
15 de enero de 2019

Crystalline Cities of Light

Before the Lemurian era, they have been connected to the Earth and its human inhabitants, Cities of Light higher dimensions. Since the first initiate had his first transcendental experience, humans began to have a direct connection with these crystal cities. 

Perhaps a meditation, or in a lucid dream, the seeker suddenly finds himself walking outside your body up on a flight by glass steps toward a temple beautiful, light-filled glass. There, a Being of Light welcomes visitors with the gift of a golden spear, a bow and a crown, or a wand of glass. They can exchange or not words. When the vision is complete the person returns to waking consciousness still feeling the energy and light flowing through your body. 

These visits bring great joy and encouragement on the path. The example just given is very simple, compared to the vast possibilities. But it is a typical starting point. Later on our way, initiations may occur in the crystal temples. And eventually, the search will be invited to enter a whole Crystal City Light. These cities of Light are made entirely of glass walls and doors and generally long complex of temples and various forms of sacred geometry. 

I would now like to make you aware of some of the locations of the Cities of Light on Earth and the secret protocol to access them. 
Mount Shasta is one of the only two Cities of Light currently anchored at ground level on the planet. So let me begin our journey there.

The first time I visited Mount Shasta in California in 1985, he knew nothing about vortices and Cities of Light. Therefore, I was very surprised when I received Saint Germain (who had not heard.) The lovingly told me the source of all major problem areas in my life and what to do about it. When I returned to the site and told my friend, in ecstasy, what happened, he replied "Oh yeah, Mount Shasta is known for things like this. It was supposed to be a vortex or something", well I was convinced! I began regular pilgrimages, during which I always carried a large clear quartz crystal, which led me to bring. These magical visits continued until I moved here in October 1988.

In 1988, just before I moved here, I had my first experience, I saw a big city Crystalline Light floating like a mile and a half on the top of Mount Shasta. At first I only saw the outside. Beings of Light from the holy city contacted me, took me through activations, healings and meditations gave me to do, or just sent me love. He was being prepared for deep experiences to come.

Each visit was better and more powerful than before. In a memorable trip in late 1985, my visual interpretations were altered so that everything I saw - people, rocks and trees alike - appeared slightly geometrically stylized and had numbers written on them. I automatically knew what the numbers meant and I had an instant understanding of key historical details in the life of each person or natural object. Even he dreamed of sacred geometry and numbers, without words, as if they were an old language and totally familiar. St. Germain was there to give me guidance from my personal life too. It was in December 1989 when he finally knew who she'd been talking all these years.

At that time the retreat space of the Ascended Masters, in the highest of the two peaks, had existed for a long time. This looks like a giant cave with a domed roof and a bonfire in the middle. Sometimes the Ascended Masters gathered at a long table. At other times sitting around the fire, or stopped as procession. Sometimes there was talk, even group discussions, while others got together in silence. Each visit was different, and remain. Anyone can call the Ascended Masters of Mount Shasta and ask permission to go to his retirement. If you are admitted, an Ascended Master will come to take you. You will be greeted by a teacher or Ascended Master dressed in long white robes.

The Ascended Masters Retreat is also the gathering place in Mount Shasta for the Great White Brotherhood: a mystical order of Beings of Light, both human and higher dimensions, they are working on
benefit of spiritual awakening of Earth and ascension. When you find yourself in, try not to have expectations. This will allow you to be receptive to what the Masters deem appropriate for you at that time. You can meet a single person or many. You may notice other humans around or not. Remains open and receptive. Retreat from within the Ascended Masters, you can ask to be admitted to the meeting room of the Intergalactic Federation of Light, in the upper quadrant of the smallest peak Shastina. In my understanding, this space was anchored on Mount Shasta in 1993, shortly after the City of Light was anchored at 5000 feet elevation. Before March 1993, the City of Light of Mount Shasta has remained on the mountain.

I felt strongly compelled to drive as far as possible that night with a friend. Near 5000 feet, both felt an incredible surge of energy and knew we had passed through a portal of some sort. A mile or two later, she came another wave and a rare movement of energies. At that point I tuned in and asked the Ascended Masters, through clairaudience, they told me what was happening. Jesus answered immediately appearing before me and telling me to expand my clairvoyance to see the mountain as if from a distance. I saw, once a giant ship Light surrounding and containing the entire mountain. Jesus told me that I had called up the mountain and be part of the anchor of the City of Light at ground-level.

We would be in the City of Light, a fifth-dimensional level, all the way to our destination at Bunny Flat. He said sixth dimension levels would start on the line of trees. Eventually, all the physical city of Mount Shasta and the surrounding area, it would be anchored as a living City of Light. But it will take many years. He continued to say that Mount Shasta is the first physical city to operate by consensus and higher law. That night on Mount Shasta was the most magical you had. Crystal Light rays were visible to both my friend and me. I felt like we were truly in holy communion with God. 

The pillars of the temple were lowered at different elevations, geometric buildings were put in place. Jesus said that the depth of the snow was used to anchor the sacred geometry. Snowflakes have a natural crystalline geometric structure, that creates the physical anchorage of the crystalline higher dimensional energies. Once the City of Light was anchored in the snow and into the Earth, would remain deepen and expand, even after the snow melted. Since that time, it has been a Temple of Ascension anchored directly on the peak of Shasta. It is an elongated cone becomes a crystalline spiral course. When you walk from its lowest point near the peak of Shasta, you're energized and your light body is activated.

Sometimes, first-time visitors do not go all the way through the upper end of the spiral; sometimes if they do. When you are raised through the tip of the spiral, the Temple of Ascension is a gateway to many other places, including: Shambalah a Venusian City of Light, City Light Machu Pichu and others. Where to go is something very individual and is determined by the guardians of the Temple of Ascension. Beneath Mount Shasta Also, it's a Lemurian City, which has its own complex of temples. Again, your admission and personal experience there is very individual. Many visitors to this Lemurian City are received in the circular courtyard of the temple complex. This is a very lively and social place, with a large fountain, lots of flowers, and benches. Lemurian tend to embrace more than the Ascended Masters and other guides. You can be invited to visit their homes, the library or a specific temple. Just enjoy! On February 8, 2000, I was received during a morning meditation by several members of the Superior Council of Light Star Temple Dolphin. Mystery School Star Dolphin is one of which I have been founder and canal. In our Superior Council there are various Ascended Masters, the Pleiadians, the Sirians and Andromedan Emissaries of Light, two masters of the Karmic box, Goddess Antares, Hathor and Hathor (his assistants), Sekhmet, Isis, Thoth, Osiris, Ptah , Maat, Ra, and An-Ra, and the three Elohim: Elohim of Divine Love, the Elohim of Divine Grace, and the Elohim of Divine Innocence.

Temples of the Sun traditionally been used as places for ceremonies during the equinoxes and solstices, to help humans in alignment with the Divine Plan while it is calibrated with our time cycles (corresponding to orbital cycles. ) in other words, we realign us with our place in the cosmos, the purpose of our soul and Earth and universal Divine Plan, through our connection with our local.Los Sol Masters who approached me on that day, I was informed that we had built enough multidimensional Light and anchoring higher dimensional energies, which gave us our own Inner Sanctuary within Mount Shasta. The inner sanctum of the Temple of the Star Dolphin is now part of the City of Light of Mount Shasta. It is a small resort itself. To travel there, he invoked three times, the guardians of the inner sanctuary of the Temple of the Star Dolphin Mount Shasta. Tell them you would like to visit the shrine and receive any light activation or cures that are appropriate for you for your own spiritual path. You do not have to be within "Mystery School" to be welcome there. The complex has a central Temple of Ascension, a meeting room for the Superior Council and a library containing relevant records of the Halls of Amenti and the Library of Alexandria in Atlantis. There are many healing rooms and rooms with light cameras where you can receive energy balance, Ka activations to embody your higher cure nervous system, and all sessions of the House of Light listed in Pleiadian Workbook ... The guides will show you what you can use and how. There is also a social and music area that looks like a patio. A great source is located centrally in the yard. If you enter it you will pass through a doorway to the patio area Lemurian temple complex. . Mount Shasta is one of the many sacred sites on Earth that hosts a Temple of the Sun The others that I have knowledge are on the east side of Mount Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii; below Uluru (formerly known as Ayer's Rock) in central Australia; the Great Pyramid of Giza in Cairo, Egypt; The Tor in Glastonbury, England, site of the old Avalon; Palenque in Mexico; Machu Pichu in Peru.

Before physical birth in each lifetime, our soul passes through the sun. Inside the Sun, left a trail of encodings released in time for our purpose for that life.
The Sun also printed in our co-created the Divine Plan for the Earth during our next life souls. When we do ceremonies at sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight aspects of daily Earth orbit, we realign with these encodings. You can also see the sun at any time and ask the sun to help them to achieve their goals, while breathing the sunlight inside your body and chakras. As we progress through life and complete mint, Sun releases new encodings for us, through its rays, this drives the activation of our next goals in our lives. This sacred relationship has been honored in most indigenous cultures throughout time in various spiritual practices. Lake Titicaca, another of the chakras of the earth, It contains a crystalline City of Light under its deep waters. For many seekers who have experienced the Lake Titicaca, the City of Light looks more like a space station than a city. This is because, as the City of Light of Mount Shasta, is both.These Cities of Light serve as places of many Beings of Light of higher dimensions from other star systems. Lake Titicaca is the headquarters of the Intergalactic Federation of Light. This Intergalactic Federation is composed of members of the Galactic Federation of Light Andromeda and the Milky Way. The Milky Way and Andromeda are twin galaxies, also called cosmic twins.Intergalactic other members come from the Great Central Sun, including the Elohim, Archangels, Supreme Beings of numerous galaxies and even large sections of the universe. Located centrally in the underwater resort of Lake Titicaca is a Temple of the Great Central Sun that connects to the Crystal Star Earth in the center of the Earth at its lowest point. From the tip of its cone-shaped spiral in the center of this great temple roof dome, there is a portal that opens into the Great Central Sun. The Great Central Sun Temple literally anchors the land connection with the Great Central Sun and with the Divine Source.

The other Earth chakras are located in: Mount Denali, Alaska; Mount Fuji near Tokyo, Japan; Mount and Lake Batur in Bali, Indonesia; Table Mountain near Capetown, South Africa; and Delphi, Greece. Each has its own City of Light, with its own functions, like all Land thirteen chakras. Right now Mount Shasta and Lake Titicaca are the only two Cities of Light anchored at ground level. The other eleven are located ethereally on places of physical chakras. If you decide to explore these, ask your meditation, or before going to sleep, that the guardians of the City of Crystalline Light in particular you want to visit, come and take you if it is for your highest good at this time. It is not appropriate to accelerate initiation or access to a higher frequency or multidimensional places, if you're not properly prepared and it is your right time. That is why Crystalline Cities of Light have guardians to ensure your safety and to maintain the purity of sacred space.

If you ask three times and get no answer, then it is not the right time. Guardians and teachers will come for you when the time is right, once you've made the request. Many cities of Crystal Light and individual etheric temples exist beyond what I have named. Just trust that when the time comes for you to experience, your guides will make sure it happens. When you visit a chakra physically Earth greets the Ascended Masters, the Devas and the keepers of the sacred space. Tell them you've come to commune with the Beings of Light City of Light and receives its share whatever is appropriate.

Also let them know that you would like to experience and honor the sacred space that purpose, and ask permission to enter. When this sacred protocol is followed, it tends to open your multidimensional access to beauty and light deeper. It is also traditional in many spiritual cultures bring a gift. Maybe nuts or chocolates for the spirits of nature, or a small amount of corn. Leave crystals only if you specifically to guide it. Otherwise not be appropriate for the site. I like to carry water from Mount Shasta and put some into water sources other sacred sites to create links to other sites. Whatever you do or wherever you go, come with the spirit of honor and sanctify and gifts you receive will be greater than those des.

By Amorah Quan Yin 
Amorah is founder of the Mystery School Dolphin Star Temple, one contemporization of the Egyptian Mystery School. She is author of the books Pleidian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka, The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba, Pleiadian Perspectives on Human 
Evolution. She also offers private sessions by phone or in person. 
Contact: PO Box 1581, Mt. Shasta, Ca. 96067; Website:; e-mail

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