
16 de noviembre de 2018

Saint Germain message to Lightworkers

 Breathe! Change gear! Relax! Relax! The overall reset of currency (GCR) and revaluation (RV) are imminent! 

 let me tell you know what's floating around in their heads. 

 "When will spend the RV? How will my date exchange? When will" The Event , "When will we go to the Hollow Earth? When will land galactic? How long before our mentors? When will happen revelation? What about all those mass arrests? When will we get flying cars? (smile) How long we have to fulfill our humanitarian projects before ...? When can I climb aboard a spaceship with my galactic family? When will I be ASCENSION?

 "Well, as you can imagine, I can not reveal deep secrets of what is happening behind closed doors. But keep in mind that your equipment Alliance continue their efforts to achieve RV / GCR. It's 

not about" if "but only" when. " 

Each of you, my precious hearts, have their own ideas about all these above items. Please keep your minds and open hearts , you've been reading, researching, watching videos, meditating and talking in chat rooms since you woke 3D coma in which you were raised. of course, this is to be expected! 

expect the unexpected. Enjoy the experience!

You see it? Note that I'm not just talking about your appointments. "The Event" can happen before their exchanges. Their mentors may appear in an expected time; As in the middle of your dinner or first thing in the morning before you've brushed your teeth! You can see an Ascended Master and / or a member of the Galactic Family in sharing your appointment. 

Relax. Breathe. Win your guidance and enjoy the experience. After all, you have all worked very hard and deserve a wonderful experience. This is a great time and many wonderful events are scheduled to take place.It is my desire to see you all next fully embrace these experiences with open minds and hearts.

I am your St. Germain and I send many blessings on this beautiful day. Thanks again for your service

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...