
1 de enero de 2019

Metatron-The Law of One in France - Part 1, The Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin creating death, fear and destruction under the name of "Holy War".

Metatron-The Law of One in France - Part 1 The Power of Darkness usually enters the realm of the "sacred" under the guise of religious fanaticism, creating death, fear and destruction under the name of "Holy War". by James Tyberonn

The Law of One in France - Part 1 of two parts

Copyright 2018 duly reserved

The Atlantean energy conflict, the  " duel of duality "  between the benevolent group of the  " Law of One "  and the  " Sons of Belial " based on greed, lasted for many millennia before the final destruction of Atlantis. In one aspect of overview, this is indeed the polarity, the appearance of duality   " dark vs. light " ... and spills - by the nature of the  " lessons "  of the kingdoms of polarity, of duality - to all times ... that's how you learn ...
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Luz Angelica, with Tyberonn the Cristalino Service. We greet you as always in a vector of unconditional love.
There have been many points in your linear story that extraordinary events have occurred  " crossroads " , which provided the path of Ascension for humanity. They are certainly vectors experience of reality on the earth plane, points on your  " 3D illusion with purpose " , the result of which determines the likelihood of future reality.
Your psychic, Edgar Cayce spoke of such interventions ...

Insertion: Edgar Cayce Reading 416-7 ... Unless there is an interference of what many might call  " the forces and supernatural influences " that are active in the affairs of nations and peoples around the world -for so to speak will be set on fire by militaristic groups and those who are  " for "  the power and expansion in such associations ...  ( ECR # 416-7 )

It has been much more concerted effort than even the most aware of you imagine at graduation Earth leading to the Ascension of mankind. Some of it would be very surprising to you, even shocking.

But we say that the defeat of the Spanish Armada  ( leading to the Inquisition ) and even the defeat of Nazi Germany were two events whose outcome was influenced by envoys  " special "  of what you might call supernatural intervention ...

~ Both groups mentioned above belonged to the central power of the  " Belial "  of Atlantis.
If the two above named results would not have been  " influenced supernaturally ", the planet and humanity could have taken a path towards a probable reality vastly different ...
However; before continuing we clearly insist on the truth, which is that the Ascension of Earth actually happened 12-12-12, and Ascension of the  critical mass of humanity is on track to occur approximately about 15 generations. We tell you that there have been sent from the future who have returned holograms from different periods of time to ensure this.

The period of European history called  " Renaissance "  was supported and manifested by the massive influx of highly advanced purposeful soul group members of the  " Law of One " . It was this influence which began to extract, and convert the primal neutralize negativity that dominated the period called  " Dark Ages " into a period of  " Renaissance of Light " ... the Renaissance.

The medieval period, the  " Dark Ages " , emerged with the fall of the Roman Empire, creating a lawless time, with looting and massacres of warlords and regional conflict primitive. Sects of monks and religious orders sought refuge in monasteries on the mountaintops to preserve literacy. Civilization deteriorated. Mobs took refuge around various fortifications and castles of the rich and noble landowners seeking protection ... in what later became the  " feudalism. "

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Christian Catholic Papacy became increasingly dependent of an aristocracy often corrupt and self- interested, for support and protection. By 1300, the Roman Church was divided during intense conflict in an inflamed struggle that led to the separation called the  " Great Schism " . This sharply divided Christendom, and led to a greater politicization of the Roman Catholic Church. The papacy was claimed by opposing sides. During this time, other  " popes " disturbing claimed power in disputes. The division greatly weakened the control of the Church and led to new alliances corrupt. Roman Catholic policies of this period were designed to meet the rich and powerful Catholic monarchs Europeans ... they used to virtually control the Pontiff and the Cardinals.

It began Reform  ( Protestant movement ) . Control of Christianity was under a great threat, and the dark was formally created  " inquisition "  in Spain, and was backed by the Roman Catholic Papacy. The power of darkness usually enters the realm of the  " sacred "  under the guise of religious fanaticism, creating death, fear and destruction under the name of  " Holy War " .

The Inquisition was certainly a dark energy that involved forced confessions, intense conversions, exiles, infamous torture, burning of heretics, certainly horrendous fears and  " ethnic cleansing. "
Many may not be aware that the Jewish population was the main victim of the Inquisition, followed in number of deaths by Protestants and Moors.

Austria's Habsburg dynasty docked with the Spanish monarchy  ( and controlled )His vast armies controlled most of Europe, except France. A powerful army that threatened to conquer not only Europe but formed the  " New World " .

If they had not stopped, first the Protestant Queen Elizabeth  ( daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII )  and later Louis XIII and Louis XIV Reyes, by Richelieu and Mazarin respectively in the Thirty Years' War, the result It would have been a  " New World "  very different, unfortunately much darker. It would have delayed the planetary ascension and human.

We have previously shared with you that what can be called, divine forces  "supernatural " , are able to intervene in the course of human events. Really highly unlikely improbable defeat, and the virtual destruction of the Spanish naval armada in 1588 was an event of that kind ... a critical juncture, a key juncture on the path of human civilization. However, the defeat of the Armada not completely blocked the  " Forces of the Inquisition " ... the final defeat occurred through the efforts of France, during the reign of King Louis XIII of France and his son and heir, Louis XIV , the  " Sun King " .

Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin
Both Louis XIII and Louis XIV, and the Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin were indeed members of the family Atlantean Law of One on a mission. At the time of Louis XIII, France was still quite feudal, without a centralized government with no scope for national law and power. Dukes, barons and feudal lords and sometimes ruthlessly controlled fiefdoms with hand wickedly wild and dictatorial iron.

Feudalism was a combination of legal and military customs in  medieval Europe that flourished between the ninth and fifteenth centuries. Defined broadly, society was rigidly structured around relations of servitude derived from the landed gentry, demanding service work  " slave " . This included not only control the nobility, but the correlative obligations of the  three states  ( NT classes ) of the kingdom :  nobility, priesthood or clergy, and the remaining 99% of common ... those who lived a day, for mere survival, getting just enough food to survive in exchange for his ceaseless work, or servitude,  peasantry  bound by the manors of feudal society.

J. Tyberonn Metatron:  Fascinating ¿ Can you talk more about the role of Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin ? 

A. Metatron :  Indeed. Your recorded history is often subject to bias and political prejudices, and a deliberate tendency to record what those who call themselves historians want you to believe, rather than what actually happened. By the way defamation of Richelieu and Mazarin it is quite unjustified; on the contrary, they were honorable men, taking enormous tasks ... were not unscrupulous and corrupt.

Neither Richelieu nor Mazarin had autonomous control as involving some historians. Every action and important regulation required the consultation and approval of the King, and used to be reviewed by the court supervising councils. But he, Richelieu, was certainly the principal architect of the consolidation of a centralized government of the kingdom, and Mazarin and Louis XIV brilliantly completed what had begun under Louis XIII Richelieu.

Reading 454-2 Edgar Cayce : During the first part of  government Richelieu  in the territory   ( French ) , when power was sought -  the entity was acting in that capacity as intermediaries between the ruling made  ( Louis XIII )  and ruler mental abilities  ( Richelieu ) . (ECR- 454-2)

However, the centralization of government was needed to unite France under a single government. As stated above, if this had not happened, the likely outcome, the course of reality likely would have led to the conquest of Europe, British Isles and the total control of the colonization of the Americas by the Hapsburg / Spanish.

The centralization of power involved disempower Feudal lords and much of the peripheral nobility. Some of them actually had strengths, powerful armies and enough wealth to oppose Louis XIII and Louis XIV, and the central government was needed. Richelieu and Mazarin later, were target of hatred of the opposition. Several attempts were concocted conspiracy to attack falsely deceitfully both accuse them of treason and poison.

Both Richelieu and Mazarin were his chosen successor fully committed to their roles. They had no personal agendas itself. Both prime ministers, Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin were placed by political design of the royal court in positions to withstand the impact, be the vanguard force behind government policies and actions. Kings and received credit for the successes, and the Prime Ministers were blamed for any disagreement, and were the main target of any rejection.

Both Richelieu and Mazarin were highly advanced in their administrative talents, determined and willing, and focused purpose.

Although Cardinals were appointed within the infrastructure  " network " Catholic ... both were expansive in their views  " religious " , with a primary focus on his duties as prime ministers. Richelieu supported in fact religious freedom, not only supported the Protestant factions against the Catholic Habsburg and the Spanish nobility  ( controlled by the Habsburgs ) in the defeat of the Huguenots in France, but Richelieu did not abide by the wishes of the Queen Mother to the leaders of the Huguenots is execute  ( NT Protestant French Calvinists )Rather , it allowed religious in exchange for promises of loyalty to the king freedom  ( Louis XIII ) . In essence, this action allowed more religious freedom and detained Forces of the Inquisition.

However, because of their willingness to align France with Protestant armies and governments, Roman Catholics fans considered him a hypocrite and a traitor to - corrupto- Catholic Roman Empire  ( and Hapsburg / Spanish )  and the Inquisition.

Both Richelieu and Mazarin were physically embellished in many ways. Both received what many considered an assist  " supernatural "  in their difficult duties.

Both were  " mystics "  under the terms of today; both had lives as priests in Poseida, in Egypt, in India of Rama, Zoroaster in Persia and the Mystery Schools Greco-Pythagorean  ( as Ra-Ta and Pythagoras ) . However, this was required to hide some psychic abilities under a mode and dogma  " Christian "  more acceptable.

Both remained  " one step ahead "  of his opponents, which was no small feat, considering the complicated, cunning intrigues and deceptions in the royal courts of France at the time. Both Richelieu and Mazarin were alchemists.

Note: Edgar Cayce gave a reading of life a woman in 1932 (ECR 1714- 1) that found that she had been a clairvoyant and psychic channel consulted by Richelieu.  

Quote: " We find the company  ( then known as Katrina )  . In that known as the French period, during the time of Louis earth - during that period when Richelieu ruled with great force The bank was someone Richelieu came often seeking advice from the burned incense during that period ... " Unquote (Edgar Cayce Reading 1714-1)  
Certainly there were many members of the Law of One incarnated in the royal house, by design, to support the mission.

Now it is true that Richelieu and Mazarin were necessarily  " authoritarian " when appropriate, but this was the discipline, the appropriate course of action required to consolidate France, its highest purpose of stopping the movement of the dark forces, of  " Belial " . However both were dedicated to their purposes and certainly supported and patronized the arts, and did much to establish academies, educational and artistic institutions and universities.

Although King Louis XIII and King Louis XIV were members of the Law of One reincarnated, only Louis XIV was highly developed in their mental capacity and strength. Without the two Prime Ministers, nor Louis XIII and Louis XIV they had been able to complete the task, purpose before them. But its complement is also true: without the strong support of King Louis XIII and Louis XIV King's mission could not be completed.

Because what you are saying is that blocking the Hapsburg / Spanish group, including its 2 Sided 1 )  the defeat of the massive Navy, and 2 )  the defeat of the Austro-Spanish armies mass, was an intervention  " supernatural " . The odds 3D, the probability in terms of physicality, in this scenario favored the Spanish and Habsburg Europe to conquer and dominate the  " New World " .

In a parallel realm, this undesirable outcome did occur. It was prevented by  "changing the past " . Such is the power not recognized  " good " innate collective mind aligned with the forces of good, what you call the divine. ¿ You understand   There have been many interventions like that.
Another interesting historical note is that both Richelieu and Mazarin recognized the  " true "  attributes and benefits of crystals, gems and precious metals. Most royals, nobles and aristocracy were collecting and using embellished gems and strung artistically in gold and silver, but not truly understood their powers and used them simply as demonstrative vanities of their wealth, and as ornaments of nobility and his titles.

Note inserted by the editor (Wikipedia) It is reported that Richelieu wore a ring with a diamond of 20 carats, and collected "rock crystals" quartz, which is strung in pure gold. Mazarin had a huge collection of diamonds, some more than 50 carats. All that was donated to the crown when they died.

The  " Family Soul Guild "  of the Law of One has been together for many, many incarnations. Atlantis initially, followed by group stays in Egypt, Peru  ( OG ) , India, Persia, Tibet, Judea, Greece, Europe and the Americas.

Interestingly, in the chronology of the lives, how souls are transferred, alternating stays between power lives and lives of servitude. In time each of you will experience, absolutely, you live in roles planned in positions of power and authority. These are balanced in a purposeful program, through a separate series precise thread stays learning service attributes, often in poverty scenarios ...

In the illusion with purpose of the  " University of Duality " , the test field called earth plane, there is  a " free will. "  In the realm of polarity  " Terra "  are opposites, and evolving souls learn powerful lessons of  " co-creation responsible ".

You all make mistakes, everyone will have success. Dear ones, you learn through both ... all in good time. The illusion of time   And Masters, when linear time graduate of the University of the Earth, as will all of you ... you will realize in a moment of clarity, that all time is simultaneous,  and that all the odds were the same time Interventions  " supernatural "  are certainly shaped by the collective minds of the Gods in Training ...  You   Yes, indeed ...  all of you !

If the illusion of 3ªD not feel real, you would not learn. Certainly feel the pains, the joys they experience, are real ... and serve their growth and expansion. Teachers,  nothing is terminal, everything is dynamic  Each of you can change the past and the future. You decide chords, a stay at a time in this extraordinary creative journey, until the symphonies of their lives become a masterpiece the Divine. And the fact that most of you do not really know how truly magnificent, how truly beautiful is really melodic experience until this is completed, evidenced by his worth and courage.

I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Cristalino Service ... and we share these truths with you. They are beloved !
And that's ... And so ...
 All copyrights reserved due 2018
Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

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