
12 de enero de 2018

space travel to Earth

Space travel to Earth Posted on January 10, 2018 by Aurélia LEDOUX | Thursday, January 11, 2018 

Space Travel on Earth 

Message healer Lestrys 
How I came to Earth, 
"You ask a lot, a lot of questions about space travel! 
And how happy I am to answer it 
Here I am, your friend, the healer Lestrys 
Yes, I am an alien and traveled from one point to another in space in record time. 
it's fine.
When we have to go traveling, we gathered all our manuscripts, pamphlets, documents and books. We have many survey instruments, microscopes, CT scanners, readers and probes. A display allows you toshow the inside of a living organism without disturbing and a probe is a complex computer calculates probabilities it analyzes waves and does many other things. 
This allows us to study the life and this study leads us to the top of our vibrational state. 
Travel is never ordinary. Even if it happens that some do not return. 
Yes, but now shipping lanes have been listed carefully. 
On my planet, these corridors were very poorly understood.
But since the alliance of our people have been delivered and accepted by the Galaxy, our science has taken a big leap forward. 
During my trip to Earth, he was working in a mining base in a stellar station equipped with a laboratory. I have worked all my life in such bases, ships or, more rarely on asteroids or planets. 
We had to make a trip to Earth to reach a dark city, a very common step in the life of a geneticist. 
He had just ascended to the rank of master geneticist. Meaning it could run experiments. 
All this threw me into a mixture of excitement and intense fear.
I had to go to the land on a planet. It was quite disconcerting. I was not afraid to adapt to gravity, the vital breath of the planet. 
I embarked with my closest colleagues for this trip, which lasted about five months. 
A journey long enough, but exciting. 
The boat was there, all metal, illuminated with mauve and silvery light. One part was black, the holding structure, at the bottom of the shields in astrocerámica. White astrocerámica is composed of ultra titanium, a modified resistant metal, embedded in a matrix of crystalline silicon to enhance its strength. Armor consists of ships, and is covered by a coherent energy field
This boat was big enough, about 800 of your meters.It was a solid and majestic fortress, and only took scientists to distant destinations. 
The trip began with presentations with different members of my team. There were some very sophisticated alien ladies, and one had a perfect mastery of flying. She liked to talk to us about his travels. It was a great joy for me to hear. 
Then we boarded, in a very ordinary metal bridge, compared to an asteroid. The ship was saved on a docking station. There was some fog around the reactors that were under preparation. 
Yes, it was a fascinating sight. And the alien who was at that time should have moved much more.
Ionized entered the warm atmosphere of the ship.The lighting was golden, we leave our jackets and pressure release device that seeped around our clothes. 
You should know that we can, if necessary, generate a kind of protective field, allowing us to be protected from the vacuum of space for a few moments, when we move from a pressurized atmosphere to a ship. 
This is done for short scales and makes itunnecessary to use a diving suit. In the asteroids, the pressure is very close to empty, but in laboratories is denser and very hot. Mine using this system to protect.
So we went into this comfortable boat. The corridors were painted metal pale yellow and well lit, but very close to the door. We found a number of small clones sent equipment, very nervous, who conducted the last controls. 
A valet took care of our numerous luggage with a shopping repulsion. Then, an officer led us to our laboratory to guide travelers. 
All the time of our trip, we had to work on a long study of DNA. Yes, and it was very nice. 
The room we were allocated was spacious and bright. We store our effects and then we won our respective cabins. Mine was the only one who dived into space through a small window. I could admire the spectacle of space.
I joined my colleagues, our team included young geneticists, including this very nice alien conversation. They wanted to witness the launch. 
So I followed them , a small servant escorted us to a lounge with armchairs with portholes and served delicious drinks. We talked enthusiastically until the output signals related resounded, a series of beeps and one long ring. We settled into seats placed almost elongated legs toward the ceiling. There were long whistles, the pressurization system after the reactors began. There was a tremendous roar spread throughout the structure. The ship creaked getting stronger.
We were ordered imperatively that apegáramos us to our chairs. What each of us did was a fantastic boost literally crushed us. Then the ship left the asteroid's orbit, pulling his low gravity. 
This acceleration, in phase velocity, was followed by two thrusts, with vectors always larger dimensional translation. This, I must say, it 's not very nice, and hardly comfortable for a young man who is not used. 
The first outbreaks lasted over half an hour, I could say. But these tests for our bodies mingled with an immense euphoria, causing space travel, the great adventure. 
Those young people who drank beverages appeasement did well. But they were still terribly uncomfortable.
The last vector of dimensional translation approached. My vision began to double, there was intense pressure on my temples, and then my body relaxed very well. We had gone! 
I got up from my seat, along with my colleagues. 
A young alien was inert. He had suffered some kind of internal bleeding, which sometimes happens.Healers arrived and were made by him. We were worried about his recovery, but the healers reassured us, nothing serious, explained. 
It was because of the pressure. Then we had to go back to our cabins, we wanted to use the beginning of this journey to study, but our fatigue was great.
We slept almost two days, and these two days were followed by other vectors of acceleration, always pretty intense. Each thrust was preceded by a bell and a telepathic signal, emitted in vast galleries boat, so everyone had time to be secured to a seat. But during sleep, our body resists many more outbreaks of light. 
Shortly after these tests, we woke up, we were refreshed and refreshed us. A good valet came to us to see if all were well. He returned with our young friend, freshly cured of his effusion.
We were very happy to see him again, so we had a good meal, followed by long metaphysical discussions about space travel. Then our conversation turned on our research and, of course, we begin our work immediately with a microscopic observation session. 
We work for days in a warm atmosphere. I was absolutely delighted with the brilliance of my colleagues. Some teachers were not kidding, but their minds were full of knowledge. 
This lasted a while until the young man who accompanied us and a very curious camera help, wanted to visit the ship to change ideas.
I was the only one who wanted to follow, with little Stency barely left my steps. The proximity of small laboratory assistant bothered somewhat to my superiors, but was so. I enjoyed more and more of my little companion. And he saw in me a protector against the abruptness of the old geneticists. 
We ventured into the blue corridors of the ship. The lighting was reduced to a minimum because it was the time of night. 
Many astronomers were stationed at the Great Hall, opposite the bay window, revealing the stellar arches, accompanied by photographers. These arches are made of colored dust barrier galactic arms, and how nice it is to photograph these candles.
When you are in the above, very often, these formations you see in the steady state, take a very different pace depending on the speed. 
And there, the show was confusing. The ship swayed down the aisle and interstellar arms formed as pinnacles, Corollas, projections and fractals in which the eye could see 
Little Stency was very impressed with this view. 
Decided by common accord to visit the engine room. 
It was visitable only at certain times, accompanied by a guide, because you could get lost in the galleries, even for an alien.
A polite young valet suddenly appeared and asked us to follow him. We descended below the lower bulwark of the rear of the ship, between the two giant reactors in operation. The valet first showed the room phases, where the first and assistants controlling the reaction of hydrogen and phase reactor. 
Phase allows balancing thrusts the various means of propulsion. Slow melting reactors were used by our people. Here, is the fusion of a hydrogen plasma helium, with recovery of heavy hydrogen ions. Such ions are precipitated in the particle collector and serve to create a photonic vortex acceleration. The more ions, the better the speed of the ship.
This reaction is combined with a decorrelation, ie the ship no longer weighs within space-time. It is surrounded by an antigravity generator, allowing you to perform a dimensional translation proven. 
From this translation speed and significant building it becomes a light push, so the ship can cross more than 200 or 300 points. That is 200 to 300,000 times the speed of light at cruising speed. 
Yes, that boat can easily pass through galaxy clusters, it is really fast. 
Admire from a distance by a small window, the living phasing reactor, where technicians and geniuses in charge of the control of the reaction were highly concentrated.
Below were the vessels of plasma, with monitoring devices. Small mechanical clones sat quietly next to the dials and talking to each other, waiting for their intervention. 
The tanks were really huge, several hundred meters each. A large golden yellow sphere shone on top, indicating an optimal reaction. 
Yes, it was a very large ship. Our guide took us to the tanks to show the efficiency of the cooling system.He explained that regularly, debris of rock and ice clog collectors, charged to supply the heavy hydrogen ions ship. 
In fact, such ions travel in the main vacuum and allow the container to accumulate a remarkable speed, if injected in small quantities in the reactors.
The vessel also contained water reserves and methane, essential for activity on board. Such reservations were autogenic. 
Our visit continued with the boiler room, a set of facilities under high surveillance. In fact, all the heating of the reaction vessel wine. Such reaction, slow blow (near cold fusion) sometimes occurred low radioactivity, radioactive particles and heavy hydrogen were immediately injected back into the reactor for inert. Inert particles, aims to stabilize by a significant contribution of neutrons or protons. These particles are reconverted into fuel or water.
This is because the radioactivity is considered a transgression, and also an energy that damages life.Is considered a great loss of energy, geniuses are developing teams that are absolutely devoid maintenance, easy and safe, with many filters. 
All perfect reaction was based on a circle, and propulsion this ship, our guide explained, was, therefore, perfect circle.  
The ship left in its wake only streaks of photons. 
Technicians who officiated in the boiler room were all androids, controlled by valets and clones. This was because of the risk of burns during repairs.
Cobrizados seemed alien robots, were docile and efficient. Each robot had an uneven gait, and each had subtle differences. The robots sometimes answered a name chosen clones. 
Our tour ended and we hurried back to our lab, relieved to escape the hot heat of the boiler room. We were delighted with this raid. 
A few days later, as we were given the opportunity to visit the galleries maintenance, we welcomed visitors to our laboratory. 
It's always like, if we can even seem cold, we like toexchange scientific data and discuss in detail.
The visitors were pleased with the pictures we had taken of microscopic organisms and ways of life comfortable and star empty ice had detected. If we wait! 
There was a happy exchange, there were many botanists and paleontologists on this visit. 
We've been five months on board and we were approaching Earth. Oh yeah! 
We reempaquetamos our team and boarded a smaller boat. Stency She was terrified by the spectacle of stellar pillars and arches. He had to blindfold him.
We enter the path of the shot near your solar system, then our boat retreated to a crazy speed, which caused us intense discomfort, even for the most experienced. We crossed several fields of energy and we approach the world, the Earth, a cradle of blue and pearl, surrounded by a dazzling brilliance. We could barely look at her. The ship plunged through the clouds and literally crossed the atmosphere, and then went on the road deceleration through a demeaning well, cut through the earth 's crust. 
There was heavy fighting finally stopped the boat, we were in a well - lit shed with beautiful purple fists on the walls. 
A delegation of scientists approached to book us a kind welcome.
I hastened to remove the bandeau Stency small, yet very experienced in our crossing. The poor man trembled with fear and was barely in her legs. I had to use it. 
Spasmed, the eldest of our group left a sarcastic comment. 
We were taken to laboratories. Friendly valet proposed to bring Revitalizing for those who had suffered discomfort during the crossing drinks. 
We all accept with pleasure. The valet reappeared soon, and we realized it was a friendly alien lady. 
We all drank and splendid surface even served a drink for my little. I have not forgotten this gesture, which is rare.
Having completed our journey, we fell asleep soon.Relieved to find a work environment that was dear to us. 
I was very happy to report on this long journey. I leave wishing you a happy day, dear friends of the Earth. " 
The healer Lestrys

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