
12 de enero de 2018

Graphic religiosity age - Multinational Church SA runs out believers in Spain.2017

Graphic religiosity age. 2017

Based on the monthly data provided by the barometers of CIS and obtaining the average of all of them has made the table and graph.
HALF18 to 2425 to 3435 to 4445 to 5455-64Over 65
Catholic / a69.245.751.060.870.975.488.6
Believer of another religion2.
Atheist / a9.819.016.713.
Hardly ever58.972.275.067.965.260.640.4
Several times a year14.511.112.013.815.915.614.5
Once a month9.
Almost all domin and festiv13.
Several times a week2.
% Churchgoers (once or more, almost every week)
% Not believers25.747.741.633.

Church multinational SA

The Church has become a multinational real estate business and a business lobby that seeks only laws that are favorable, such as not having to pay taxes.
The Church has become a multinational real estate business as well as in a business lobby, which seeks only laws that are favorable to their businesses, such as  not having to pay taxes  like all mortals are doing.
I do not want to talk about the Banco Ambrosiano, or the Vatican Bank, or child abuse or dark Vatican business. Only the Spanish church. 
Funny how the Pope speaks of poverty, while those around him talk business. 
These are the contradictions of a church that has ceased to be a moral reference, if it ever was to become a multinational.
I refer to the Spanish church, which is a clear example of this global multinational in which it has become. The Spanish Constitution declares the state as secular. 
However, the church is the only private institution that is mentioned, and is used as an argument to the recognition of the unquestionable majority Catholic country.
Is there such a Catholic majority in Spain?
There are two items where the role of the Church appears, in which your business is based with the State, article 16º and 27º and also the existence of a Concordat Church State of January 3, 1979, which many jurists it is unconstitutional.
Paragraphs referring to the Church in the Constitution must disappear, as well as the term aconfesional the other that explains clearly layman's term.
The first draft which had the article 16 of the Constitution said  "religious freedom and worship is guaranteed ... ..ninguna religion shall state character ". 
However, the final wording was added paragraph 16º 3 which is currently in force and says:  "The public authorities shall take into account the religious beliefs of Spanish society and shall consequently maintain appropriate cooperation relations with the Catholic Church and other confessions ".
If this were not enough, the added Article 27º 3 says:  "the right ofparents to attend their children receive religious and moral instruction in accordance with their own convictions". 
This constitutional section opens the door to concerted private education.It was the most conservative sector of the church that influenced the constituents for writing so favorable for the Spanish church. It was Felipe González who created the concerted private education.

What does money the state is privileged relationship of the Spanish Church?
Approximately 11,000 million euros annually. Esperanza Aguirre said that budgets had a lot of fat to remove (subsidies), obviously the PP removed it, but for the most disadvantaged sectors, especially the attention of the needy, disability, social support, care for the unemployed and poor, but was not removed a single euro to the church, but rather he was increasing annually.
Some, will be surprised them the title, but seriously ask ourselves  Is not it a multinational Church?
Many will say to me that the church provides a service to the State and therefore significant savings. 
It is true, but the problem is that I prefer and many like me prefer that these services are provided by the state and not the Church, precisely because of the ideological baggage they bring, as we shall see later.Consider the economic breakdown.
Education receive about 4,600 million euros per year for concerts and payment of the 35,000 teachers of religion, this must be added the large quantities that parents pay for some activities paid the price of gold. The benefit of private education in Spain is around 500 million euros annually, as we see, is a sweet deal.
The Spanish church does not pay the IBI as if we all other Spaniards and represent no less than about 3.000 million annually. The courts of the European Union has rated this non-payment of IBI Church, at least as irregular and out of Community law.
Forty years ago a temporary support for the church was raised from the state budget through the collection of income tax, with the box support for social organizations, the famous X. 
This measure, which was temporarily to allow time for self-financing, is becoming permanent irresponsibly by both the State and the Church.
It was with the socialist Felipe Gonzalez, who agreed 0.52% and subsequently was the socialist Zapatero in 2007 that did not cancel this grant. but that increased to 0.7% 
Is it curious that the two socialist presidents who support these grants? 
PSOE does not declare a secular party?
The reality is that the games people should not appreciate them for what they say, but by what they do, and the Spanish Socialists are not a model of consistency. 
The Church is the only private entity that receives money directly from income tax without any control by the state.

Viñeta the Faro de Vigo

This grant represents her personal income tax to the Spanish church about 250 million euros. 
Do not you think they should have had time in forty years to finance themselves and not rely on the state?
Health centers in the church receive about 3,200 million euros. Another striking aspect is the 500 million euros for the conservation of the heritage of the church from the state. I feel good that will maintain and improve our rich artistic legacy, much of it under the ownership of the church.
For this to be a balance should build these contributions to the artistic legacy of the church on the basis of agreements where there is a tradeoff between the owner and public entities that finance it.Consider an example:
The Cathedral of La Seo de Zaragoza, for me one of the architectural jewels of religious art, was a monument in the 1970s, a decrepit, dark, dirty and nothing visitable building.
After a lengthy architectural intervention in time and money, it has been rejuvenated and being an example of religious monument and its magnificent tapestry museum. I recommend you visit both to be surprised.
To enter the building, it passes through the box office so that it can see. However, the money raised is exclusively for the Church 
How is this possible when they are public bodies who have incurred the costs of restoration?
What about the inmatriculaciones of buildings by the Spanish Church? 
It is one of the biggest scandals in Spanish, permitted and cheered by the PP democracy. Pope speaks of the church of the poor, while the Spanish Episcopal Conference continues to lead the multinational SA Church of the rich 
How can we allow this outrageous double standard? Why the Pope is silent and grants?
It is calculated, which is collected in the brush of donations churches 350 million. We know that the Spanish church accounts are opaque and State Treasury has never analyzed them, this being an ongoing ...
We must ask ourselves, if the Treasury is required to control us all Spaniards to pay taxes 
Why is not the same as the Spanish church? Why not control and oversee the 11,000 million euros received from the State?
Another aspect that stands out is the presence of 143 priests in Spanish prisons, the military archbishop with a military rank, and 83 priests in the army 
Was not Spain a secular state? 
How can you justify such presence of the priests?
I'll do a second part, dedicated to the concerted especialemnte education to complement this part.
In conclusion we must demand a change in two fundamental aspects:
  • The  denunciation of the current Concordat between Church and State.
  • A constitutional reform based on Secularism and total separation of state of all faiths.
Edmundo Fayanas Escuer  
* Items express the opinion of its author, without publication assume the  Observatory of Secularism or Europe Laica  share everything expressed therein. 
Secular Europe  expressed their views through their  press .

Observatory of Secularism

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