
10 de enero de 2018

Food banks, the big business of the Church and big business

Opus charity joins with financial institutions, large multinational companies and private insurers. Think Tank is where the big capital pergeña its future strategy, business masquerading as charitable initiatives feature prominently.
In recent times intensified situations of misery caused by the financial crisis has triggered the emergence of food banks, mostly controlled by Opus Dei. 
It is an ingenious method to make profits at the expense of the poor and, in turn, transmit the ideology of power and prevent the disinherited of the earth analyze the causes of that misery and organize and fight against the economic and political system. 
In this article published by M. del Val Digital Alert tell us the keys of that business.
More on the subject: CNT interview with Julio Reyero:   "Charity acts as an anesthetic of social contestation"
José Antonio Busto Villa. FESBAL president. Supernumerary of Opus Dei.
The great call of charity held on 29 and 30 November this year (2013) by the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) intended to carry out "the big food collection 2013". 
As we read on the web-enabled campaign, its main goal was to fight hunger and waste through the work of volunteers and associates, among which are banks, supermarkets, media or even private insurance companies.
According to the website of FESBAL, Food Banks "are non-profit organizations based on volunteerism and aimed at recovering food surpluses of our society and redistributing them to those in need, avoiding any waste or misuse. Organizing a food bank targets a similar to a company with different areas and a management team "operation.
But besides the citizens and gesture of solidarity among equals they want with their modest contribution to prevent a neighbor goes hungry, who is behind the Food Bank? 
What interests may be in this charitable work? 
What leads banks, large food distribution centers, insurance companies, multinationals and media to join in supporting this urgent initiative?
If we look at the website of Opus Dei "Food Bank" as a result gives us 42 inputs. Let's review some management positions Food Bank.
-The director is Jose Antonio Busto FESBAL Villa, is supernumerary of Opus Dei.
The president of the Food Bank of Valladolid Jose Maria Zarate is supernumerary of Opus Dei.
-The president of the Food Bank of Badajoz Carmen de Aguirre Castellanos is a supernumerary of Opus Dei.
The president of the Food Bank of Santander Francisco del Pozo Blanco is supernumerary of Opus Dei.
-Manuel Perez Hernandez, 67, president of the Food Bank of Las Palmas is supernumerary of Opus Dei.
-Joseph Antonio García García, 73 chairs the Food Bank of Albacete and supernumerary of Opus Dei.
The Food Bank links with Opus Dei are not only through supernumerary in positions of responsibility. 
References are multiple management positions and collaborators Food Bank to the teachings and ideals of the founder of Opus Dei San Jose Maria Escriba de Balaguer: 
"My name is Vicente López-Alemany and I am general director of the Food Bank of Madrid, where he started working more than six years ago thanks to the spirit of service that I learned from the teachings of St. Josemaría; and the good offices of a friend and professor at the Naval School of Marin, who first told me about the food banks. " 
O Pedro Pereira who is currently president of the Food Bank of Vigo and was the general coordinator of studies at the school of Opus Dei Montecastelo of Vigo.
One of the latest relevant news on the website FESBAL is the phone call that the Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato, supernumerary of Opus, became the president of the FESBAL, José Antonio Busto, congratulating him and wishing him the greatest successes to food banks. 
What the backing of a minister Opus president of the Federation of Food Banks and supernumerary member of the order should be?
While it might seem a coincidence that prominent members of the personal prelature of the Catholic Church hold positions of responsibility in the Food Bank, this does not stop striking result. What interest behind this presence? 
Is this just the result of personal commitment or answer a deeper draft strategy? 
This presence is striking when you consider that in the domes of large financial companies and distribution collaborating with the Food Bank, members of the Prelature also abound and when this is not so, an important part of their executive positions have been trained in business school Opus Dei, the IESE.
Through the Food Bank we are introduced to large distribution companies, banks and corporate executives as altruistic entities. 

These distribution companies control 70% of the food market and what better than them to lead this great charity. 

However, the reasons for these seemingly supportive alliances introduced components of economic profitability. 

It might seem that large food distributors approach this type of philanthropic activities only with the intention to improve their company image. But besides the advertising effect, an interesting business is behind the relationship of these distribution companies with the Food Bank. What they get large distribution company donation? As we read in this article:
Which falling prices because food does not directly enter the market does not occur.
-Improve your corporate image.
'They have costs in the destruction of these surpluses.
'They have no distribution costs as it does an army of volunteers.
-The donations of any kind, desgravan 35% corporate income tax (with the Patronage Law PP will be 100%).
-A poor people will get used to charity, as if divine law that have rich and poor.
-The Food Banks further undermine sales of small businesses in neighborhoods with more misery.
On the one hand they give destroy surplus and other shopkeepers with white markings, which are the result of over-exploitation in origin and which apply to their own workers.
These companies know that donated prevent stocks falling prices and spending destroy and take advantage of the law that allows the deduction of 35% of the full amount of corporation tax.
But if these benefits were not enough supermarkets, in a perverse exercise of new philanthropy, from time to time and dates, from the media appeal to citizenship campaigns "Great Food Donation". This media pressure, which usually tends to be masked with informative rigor, leads to forget that behind the word donation mercantilist word "food shopping" hides. Products "donated" are actually acquired by caring citizens in these large areas, which are strategically located collection points Food Bank. This produces an increase in their turnover and profits.
It seems clear that beyond mere advertising effect, the Food Bank results in a lucrative business for some companies. However, behind charity, others are spurious interests and are capable of uniting the Opus, financial institutions, large multinational companies and private insurers. Think Tanks in where big capital pergeña its future strategy, business masquerading as charitable initiatives feature prominently.
In times of crisis initiatives such as the Food Bank, meet double social function. On the one hand they serve as antidote mobilization, reassuring the consciences of solidarity donors and outraged by social injustice. These actions, which appeal directly to the need and touch the bottom of the heart, neither question nor pose to respond to the unjust causes that create hunger. No question social inequalities, since charity was always a vertical joint response (top to bottom).
Moreover, the old strategy of strengthening charitable generating dependency structures, aimed at mitigating the possible social response of those in dire need and no longer have much to lose recovers.

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