
11 de octubre de 2017

The Hidden Heritage of the Great Fortunes in Spain ... adds up to half the GDP and 40% is in Tax Havens

The Hidden Heritage of Great Fortunes

Since the outbreak of the crisis / economic scam, the number of rich in Spain has grown by 60%. 

Only last year the increase was 5%, to surpass 200,000,according to a recent study that considers as millionaires people with a wealth of over one million dollars. 

According to this report, the wealth of these people is close to 500,000 million euros. 

And as reflected by  the  Office 
of US Economic Research Studies , 
between 30% and 40% of the money of the largest Spanish estates is in tax havens. 

Or what is the same, 
around 140,000 million euros (more than 12% of GDP) remain hidden, behind the back of the tax authorities. 

So true is that the middle and lower classes are those who maintain the tax system as most of the fraud in Spain is committed by large estates and large companies, which are guilty of more than 70% of tax fraud. 
A practice that has led to the submerged economy in our country around 25% of GDP. In other words, practically one of every four euros circulates in black. 
And is that more than 250,000 million euros move outside the control of public coffers.
Fiscal fraud in Spain increases almost to the rhythm of economic growth. 
And although the AEATfrom entering in the first half of this year by 5.2% more than in the same period last year, most of the reports shows that in 2015, for example, was not detected almost 80% of total fraud .
These are grandiloquent figures that, at the same time, puncture the pockets of all taxpayers. 
And is that each Spanish cost 
this type of fraudulent practices about 2,000 euros. 
Thus, fraud and tax avoidance - understood as the possibility that large fortunes and companies do not have to pay for their effective economic capacity must be tackled with greater vigor and effectiveness. 
However, there does not seem to be too much political will . 
In fact, one of the first measures approved by the current government was the null and void amnesty tax of 2012, which in addition to not improving the fight against fraud worsens the fiscal conscience of the Spanish.
It is not only that the AEAT has half the average OECD, but in Spain we have one employee for every 2,000 contributors, while the European average is below 800. 
In the same way, it would be necessary to put the magnifying glass on the great fortunes and companies. 
And today more than 80% of the AEAT staff is dedicated to the control of employees, self-employed and SMEs , leaving little room for action to investigate sophisticated fraud,which is committed by those who resources have at their disposal, reports Nueva Tribuna.
The prosecutor has held on Monday in the Gürtel trial his request for 125 years in prison for alleged corrupt plot leader Francisco Correa, and has reduced the accusations for tax offenses for ex-PM Luis Bárcenas (photo ) and the exconsejero of Madrid Alberto López Viejo.
The president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont has maintained this Sunday his will to apply the law of the referendum and to declare the independence of Catalonia. 
He also lamented that the State does not accept any mediation proposal: "If the State does not respond positively, we will do what we have come to do."
 PdeCAT MEP Ramón Tremosa expects the President of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, to apply the results of the October 1 referendum on Tuesday and proclaim the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (DUI), although he could then suspend it for a time, following the model of Slovenia.
Thanks to social networks, the mainstream media can no longer hide what is happening. But they can try to control our perception of events. What happened yesterday in Catalonia is that the paramilitary forces attacked the voters who tried to vote. Many large media outlets have decided to call voters "demonstrators" instead of voters. So the next time you go to the polls, apparently what you will do is called "manifesting."
Doubts about the parliamentary translation of the October 1 referendum have settled in a part of the pro-independence majority. The government's quest for the formula to satisfy the more than two million independentistas voters and, at the same time, avoid being accused of a unilateral rupture, came across this Thursday with Banco Sabadell announcing the transfer of its headquarters Barcelona to Alicante.
The head of the Mossos d'Esquadra, Josep Lluis Trapero, the intendant of the Mossos, Teresa Planas and the presidents of the Catalan National Assembly and Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart, declare this Friday from 9.00 am National audience.
The Guardian: "The argument that Brussels has no position in the dispute for independence is legally contentious and politically unsustainable. 
When it comes to Catalonia, Angela Merkel is already committed and Emmanuel Macron is looking the other way. Who will save the Spaniards from themselves?
Javier Pérez Royo: The king's speech: disaster without palliatives 
Javier Pérez Royo: The king's position can not be to repeat the speech of the President of the Government, among other things, because instead of strengthening, weakens, devalues. 
The speech was an act of profound disloyalty regarding the constituent power of the Spanish people. The king's speech should not have taken place, because such a discourse has no place in a Parliamentary Monarchy.
Constitutional Court of Spain has agreed to suspend in a precautionary manner the agreement of the Bureau of the Parliament which fixes for next Monday the appearance of the President of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont
RFP: Socialists criticize Rajoy's "authoritarian centralism" 
The deputy chairman of the parliamentary group of the German Social-Democratic Party (SPD) yesterday accused the Spanish government of Mariano Rajoy (PP) of the escalation of tension that has occurred in Catalonia after the celebration of the independence referendum: "He (Rajoy) has avoided building a modern federal state. What has happened in Catalonia was predictable

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