommend that you do not overdo it while you're learning.
Well, the exercise proceeds as follows. Put one of the cards under the hand you want to see. At a distance of about 10 to 30 cm. The hand must be open and fingers spaced one tiny bit so you can also see your energy separately. Now place your eyes on the center of the hand, but use it rather as a vanishing point, ie, even if your gaze is directed toward the knuckle beam center as if you wanted to see beyond, that is, as if you wanted to see what hand behind the cardboard. Sometimes it can be very useful blur a little look.
Gradually have to go intuiting as a transparent haze around your hand is your etheric double and the passing seconds and you'll have to discover that fog with your own eyes. Rest after a few minutes and try the same exercise with the other card.
It is normal for the first few times you see colors in the mist, it is natural that see transparent and thinness. But if you keep practicing you will see more and more clearly that haze is much thicker and takes some other color. Remember that you do not have to do anything preset, or in a particular way. In fact sometimes you may see one of your fingers seem longer than the others, or in a certain area of ​​hand the fog is thicker than the rest.
Take what you see naturally, does not transcend too because remember it is a capability that already had a child, but you forgot. We also remind you that everyone can get it, so do not despair if you really want to get you keep practicing.


Here are a number of practices to see the aura of others. Note that usually to see the aura of those around you first should have gotten easily see your own aura, but nothing happens to practice the following exercises even if you have mastered the subject.
We're going to split into two different types: on the one hand you can practice at home with one or more friends and on the other you can practice every day when you go out into the street.
Exercises to practice with your friends
Get together with friends that you feel like practicing aura vision of a preferably white room, but if you can not be at least ensures that the color is uniform. The figures, spots, different colors as used in decoration will hinder vision. You can reunite few want, obviously you must be at least two. Then you shall sit in a place that will be very comfortable, cushion, sofa or chair bearing in mind that you must situate opposite each other at a distance of 2 to 4 meters. If you want to really do the exercise on a white screen for viewing facilitaros can use a sheet as background if your wall is not required color.
Then Centrad your gaze between the eyebrows of those who have front and still stare at that body part Try to pay attention to rest your head, watch to see if you are able to see some light or glow around him, some color, some band ... All this will be part of the aura.
Whether you've got to see something like if not, try also to try to see other parts of the body. Try to see your hand, as you have learned to see yours. Or if you prefer, you can see part of its contour fixing your gaze on one shoulder or the center of the chest, and attention around him.
Remember that ambient light usually helps the beginner to see much more clearly and ease the aura. Ambient light is meant by halogen light bulbs that can calibrate giving greater or lesser intensity in the light of a room, but also light candles for example.
Exercises to practice when you leave home
  • In open spaces:
    Find yourself a place where you can sit and quiet and where you know you are getting a lot of people as a station, a park, a fair ... Start people watching as we've discussed, obtaining several objectives: an old man, a child running a couple strolling, a tourist, a salesman, etc. You will see a bright glow around him that even vary depending on what they are doing.
  • Enclosed spaces:
    For example, a cafe, bar or restaurant; a conference; a concert; etc. These places are wonderful for practicing auric sight of others because they typically have ambient lights that will facilitate the work. In addition you can rest easy, for example in a lecture or concert and deposit relax your eyes on some musician, director, or in which he is giving the lecture. Surely you will see much more clearly the glow brighter than in open spaces.

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