
23 de noviembre de 2018

SHEKINAH AND METATRÓN: this moment brings liberation and freedom.

Important notice


Good morning, Shekinah and Metatron have joined today to announce something great.

The time has come, your work, your strength, faith and patience take you to this moment. And this moment brings liberation and freedom.

Today we can say that many of you will be RELEASED.

This means that the treasure chest will be open and will remain open forever. This means the kingdom of the Creator as it came and is here to stay.

You, my friends who were here to fight and defend this cause, will be the first to be liberated. And we are deeply grateful for all your efforts and service to our beloved Creator.

He will no longer hide in you, the Creator will live present in a way that you have not experienced before. You will be directly inspired by the Source and you will experience something new and unique.

A new door will open ... When this door is opened, it will remain open forever, burning with the Divine flame of Creation in deep connection with the PUREEST LOVE of all.

You waited so long for this, so many ups and downs, but the upper road is here for you to enjoy and receive the fruits of your labor.

This liberation process will not happen for all at the same time, it will be a process that will have its culmination in December 2020.

But it is beginning now and many of them are feeling a new vibration, the change can feel very present. There is no mistake, you can feel it!

Until November 25, we are still finishing this task of clearing the way, so it is normal that you still have some small challenges, but now everything feels much easier and simpler, because you feel that this flame burns inside you.

The divine connection is there to let you know and recognize everything you have done and now brings gifts of all kinds. Pay attention ;)

You will feel different, alive, secure, empowered, cheerful, aligned, passionate.

Your sacred heart is leading the way and takes the hand of your life in such a delicious way.

Enjoy this moment under the sun and rejoice for all this movement of FREEDOM that begins now.

Be grateful, today is Thanksgiving, so thank ALL. The good and the bad moments. The challenges, the blessings, the pains, the laughter.


So they took you here at this moment, in this INCREDIBLE
time, space, reality that has given you the opportunity of great growth, never seen before.

It has been difficult, but you are LIVE and so singularly you. Drinking from the depths of the power of your soul, part of a team of warriors who came to prepare these lands for the coming of our beloved Creator.

We bless you and we are tremendously grateful for you

We are the Twin Flames Shekinah and Metatron 🔥🔥

(Susana Tavares)

N.T. : Shekinah and Metatron are celestial intermediaries. Shekinah is the "real presence" of the Divine. Metatron is the one who shares the throne with the Creator.

With love <3
Translation: LUZ Peña - C. NANMURA

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