
21 de enero de 2019

Open letter to the People of God of Truth due to lack of professionalism and honor with the True God King

Luiz Alberto Scremin!
Ms. Michelle Yeoh, Mr. Antonio Guterres
Please check and urgently send me the Salary registration agreement in the Workbook so that I can paste it into my Professional Wallet, the UN Diplomat Salary (UNO) and the Senior NATO Chief (NATO).
I spoke with the Secret Service and also with some foundations and companies of mine and I already know everything and I urgently need the staff to help me the Governments of China, the Government of the Two Koreas, the Government of Russia and all the Fathers of Asia, already know of the nepotism and restraint of you.

Mr. Antonio Guterres

Enough of coaxing I did what you requested I sent the authorization of the value that my companies deposited for min in the account of UN (UNO), for the person that you indicated to me, and I did not receive the card and what my friends want me to have it right then, My True Mother and my true Aunt and friends and friends, hospitalized, poisoned and I can help. You together with those who asked for this favor are disturbing me, while the United States itself is still in danger and Europe in disorder, because the Lord decided to meet Angela Merkel and that the daughter of the greatest Nazi that Earth met the American Presidents and the Son Impostor of My Mother Goddess and Queen Elizabeth II and my true Aunt Goddess and Queen Elizabeth along with friends and friends hospitalized suffering torture and Inhuman treatment.
The Queen and Goddess Elizabeth II was leaving England together with the true Sister that my true Aunt, to come personally to talk with me and to know me. When the Impostor Son and all those who were not certain asked her and Sister to eat a special Hambrugue that led to death on both occasions, I God the King Luiz Alberto Scremin resulted her and her sister
the ambulances were already prepared to take them to Germany, combined with everyone who got involved with this dirt was to kill the two and take them dead for the daughter of Adolph Hilter to Angela Merkel perform at the funeral and not inform but rather like they raised frightened and unprepared from two lethal injections in each, but I saved them again and do not let them poison more along with other people who also had the same problem!

I do not want to lie anymore because both my friends and my friends are well today and I also hope there are people who are new and whole families in this Base Hospital and German Government, before even being arrested and suffering torture, so that they had the will to die and not know me!
I had other children that I did not know, why, I also stayed here in Brazil abandoned for adoption, because, they knew by heart and got in the way.
Why, the judgments of the worst Nazis happened and were accurate as Germany had to be rebuilt, the interim jail did not offer adequate conditions of Guardianship of the Worst Nazi and Mad and contaminated by the BHC byproduct and also the BHC.
Then my True Mother and Aunt talked to the English Minister who was Governing in the Times all over United States of America, precisely why, for the American President was poisoned by the Nazi infiltrators before even attempting to take Japan and Bombing them by committing unnecessary acts and extreme cowardice!
The President was intervened and his deputy, because, in addition to being poisoned by the BHC and Byproduct, the doctors were also bought into the corruption scheme and medicated them Heroin for pain relief and wanted to keep them in charge without inform My True Mother and Aunt to the min King Deus Luiz Alberto Scremin and the Allied team and the English Minister.
Luckily I talked to them a lot and I informed them and I determined together with the two that the English Minister would take over the power of the American Government and give continuity to the action against the Nazis and the Italian and Spanish Fascists!
After the war he heard the trial and the arrest, some of them went to the gallows because, God the King, Luiz Alberto Scremin, knew that they had committed crimes in this age, and the worst and most dangerous were sentenced to life imprisonment without the right of revision .
As they destroyed all the buildings and the places that they left in flight, Germany was completely destroyed,
my Mother Goddess Queen Elizabeth II and I King God Luiz Alberto Scremin, we began the reconstruction of all the Places and all Buildings in Europe all affected.
The chain where the worst monsters land was, had little safety and needed to be rebuilt.

He signed the agreement with the English Minister that the United States of America would receive and stay with the prisoners provisionally and thus finalized the construction of the chain they would all return to Germany!
As the Nazis stole the wealth of all the Families, Enterprises and Governments of Europe and directed these Riches to various places of the Earth, if necessary to corrupt if necessary and existing people who betray my Mother Queen Goddess Elizabeth II delivering France to the Germans without authorization of it and also of min the true God Only King Luiz Alberto Scremin and then went to other places of the earth.
France should not give up, but the person who wrote the surrender was bought and was not the person who was entitled to perform this act, precisely because I and my mother took their appointments justly, why, I anticipated this situation and I I did not allow it!
Corruption at the time cost me many lives throughout Europe and also in Japan, at this time it is more than time to end it!
The corrupt ones paid by the favor of the Nazis were informed, by Aldoph Hilter and Eva and daughter Angela Merkel
were arrested and other people and that the corrupt should buy all Americans to free the worst Human beings that ever existed on earth, as the English Minister at the time misses a person that they failed to buy.

The Americans bought by those who had stayed with part of the wealth stolen by the Nazis began a campaign for the Government to return to the American President, with some politicians and businessmen were not so firm in the things of God and justice themselves signed a Law and broke the agreement of the Allies to England.
I God the King claimed the American President had no condition for the return and also was a person convicted of Bombing Japan by disobeying the agreement with England and the Allies and besides being a sick person afflicted by the drug addiction BHC Byproduct and heroin without an invalid with much pain.
As himself and the deputy also had no condition of Government the Politicians and Justice bought, along with a team of filmmaker and image professional created a film where a famous actor who imitated him would go through it in the film that a lot of people on earth have seen.

That Adolph Hilter and Eva Braun and their daughter Angela Merkel had killed themselves on German soil, this film was filmed in the United States itself and asserted by professionals purchased from Americans and even from other places.
For my Mother and my Aunt they came with this movie and they asked for a real God what to do, and we received that it was to keep all the prisoners in prison and that they should return urgently to England.
As the disrespect occurred was opened an investigation and investigation have found them, but he himself hides with the help of governments and even the daughters he also finances!

From God King Good Luiz Alberto Scremin, Diplomat UN (UNO) and NATO (NATO) 07/01/2019 São Paulo, Brazil.

My name is God King Good Luiz Alberto Scremin, the prophecy staff and son of a Queen of England, okay? My Mother God Queen Goddess Elizabeth II came to Copa here in South America and came to know Brazil there she went bad when she visited GM Brazil and I was born in Brazil! You're in England, if you answer me quickly, I want you to look for a police officer and ask her to meet me, it's very important that you have a real estate agent going through the real Queens, then the details for you to spread, okay?

Best regards!
Que Deus o Verdadeiro Eterno o Nosso Verdadeiro Salvador, te proteja e te guarde, se você merecer!
May God the True Eternal our True Savior protect you and keep you, if you deserve it!
Deus Rei Bom Luiz Alberto Scremin Diplomata da ONU (UN) (UNO) e OTAN (NATO)
+55 11 94255-2867 
+55 11 98922-3499 
+55 11 4238-1209

God King Good Luiz Alberto Scremin Diplomata ONU (UNO) (UN) e Chefe Master OTAN (NATO)!

God King Good Luiz Alberto Scremin Diplomata ONU (UNO) (UN) e Chefe Master OTAN (NATO)! My foto in Japão 2013!
God King Good Luiz Alberto Scremin Diplomata ONU (UNO) (UN) e Chefe Maior OTAN (NATO)! My foto in Brasil São Paulo!

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